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翻译1近年来,中国城市加快发展,城市人居住环境得到显著改善。许多城市努力探索中国特色的城市高质量发展之路,城市功能不断完善,治理水平明显提高。中国持续开展城市生态修复和功能修补,全面实施城镇老旧小区改造,大力推进城市园林绿化,消除污染;同时大力推进城市基础设施体系化建设,开展房屋建筑和市政设施普查以及安全隐患排查整治,努力为市民创造高品质的生活环境,让城市更美丽、更安全、更宜居。In recent years, the Chinese cities have accelerated their development, considerably improving the living environmentof their citizens. Many cities explore with great efforts the path to high-quality development with Chinese characteris-tics, with urban functions continuously improved and man-agement levels conspicuously raised. China ceaselessly con-ducts urban ecological restoration and functional repair,fully implements the renovation of old residential communi-ties, vigorously promotes urban landscaping, reduces pollu-tion, forcefully advances the systematic construction of urban infrastructure, and carries out the general survey of houses and public facilities as well as the investigation and prevention of potential safety hazard so as to create a high-quality dwelling environment for citizens and make the city prettier, safer and more suitable for living.翻译2近年来,越来越多的中国文化产品的走向全球市场,日益受到海外消费者的青睐。随着中国对外文化贸易的快速发展,中国文化产品出口额已持续多年位居世界前列,形成了一批具有国际影响力的文化企业产品的和品牌。数据显示,中国的出版物、影视作品、网络文学与动漫产品等在国外的销售量连年攀升。中国政府出台了一系列政策鼓励和支持
