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2023下半年英语四级阅读仔细阅读练习及答案(3)2023-07-07 08:57:00来源:网络 【好课】新东方英语四级精品课|【优惠】四级名师网课|四级名师免费课【考试报名】英语四级报名时间|入口|英语四级考试时间|英语四级考试流程【四级备考】英语四级重点词汇表英语四级阅读理解100篇精析



Section C

Directions:There are 2 passages in this section.Each passage isfollowed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each ofthem there are four choices marked A.,B.,C.andD..You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

Passage One

Questions 56 to 60 are based on thefollowingpassage.

They say that sticks and stones may break your bones,but words will never hurt you.Yet childhood bullying really can damage your long-term health.

Gone are the days when bullying was considered an inevitable and ultimately harmless part of growing up—iust last month we learned that childhood bullying can lead to poorer mental health even into middle age.

Now William Copeland at Duke University in Durham,North Carolina,and his colleagues have shown that it can have lingering physiological effects too.They tracked 1420 9-year-olds right through their teens.Each child was seen up to nine times during the study and quizzed about bullying.The team then measured levels of C-reactive protein in their blood.CRP is a marker of inflammation(炎症)linked to higher risk of cardiovascular disease (心血管疾病)and problems like diabetes.

“Because we were collecting biological samples throughout,we were able to look at CRP levels in subjects prior to their bullying involvement.”says Copeland.“This really gives us an idea of the changes bullying brings about.”

Although CRP levels naturally rise in everyone during adolescence,levels were highest in children who reported being tormented by bullies.Even at the ages of 1 9 and 2 1,children who had once been bullied had CRP levels about 1.4 times higher than peers who were neither perpetrators nor victims.In a cruel twist,the bullies had the lowest levels of all.suggesting they didn’t suffer the same health risks. They may even see a benefit from their behavior,though Copeland stresses it doesn’t vindicate(辩护)their actions.“The goal would instead be to find other ways to produce this protective effect without it being at someone else’s expense,”he says.

Andrea Danese at King’s College London has previously shown that maltreatment during childhood can lead to higll levels of inflammation in adult life.“This new study is a helpful addition in showing that these effects extend to another important childhood stressor,”he says.He suggests that care workers could monitor levels of CRP in children having psychotherapy to see if it is helping to soothe the stress of being bullied.

56.What do you know about CRP?

A.It is a symbol of the inflammation.

B.It is a symbol of cardiovascular.

C. It relates directly to diabetes.

D.It is a symbol of physiological effects caused by bullying.

57.What does Copeland mean by saying“prior to their bullying involvement”(Line 2,Para.4)?

A.Before the children bullied others.

B.Before the children were bullied.

C.In preference to the children’s bullying behavior.

D.In preference to the children’s being bullied.

58.What can be learned from paragraph 5?

A. The levels of CRP of the children being bullied are much higher than their peers.

B. CRP levels naturally rise along with the increase of age.

C.The bullies are not blamed for the health risks of the bullied.

D. Copeland intends to defend the benefit of the bullies’actions.

59.What does Andrea Danese suggest about childhood maltreatment?

A. It has nothing to do with inflammation in adult life.

B.Copeland’s study shows nothing related to it.

C.CRP is the marker of childhood abuse.

D. It has an influence on Children’s CRP levels.

60.What is the main idea of this passage?

A.Bullying is harmless to children’s growth.

B.CRP levels reflect the risks of poorer health.

C.Bullying does harm to a person all through his life.

D.Children once bullied have higher CRP levels than peers who are not.

56.What do you know about CRP?关于CRP你知道些什么?

A.It is a symbol ofthe inflammation.它是炎症的标志物。

B.It is a symbol ofcardiovascular disease.它是心血管疾病的标志物。

C.It relates directly to diabetes.它与糖尿病有着直接的关系。

D.It is a symbol ofphysiological effects caused by bullyin9.它是欺凌引起的生理效应的标志物。

答案:B A A D C



