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Suppose your university newspaper is inviting submissions from students for its coming edition on a campus event that has impressed them most. Last Saturday, our Student Union organized the AnnuaI Campus Sports Games, which lasted throughout the weekend. This activity left an unforgettable impression on me. lt was a huge success because not only did it spark students' enthusiasm for sports activities, but it also proved our university's openness and care for students' needs. The games started at 9 a.m. with a short speech de livered by the principal of our university, who emphasized the im- portance of sports in building a healthy and balanced life-style. Then, various sports event were held including track and field, basketball, swimming, and even chess, catering to a wide range of interests and abilities. The highlight for me was th e relay race, which saw an incredible display of teamwork a nd determination. Additionally, many students, me included, were impressed with the good organization of the events, the exciting cheers and medaI awarding ceremony held on the Sunday evening.ln all, it was clear that these events had achieved more than just physical engagement. They fostered a sense of community, encouraged healthy competition, and allowed students from different backgrounds to connect and engage. 上周六我们学生会组织了一年一度的校园运动会,运动会持续了整个周末。这次活动给我留下了难忘的印象。这次活动取得了巨大的成功,不仅激发了学生们对体育活动的热情,也证明了我校对学生需求的开放和关心。运动会在上午9点开始,我们大学的校长发表了简短的讲话,他强调了体育在建立健康和平衡的生活方式中的重要性。然后,举办各种体育比赛,包括田径,篮球,游泳,甚至国际象棋,迎合了广泛的兴趣和能力。对我来说最重要的是接力赛,这是团队合作和决心的不可思议的展示。此外,包括我在内的许多学生都对活动的良好组织、激动人心的欢呼声和周日晚上举行的颁奖仪式印象深刻。总之,很明显,这些活动取得的不仅仅是身体接触。他们培养了一种社区意识,鼓励良性竟争,并允许来自不同背景的学生联系和参与。

作文第二套Suppose your university newspaper is inviting submissions from students for its coming edition on the recent development of their hometown.I was born and raised in Changsha,the capital city ofHunan Province.Recently,it has witnessed significant improvements.To begin with,the city's infrastructure has undergone significant upgrades.New roads,bridges,and public transportation systems have greatly improved connec-tivity,making it easier for residents to commute and access essential services.Moreover,green spaces have been expanded,with numerous parks and gardens providing a much-needed respite from bustling city life.Finally,new schools and universities have been estab-lished,offering a wide range of educational opportunities for the city's youth.In conclusion,these recent developments have trans-formed Changsha into a vibrant city.I hope to see even more innovation in the city in the years to come.我在湖南省省会长沙出生并长大。最近,它有了显著的改善。首先,这座城市的基础设施经历了重大升级。新的道路、桥梁和公共交通系统大大改善了连通性,使居民更容易通勤和获得基本服务。此外,绿色空间得到了扩展,众多的公园和花园为繁忙的城市生活提供了急需的喘息机会。最后,新的学校和大学已经建立,为城市的年轻人提供了广泛的教育机会。总而言之,最近的这些发展使长沙成为一个充满活力的城市。我希望在未来的几年里,这座城市能有
