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试题、原文、答案:一、试题选项:PART Ⅰ DICTATION [10 MIN]Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be done at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third reading, the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The  last reading will be done at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given ONE minute to check through your work once more.Please write the whole passage on ANSWER SHEET ONE.PART Ⅱ LISTENING COMPERHESION[20 MIN] SECTION A TALKIn this section you will hear a talk. You will hear the talk ONCE ONLY. While listening, you may look at  the task on ANSWER SHEET ONE and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap. Make sure what you fill in is both grammatically and semantically acceptable. You may use the blank sheet for note-taking.You have thirty seconds to preview the gap-filling task.Now listen to the talk. When it is over, you will be given TWO minutes to check your work.SECTION BCONVERSATINSIn this section you will hear two conversations. At the end of each conversation, five questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversations and the questions will be spoken ONCE ONLY. After each question there will be a ten-second pause. During the pause, you should read the four choices of [A], [B], [C] and [D],  and mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO.You have thirty seconds to preview the choices. Now, listen to the conversations.Conversation OneQuestions 1 to 5 are based on Conversation One.1.[A] It has wiped the data from the flash drive.[B] It can’t read data from the flash drive.[C]The files stored in it have got lost.[D] The files in it can’t be opened.2.[A] Get a total refund.[B] Get a partial refund.[C]Get a new computer.[D] Get a new hard disk.3.[A] Indifferent.[B] Surprised.[C]Anxious.[D] Dissatisfied.4.[A] By 8:30 tomorrow morning.[B] After 8:30 tomorrow morning.[C]At 8:30 this evening.[D] Anytime tomorrow. 

5. [A] 6574-3205.[B] 6547-2305.[C] 6457-2035.[D] 6475-3025.Conversation TwoQuestions 6 to 10 are based on Conversation Two.6.[A] Hold a party at home.[B] Introduce ourselves first.[C] Avoid meeting them.[D] Wait for them to visit us.7.[A] Do nothing about it.[B] Tell him to stop.[C] Give him a reason to stop.[D] Call the police immediately.8.[A] Try to be patient.[B] Try to be sympathetic.[C] Don’t appear to be friendly.[D] Don’t answer their questions.9.[A] No more than five minutes.[B] Five to ten minutes.[C] About half an hour.[D] About an hour.10.[A] Family Circle Magazine.[B] Morning radio programs.[C] Betty’s website.[D] CBS news website.二、【听力原文】听写:Learning SympathyA big part of being human is feeling sympathy, but how early on in our lives do we learn this? Scientists find that babies respond to other people by crying when other babies cry. However, babies can't distinguish between themselves and others until they're eighteen to twenty months old. Toddlers start to show concern for others around this time. Kids also begin to do things like演讲:Online EducationGood morning, everybody.In today's lecture, we will talk about online education.You know, in some parts of the world, it is not that easy for people to receive education.And even in the United States where education is available, it might not be within reach.Thus, online courses provided by those world-famous universities can bring the best quality education to as many people as we could around the world, and for free.First, let's talk a little bit about some of the components that go into online education.The first component is that when you move away from the constraints of a physical classroom and design content for an online format, you can break away from, for example, the one-hour lecture format.You can break up the material, for example, into short, modular units of 8 to 12 minutes, and each of the short units introduces a coherent concept.Students can deal with this material in different ways, depending on their backgrounds, their skills or their interests.So, for example, some students might benefit from a little bit of preparatory material that other students might already have.Other students might be interested in a particular topic that they want to pursue individually.So this format allows students to break away from the one-size-fits-all model of education, and allows students to follow a much more personalized curriculum.Second and perhaps one of the biggest components of our online education is that when we need to have students who practice with the material in order to really understand it.There's been a range of studies that demonstrate the importance of this.A study in Science last year, for example, demonstrates that even simple retrieval practice, where students are just supposed to repeat what they've already learned, gives considerably improved results on various achievement tests.So, we need to build in much more meaningful practice questions.Now, fortunately, technology has helped us to provide the students with feedback on those questions.We can now grade a range of interesting types of homework online.The third component is what is called collaborative learning.Students could collaborate in different online courses in a variety of ways.First of all, there was a question and answer forum, where students could pose questions, and other students could answer those questions.And what is really amazing is that, because there were so many students, it means that even if a student posed a question at 3 o'clock in the morning, somewhere around the world there would be somebody who was awake and working on the same problem.And he might answer that question.And so, in many of the online courses, the median response time for a question on the question and answer forum was 22 minutes.So in a word, if we wanted to offer top quality education to everyone around the world for free, what would that affect us?Three things.First, it would establish education as a fundamental human right, where anyone around the world with the ability and the motivation could get the skills they need.Second, it would enable lifelong learning.It's a shame that for so many of us, learning stops when we finish high school or when we finish college.By making this amazing content available, we would be able to learn something new every time we wanted, whether it's just to expand our minds or it's to change our lives.And finally, this would make a wave of innovation possible, because amazing talent can be found everywhere.To sum up today, we have talked about some features of online education and it's benefits.We are sure that online education will have a promising future.In the next lecture, we're going to learn how online education has changed people around the world.