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2022年6月英语四级试题及答案电子版 第三套



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《2022年6月英语四级试题及答案电子版 第三套》 

作文3WritingWrite proposals for the service of school hospital范文:Dear Sir or Madam,I hope you are doing great. I am Li Ming, a sophomore majoring in English Language education. I am writing to make suggestions on making an application for improving our school clinic' s services.The first feature of the application is a website that enables students to express their dissatisfaction about the doctors attitude. Due to the large number of patients, it is quite easy for students to encounter the doctor' s impatience, which leads to mental discomfort in the process of seeing a doctor. Moreover, booking a doctor in advance is another useful aspect of this application. With the help of this feature, students can avoid wasting time waiting for the call of doctors, because they need to arrive in the clinic at the time they booked before.Thank you for your consideration and I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.Kind regards,Li Ming

翻译第3套:从前,有个农夫正在地里耕作,突然看见一只免子飞奔而过,撞在一棵大树上死了。农夫毫不费力就吃到了兔肉,心里非常高兴。他想,"如果总是这样该多好啊!"于是,不再耕作,每天守候在那棵树旁,等待着能再捡到撞死在树上的免子。他等呀等,等了一天又一天,田地也荒芜了,却再也没有等到第二只免子。人们因而都嘲笑他把偶然当成必然。Once upon a time,a farmer, who was working in the field, suddenly saw a hare running past, hitting a large tree and killing itself. He was so pleased to eat its meat easily that he thought, "What a wonderful thing to have this all the time!" From then on, he stopped working and waited by the tree for more hares that would crash. He waited and waited one day after another, in vain,only to have a desert-ed field. Therefore,people laughed at him for taking the ac-cidental for the inevitable.
