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历年英语四级口语考试真题:ideal job

历年英语四级口语考试真题:ideal job2021-04-13 15:53:38来源:网络 【好课】新东方英语四级精品课|【优惠】四级名师网课|四级名师免费课【考试报名】英语四级报名时间|入口|英语四级考试时间|英语四级考试流程【四级备考】英语四级重点词汇表英语四级阅读理解100篇精析


When I was young, I wanted to work for a public hospital as a doctor. In fact, becoming a doctor, who wears white uniforms, was my dream in my childhood.

I have heard about this job from my teachers and relatives in my childhood and then I had a superficial idea about this job. When I was 15 or 16 years old, I saw a documentary about doctors in Discovery channel that gave me a clear idea of the job.

Working as a doctor requires a series of training and to become a good doctor one needs comprehensive knowledge and skills. Usually, the job position requires a doctoral degree and a series of certificates on relevant major. The students who are majoring in medicine usually have comprehensive curricula, both theoretical and practical, on how to deal with medical treatment. The theoretical parts teach them different body systems, and process guidelines where the practical parts allow them to actually do a surgery. Anyway, it’s not easy to be a doctor. One have to on the one hand study very hard on the theoretical knowledge, and on the other hand be sufficient in practical.

I was fascinated on working as a doctor, because I think saving others life is sacred. It was a thrilling job to me when I was a young. Since my family members started giving me the idea of future careers about what I would become in the future, I started speculating my own idea and chose this major. I knew studying at medicine school is not easy. Working as a doctor is also very busy. Many doctors work overtime because there are not enough doctors in many pubic hospitals in our countries. Sometimes, even doctors try their best, they still can’t save all patients life. From my point of view, in order to become a good doctor, I have to pursuit a master degree and then a doctoral degree. Even though I am very busy, I am not regret about my choice at all. For all those reasons it was my dream job when I was young.




