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Today was not a happy day for me. First of all, I was woken up by my mother for running practice at half past four!

My coach wanted me to be there at 5 o'clock to practise for next week's races.

At school that morning, I was so tired that I couldn't keep my eyes open. In Chinese class, we were told to read a story by a famous writer. I kept falling asleep while I was reading. This made the teacher very angry. In maths, we were given a test. I was so tired that I couldn't finish it and I failed. Then in art, I was so tired that I dropped my paints on the floor. It took me all lunch time to clean them up.

二、对话 (共5小题,5分)


1. You look tired, why don’t you rest for a while?

2. I always get up early in the morning. What time do you usually wake up?

3.We are going to the reading room this afternoon. What about coming with us?

4.I play sports twice a week. How often do you have sports?

5.Oh, I have a high fever and feel in pain.

Possible answers:

1.Yes, I will. Thank you./ No, I need to finish doing.../ There's no need./ OK. ? Thanks.

2.At 6:30/ 7:00 o'clock.../ I usually get up at...

3.I'd be glad to./ I'd be happy to./ Okay./ No, thank you. /Sorry, I'll be busy./ I'd love to, but I can't today.

4.Once/ Twice a week./ Every day./ Never./ Always./ Often.

5.I'm sorry to hear that. / Why not go to see a doctor?/ Have you seen a doctor? /Why not take some medicine?













Hi, Tom. I have been here in Beijing for six months. Beijing is the capital of China. There are many people in Beijing and it is one of the biggest cities in China. It is in the north of China, so it is very cold in winter. It has snowed here this week. Is it nice and warm in Australia now?

I have already learned about 500 Chinese words. I can speak and write a little Chinese now. I should say it's really difficult to write Chinese words, but it's interesting. I have travelled to South China with my parents. I have been to many interesting places there. I haven't had a letter from you yet. Please write to me soon.

二、对话 (共5小题,5分)


1.I like chemistry very much. What subject do you like best?

2.Thank you for the presents. They are so great.

3.It takes me 15 minutes to get to school. How long does it take you?

4.I have English class every day. How often do you have English class?

5.Good news. We beat Class 5 in the basketball match.

Possible answers.

1.English./ Maths.../ My favourite subject is xx.../ I like ... Best.

2.I'm happy / glad you like them./ You are welcome./ Don't mention it./ It was nothing.

3.15 minutes by bike./ 8 minutes by bus./ 20 minutes on foot. / It takes me.../ ten minutes./ I am not sure.

4.Every day./ Twice a day./ I(we) have English class X times a week. (once a day).

5.Congratulations./ Lucky you./ Well-done.














Hi, Diary, it was great to be on holiday on the island! Yesterday, we went to a nice beach. At the beach, we saw a big sign and lots of colourful flags. The sign was inviting people to take part in a competition to make animals out of sand. It sounded like fun so I joined a team. The people in my team were all visitors to the island like me. First we talked about what animals we should make. When that had been decided, one of the others drew animals' shape on the sand with a stick. Then we all started to dig.

An hour later, the teams had finished. All the animals on the beach were wonderful. Most were very large.

二、对话 (共5小题,5分)


1.Excuse me, where is your school library?

2.Each school has its own school uniform. What color is yours?

3.We should always help our parents with the housework. How often do you help with the housework?

4.Great. I won the English writing competition at school.

5.Excuse me, could you lend me your dictionary? I left mine at home.

Possible answers:

1.Go straight on. It's on the 2nd floor. /It's around the corner./ Over there.../ It is in that building./ Go this way.

2.White./ Blue./ Blue and white./ Black.../ My(our) school uniform is ...

3.Very often. /Twice a week../ Sometimes./ Never./ Always.../ I (do the housework/ make my bed/ wash the dishes) every day/ twice a week./...

4.I'm glad/ happy to hear that./ Lucky you!/ Congratulations./ Good for you./ Well-done.

5.Here you are. Yes, of course./ Yes,... / Sure/ Sorry, but i'm using it now.













Hi, Kelly, I was not at home when you rang this morning. Mum and I went shopping to buy

some new clothes today. Mum bought a nice green dress. She looked very pretty in it, I thought. I got some blue trousers. I think they are very smart. I'm going to wear them next Sunday at our family party. Can you come? Could you ring and tell me?

By the way, Kelly, my Australian penfriend, wrote me a letter last week. I brought it to school on Friday, but I forgot to show it to you. I'll bring it on Wednesday. I'll try not to forget. By the way, at the swimming pool yesterday, I swam nearly as fast as Meihua. Isn't that great?

二、对话 (共5小题,5分)


1.I like snow, so winter is my favourite seasons. Which season do you like best?

2.Usually my mother drives me to school. How do you go to school?

3.Oh, dear! I failed the maths exam again.

4.Excuse me, i'm a stranger here. Where can i get a city map?

5.I watch many movies at weekends. How often do you go to the cinema?













I am alone tonight. Mum and Dad won’t get home from work before ten o’clock. I’m going to start my dairy now, because I’m a little lonely.

I woke up earlier than usual today. I read for half an hour before I got up. Then I quickly washed my face. Cleaned my teeth and brushed my hair. I had breakfast―two pieces of bread and a bottle of milk―while Mum and Dad were getting ready for work. After breakfast, I went to school. We had biology, English, politics, P.E and music today. Miss Wang taught us English today, because Miss Liu was ill. We sang some English songs.

I really like writing my dairy because now I am not as lonely as I was before.

二、对话 (共5小题,5分)


1.Great, I passed the most difficult physics exam.

2.I listen to music every night before going to bed. How often do you listen to music?

3. We're going to watch a new movie this evening. Why not join us?

4.I like your school bag. Where can i get one?

5.Thank you so much for telling me the good news.

Possible answers:

1.Congratulations./ Glad to hear that./ Lucky you!/ Well done./ That's wonderful news. / Good for you.

2.Every night./ Always. / Never./ Sometimes./ Seldom./ Rarely. I never listen to music.

3.I'd glad to./ I'd be happy to. / Okay./ No, thank you./ No, i'll be busy./ What's on?

4.You can go to XX shop. / Why not go to XX shop/supermarket nearby?/ Sorry, i don;t know (my brother bought it for me)./ I bought this at...

5.You're welcome./ Don't mention it./ My pleasure./ No problem./ That's OK./ Please don't tell anyone else.













Thanks for your postcard, Annie! I hope you had a great holiday. You are lucky. It's winter here, so we don't have a long holiday. Classes started again this week.

During the holiday, I went to a volleyball class. I really love playing the game. Each morning, we began playing at nine o'clock and we practised until four in the afternoon. I enjoyed every minute of it.

In the beginning, our team wasn't very good and we lost every game. Everybody laughed at us because we didn't win one game. But we didn't like losing everything. I don't think anybody likes to lose. We wanted to win at least one game. So we practised harder and harder and, in the second week, we began to get much better.

二、对话 (共5小题,5分)


1.You look tired these days. When do you usually go to bed?

2.I spend a lot of time doing my homework. How much time do you need for yours?

3.Sports are good for our health. How often do you play sports?

4.I like art. What's your favourite subject?

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