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七下完形填空期中复习专项练习10篇(1~5为10空题型,6~10为15空题型)第一篇Many students like talking about the future world. Today is Sunday. Mike and Peter1.go to school. Listen! They are talking about the life2.in the room."3.will the world be like " Peter asks. "I think that the world will be a4.place to live in. And we will5.machines and robots at home. They will help us do lots of6.," says Mike."The robots will help7.cook dinner, clean the houses and 8.old people. I think there will be a kind of medicine(药) 9.it can make us live more than 100 years," Peter says."What will you do then " asks Mike."Then I will10.my great-grandchildren(曾孙) to the moon," says Peter."The moon I will go to the Mars(火星) with my wife," says Mike.1.A.aren't B.isn't C.doesn't D.don't2.A.in the futureB.at the moment C.in the past D.last week3.A.When B.Why C.What D.How4.A.bad B.difficult C.good D.well5.A.be B.have C.has D.are6.A.work B.works C.job D.thing7.A.them B.us C.we D.they8.A.looks for B.look for C.look like D.look after9.A.and B.but C.because D.so10.A.use B.bring C.take D.get第二篇Students all around the world think it great to have some pocket money. But1.do they get In the US, a little pre-school kid may get a dollar or two,2.older children get more. A lot of American parents give pocket money to their children, but their children have to do3.for their family. Most American children think earning pocket money will help them know4.better. An American kid named Jacob says, "I get pocket money once a month. I put half of5.in the bank. "In Britain, kids in primary school6.4 or 5 pounds each week. When they go into middle school, they are given about 9 pounds. In London, children get 10 pounds every week. Children in Scotland get 8 pounds, and children in Wales get the most, about 13. 5 pounds. Also, British boys have a little more pocket money than girls.7.kids in the US, British children do chores to earn their pocket money. That's why British children know a lot about spending money. 7% of them spend less than 1 pound8., 51% spend9.1 pound and 5 pounds, and 20% spend over 5 pounds every week. Most of them spend it on sweets, cookies and chocolate.If children have some pocket money, they can learn to10.what things cost and save money for things that they want.1.A.how much B.how many C.how often D.how long2.A.because B.so C.but D.or3.A.everything B.housework C.homework D.shopping4.A.parents B.family C.money D.love5.A.it B.them C.its D.my6.A.buy B.get C.take D.bring7.A.Like B.With C.For D.To8.A.every day B.every week C.every month D.every year9.A.about B.with C.over D.between10.A.work on B.go over C.get off D.find out第三篇Steve is a six year old boy. His mother Mrs. Smith is very1.and there are many rules for Steve to2..One day, Steve and his mother 3.a bus to the store. It's Steve's first time to get on a bus,4.Steve is very happy and he runs here and there on the bus. “Don't5.on the bus,dear. It's noisy and impolite(不礼貌的),” says his mother. Steve6.his mother and sits down. Then he7.a man playing the guitar in the street, so he opens the window and looks out of the bus.“Don't do that, dear. It's dangerous, ” says his mother. Again, Steve listens to her.When Mrs. Smith finds Steve wants to say something, she says, “Don't talk, dear. ” Steve looks at his mother and doesn't say anything. After they get to the store, Mrs. Smith says to Bill,“ 8.do you want to say, dear ” “You dropped your9.on the bus. You don't want me to talk, and it's too10.. You can't call Daddy, ”Steve says.1.A.healthy B.Strict C.happy D.sorry2.A.follow B.ask C.do D.write3.A.drive B.show C.take D.sell4.A.because B.so C.but D.and5.A.walk B.sing C.exercise D.run6.A.learns from B.listens to C.plays with D.thinks of7.A.sees B.feels C.makes D.helps8.A.Where B.When C.What D.Why9.A.key B.phone C.pen D.ring10.A.easy B.right C.late D.great第四篇There is a story about the grasshopper and the ant. All summer, the weather is fine and grasshopper sits in the1., singing happily all the time. And the ant2.a house under the ground."Why do you work so3." asks the grasshopper when autumn comes."4.is coming soon, it'll be very cold and it'll snow, too. It won't be5.to find any food," says the ant. "Don't be silly, my friend," laughs the grasshopper, "there will be lots of6.in winter. Let's sing and play."At last, winter comes. The ant stays in his warm house7.the grasshopper is cold in the snow. He looks for food everywhere, but he finds8..The ant comes out of his house and sees the grasshopper, "How are you, my friend " "I'm very cold. It's9.that it's difficult to find food