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2024年6月大学英语四级考试阅读真题解析(一)时间:来源:阅读:次四六级资料下载收藏 已收藏分享到:2024年6月大学英语四级考试来啦,文都四六级小编在考后及时整理英语四级真题及答案解析,供考生参考。选词填空文章开头A team of researchers led by Priyanka...答案速查26-35 OBCAD MNIFE26. 0) ultimate27.B) attaining28.C) conclusion29.A) approximately30. D) difficult31.M) significantly32 .N)source33.l) manipulated34. F) fixed35.E)emerges长篇阅读文章标题How to better work touards long-terme答案速查36-40ICMFA 41-45 KELBG题干、答案和定位处36. Our brains are genetically determined to satisfyimmediate desires.【1】定位:Our brains are hard-wired for instantar gratification.37. Taken in a practical way,saving for post-workyears is like giving money away to others.【C】定位:Understand in that way,saving forretirementis the equivalent of giving money awayto someone else entirely.38.Research found that, as regards achievementof one's goals, it is important to focus more onenjoying the process than the long-term benefits.【M】定位:Thesefihdings suggest that when ti comes to achieving your goals, enjoying theprocess itself is more important than wanting thelong-term benefits.39.Regarding our future selves as still beingourselves will help us make better long-termdecisions.【F】定位:If the central problem...,it follows that trying to identify more closely with our futureselves will encourage us to make betterlong-termdecisions.40.Savings rates in America have dropped inrecent decades even though people's life expectancy has increased.【A】定位:Across the board ,people are livinglonger... And yet, saving rates in the U.S. have gonedown in recent decade,not up.41. Researchers found that enjoyment rather thanimportance enabled people to persist in their goals.【K】定位:We found that enjoyment predictedpeople'sgoal persistence two months aftersettingthe goal far more than howimportant theyrated their goal to be, Woolley said.42.When making decisions, we give priority to ourcurrent frame of mind without thinking much ofthe consequences.【E】 定位:...but in doing so we prioritize our current moot over the consequences of our inaction for the future self.43.People ate more of a healthy food when they focused on its good taste instead of its long-term benefits. 【L】定位:For example, people ate 50% more of a healthy food when directed to focus on the good taste rather than the long-term health benefits.44.As was expected,when people thought of their present selves, their brains were observed to become more active.【B】定位:Unsurprisingly, people’s brains were most active when thinking about their current selves and...45.Researchers found that participants who saw the images of their aged selves would save more for their later years than those who didn't.【G】定位:Participants who saw their aged selves said they would save 30% more of their salary for retirement than the control group.Passage One 文章开头People often wonder why some entrepreneurs...答案46-50 BADCR'46.What does the author say we need to do to strengthen our willpower?B).Apply it continuously. 47.How are almost half of our daily actions performed according to the passage?A)Out of habit. 48.what will help people stick to doing something constructive automatically?D) .Foreseeing the desired outcome it will yield.49.How does the art of self-control help us succeed?C) .By enabling us to take positive actions.50.Why can it be difficult for us to maintain self-control?B). we may not get immediate reward from self-control.Passage Tow文章开头Today,most scientific research is funded by government... 答案51-55 DBACC 51.What does the passage mainly discuss regarding scientific research?D). lts funding. 52.What do we learn from the passage about researchers like birdwatchers and rock collectors?B). They can do research with limited resources. 53.What would scientific studies look like in a perfect world according to the author?A). They would be totally unbiased. 54.What does the author say about companies and special interest groups?C).They provide valuable resources for scientific research.55.What does the author think of research funded by industry or special interest group?C). It’s validity should be checked with additional care.准备考研的同学可以关注>>>文都考研网