in winter." answers the grasshopper. The ant lets him come to his house. The grasshopper thanks the ant and10.,"When spring comes, I'll work hard like you." The two friends spend a happy winter in the house.1.A.sun B.snow C.wind D.rain2.A.buys B.makes C.visits D.sees3.A.late B.hard C.fast D.early4.A.spring B.summer C.autumn D.winter5.A.free B.cool C.easy D.lucky6.A.food B.trees C.water D.animals7.A.or B.so C.and D.but8.A.nothing B.anything C.something D.everything9.A.true B.safe C.silly D.different10.A.asks B.teaches C.promises D.changes第五篇Today is Sunday and the eight year old Mona is in the1.with her mom. Mona looks at her favorite animal, the giraffe, and says, "Look, Mom! How cute she is!""Yeah! I like her, too. She's so2.," says Mom."Mom, can I feed (喂) my apple to3." asks Mona. She takes out an apple from her bag. But Mom4.her and says, "Dear, I know the giraffe is your favorite animal,5.you can't feed her. "Mona doesn't know6.. She says, "Mom, the apple is my favorite fruit and I want my favorite animal to7.it. Am I wrong ""Dear, it's not8.to feed our food to the animal," Mom says. "She might (可能) be in9.. ""Oh, what I don't want to do that," Mona says. "But…""Well, let's10.some grass (草) over there. It's good for her. ""OK. " Mona says happily.1.A.zoo B.library C.school D.hall2.A.tall B.easy C.late D.noisy3.A.me B.him C.her D.them4.A.joins B.stops C.finds D.saves5.A.so B.an C.but D.because6.A.how B.when C.where D.why7.A.eat B.keep C.wear D.follow8.A.tidy B.good C.important D.interesting9.A.time B.dream C.danger D.practice10.A.buy B.leave C.fight D.taste第六篇The elephant is the biggest four-legged animal in the world. It's also very kind,1.not always. Elephants are2.us in some ways. They3.for a long time—fifty or sixty years. They can4.things very well. They never forget very sad or very5.things. A female elephant dies(死亡), and then her daughters and her granddaughters are6.for many months. They stay with the dead7.. Then they carry a bit of it away with8.. They never forget a9.friend. Elephants are like us, but they're also10.. They live in families with females. There will be a few young males—a few" baby11.". But they will soon be kicked away by their mothers or12.. An elephant family only13.its daughters, mothers and grandmothers and its great grandmothers.The females stay together for fifty, sixty or a hundred years. The older animals look after the young ones. The mothers14.their daughters and set a good example.Isn't that15.1.A.and B.but C.so D.or2.A.for B.like C.to D.at3.A.live B.play C.work D.sleep4.A.remember B.tell C.practice D.talk5.A.happy B.friendly C.scared D.angry6.A.happy B.busy C.sad D.lost7.A.head B.legs C.body D.feet8.A.it B.him C.her D.them9.A.terrible B.bad C.young D.good10.A.different B.same C.friendly D.difficult11.A.mothers B.fathers C.girls D.boys12.A.sisters B.brothers C.fathers D.friends13.A.likes B.remembers C.makes D.has14.A.teach B.make C.fight D.run15.A.lazy B.friendly C.interesting D.difficult第七篇A young man often says that he is very1.and has nothing. One day, an old man walks2.. He hears the young3.words and says," Hello, young man! What are you4.about You have nothing That's 5.true! You have the most expensive things in the world,6.you are a rich person. The young man is very surprised and asks, "7.do you say that You can see I have nothing.8.are these expensive things " Then9.old man says, "If you sell your eyes to a rich blind man, you'll10.a lot of money and can get everything you want. Would you like to sell11."The young man doesn't want to be blind, so he says, "No. "The old man asks again, "Then what about12.your hands for some gold " The young man shakes (摇)his13.for the second time. Finally, the old man says, "Now you understand. You have14.things in the world."So, the old man teaches both the young man and us a lesson—15.is the most important for us.1.A.poor B.rich C.healthy D.strong2.A.across B.past C.through D.away3.A.man's B.woman's C.boy's D.girl's4.A.talking B.drawing C.singing D.telling5.A.quite B.not C.even D.no6.A.but B.and C.so D.however7.A.What B.When C.Why D.How8.A.What B.Who C.Where D.How9.A.the B.a C.an D./10.A.save B.buy C.make D.collect11.A.it B.him C.her D.them12.A.putting up B.washing C.turning D.selling13.A.eye B.leg C.hand D.head14.A.the happiestB.the most expensive C.the luckiest D.the cheapest15.A.gold B.time C.health D.money第八篇We did a survey(调查) about how students get to school at No. 20High School. Here are the results.There are 2, 6161.in our school. About 56%students live in the city center,2.they can take the school bus to school. The school buses bring them to 3.in the morning and take them home in the afternoon. They have lunch at school. We4.many school buses. Different students can take different school buses to school.A bout 18 %students5.their bikes to school. Because they do not6.far from school. It7.them 20 to 30 minutes to get to school. At noon, they often have 8.at school and do homework in the classroom.9.school has a large dining hall. It can hold(容纳) 2, 500 students for lunch at the same10..About 16%students live in the countryside or come11.other cities. They take the bus to school, or their parents12.them to school on Monday morning. They usually live in the school on schooldays. Then they go3.home on Friday afternoon. They can get free healthy breakfast at school.A small number of students go to school14.They live near the school. It15.takes them 5 to10 minutes to get to school. They usually go back home for lunch.1.A.teachers B.students C.workers D.people2.A.but B.because C.or D.so3.A.work B.home C.school D.park4.A.have B.make C.put D.open5.A.take B.drive C.buy D.ride6.A.study B.live C.run D.look7.A.talks B.needs C.takes D.tells8.A.breakfast B.lunch C.dinner D.supper9.A.His B.Their C.Your D.Our10.A.time B.place C.price D.end11.A.in B.to C.from D.with12.A.fly B.drive C.ride D.ask13.A.back B.there C.up D.about14.A.by bike B.by bus C.on foot D.by car15.A.only B.really C.rightly D.sure第九篇"Please, Mom, sit down and let me help you," says Fred Lis some, a twelve-year-old boy. Mrs. Lissome, looking pale and1., is moving weakly about, trying to wash the2.after breakfast.She smiles and says," You, Fred, you wash the dishes ""Yes, Mom,"3.Fred. "I can do it4.I see you do it every day."A look of relief(宽慰)comes over his mom's5.as she sits in her chair. Fred washes the dishes. Then he cleans the kitchen,6.the potatoes up from the cellar (地窖)for the dinner and then7..When school is over, Fred goes back home8., helps his mom cook9., sets the tables and again10.the dishes. He keeps on in this way for two or three days until his mom can do11.usual work.One day, the doctor says to his mom," Well, madam, I can see you did have a good rest, and you are very well now. "The doctor's words make Fred12..The13.doesn't know how the ""rest" has happened, and he doesn't know how Fred is excited at his words,14.. To help his mom, Fred gives up a lot of things that boys enjoy the most. He can't swim or skate15.the boys. He leaves school as soon as school is over because he wants to help his mother with more housework.1.A.happy B.tired C.sorry D.sad2.A.hands B.clothes C.shoes D.dishes3.A.talks B.cries C.answers D.asks4.A.and B.but C.because D.so5.A.face B.nose C.hand D.head6.A.brings B.cooks C.throws D.plants7.A.goes to workB.goes to schoolC.goes to the park D.goes home8.A.slowly B.sadly C.quickly D.loudly9. A.breakfast B.lunch C.dinner D.rice10.A.makes B.buys C.sells D.washes11.A.his B.her C.my D.your12.A.sad B.worried C.interested D.excited13.A.nurse B.doctor C.teacher D.worker14.A.too B.also C.well D.either15.A.with B.for C.to D.from第十篇The Macintosh family is in England. There are1.people in the family. Mr. Macintosh is a farmer. On the2.three people work for him. They help3.look after the animals. Mrs. Macintosh is a4.. She teaches music. She can play the piano5.the guitar. She often6.in her class and her students like her songs very much. Mr. and Mrs. Macintosh have one son and one daughter. Their7.name is Tom and their daughter's name is Fiona. Tom and Fiona like music very much. Tom can play the guitar and his8.can play the piano. Tom and Fiona go to the school9.club every Wednesday. Next month they will play10.all the teachers and students in their school. Mrs. Macintosh is very11.for them. She says, "I'm12.you will do a good job!"Mr. Macintosh13.play the guitar or the piano, but he can sing. Sometimes, the family play and14.together after dinner in the evening. That's Mr. Macintosh's favorite15.activity.1.A.four B.five C.six D.seven2.A.school B.library C.farm D.club3.A.her B.him C.them D.us4.A.singer B.player C.farmer D.teacher5.A.but B.and C.or D.as6.A.plays B.talks C.sings D.dances7.A.daughter's B.son's C.father's D.mother's8.A.sister B.brother C.son D.daughter9.A.art B.swimming C.soccer D.music10.A.in B.at C.for D.on11.A.bored B.happy C.interested D.great12.A.sure B.worried C.relaxed D.afraid13.A.can B.can't C.must D.mustn't14.A.dance B.draw C.sing D.run15.A.school B.club C.farm D.familyKeys第一篇DACCDB ABDAC 第二篇ACBCA BABDD第三篇BACBD BACBC第四篇ABBDC ADAAC第五篇AACBC DABCA第六篇BBAAA CCDDA DADAC第七篇ABAAB CCAAC DDDBC第八篇BDCAD BCBDA CBACA第九篇BDCCA ABCCD BDBDA第十篇ACBDB CBADC BABCD