长对话原文:Conversation OneQuestions 1 to 5 are based on Conversation One.W: Good afternoon, this is B.E.S. customer service line. Maggie speaking. How can I help you?M: Yeah. Yeah. Look, it's about my computer I bought of you one month ago.W: Yes. What seems to be the problem?M: Well, I was transferring my files to it from my flash drive and they got lost. Everything!W: Okay. Now, don't worry. I'm sure we can sort something out. First, can you give me a few details? The computer has lost all your data, you say?M: Yes. But you don't understand. It wiped everything of the flash drive as well. My whole life! My whole life was in those files!W: Oh. My goodness. Are you sure? Sounds like the problem is with your flash drive.M: Of course not. There is nothing wrong with my flash drive. I've had it for years. And I used it yesterday in my office, in another computer.W: Okay. I can understand how upset you must be. Now, I don't think we can deal with it on the phone, so I'm going to send a service engineer to see if they can retrieve your data. Can you give me your product reference number?M: Mmm. Ah, yes. Here it is. It's RF40101.W: Thank you.M: I'll be expecting a total refund and compensation if this can't be fixed.W: I'm sorry. But we are not authorized to give refunds. What I can do is to send you a brand-new computer. How would that be?M: But mine is supposed to be a brand-new computer. You think I want another one of these? After what the last one did to my files?W: Well, let's see what our engineer can do. Hopefully, it's not quite as bad as you think. Now, I've got your address here in your customer file—No.23, Bond Street, right?M: Yeah. Right.W: And it's a Mr. Adams, isn't it?M: Yes.W: Right. Mr. Adams, we'll have an engineer with you early tomorrow morning. And I'll ask him to bring a new hard disc with him. Will you be at home?M: Yes. But not before 8:30.W: Okay. Our engineer will contact you before he comes. Can you be reached by this number---6574-3205?M: Yes. Sure.W: Well. Best of luck this afternoon. I hope we can solve the problem for you.M: Well. Thanks. Ur...Good bye.W: Good bye, Mr. Adams.Questions 1 to 5 are based on Conversation One.Q1: What's wrong with the man's computer?Q2: How will the man be compensated if the computer can't be fixed?Q3: How did the man feel about the woman's offer of compensation?Q4: When will the service engineer come to fix the computer?Q5: What is the man's phone number?长对话2:Conversation TwoQuestion 6 to 10 are based on Conversation Two.M: Well, for years people have been trying to keep up with the joneses. But instead of competing with your neighbors, how about actually trying to get along with them. Joining us with some simple tips on how to deal with those likeable and not so likable neighbors is Betty Wong. She is the executive editor of Family Circle Magazine. Good morning, Betty.W: Good morning, Allen.M: Well, in an ideal world, I guess we would all get along with our neighbors, wouldn't we?W: Right, right, we hope so.M: But how do we establish a good relationship? When you move into a neighborhood, right, should you to reach out to the neighbors or should they be reaching out to you?W: I think it can work either way, I mean, certainly, if they don't reach out to you, don't assume that they are being rude or unfriendly. They just might be holding back because they think you're too busy. So if they don't make that first step, you know, after a few days go ahead and introduce yourself.M: Yeah, neighbors can be really helpful. But, of course they can also be annoying. For example, neighbors who make a lot of noise.W: Well, loud music is one of those top complaints, and I think you know for most reasons. People, they probably aren't even aware that they are causing problems for the neighbor. And I think if you bring it up to your neighbors' attention, they will be more than happy to fix it. You could say something like, you know, I'm kind of, I am really a light sleeper or I suffered from headache. Can you help me out by, you know, turning down the music during the evening hours or the early morning or come up with a compromise that works for both of you.M: Don't just call the police, right, which a lot of people do?W: Of course, no.M: Right, then, what about a nosy neighbor.W: Right, I think a lot of time we made mistake nosy behavior for being, you know, nosy or poky when they are just being kind of trying to be friendly. Or maybe that person's lonely, it's, you kind of have to see what the motive is there. And oftentimes if you are a little evasive or, you just don't answer their question they often take the hint and back off.M: And the neighbor that comes to visit and won't go away?W: Well, I think you know that. There might be somebody who is just really lonely and wants a friend. You know oftentimes I think the rule is, a five or ten minute visit is fine. Because you know the way you are not imposing on that person's schedule or that person's plan. But you know you don't have to be best friends with her neighbor at all. You can just be polite and say hello in the morning and that makes everybody's relationship so much better.M: Well, that'simportant, Betty Wong, thanks so much for the tips we appreciate from Family Circle Magazine. And for more on this topic and others, head to the early show website, CBS news.com.Questions 6 to 10 are based on Conversation Two.Question 6 What should we do if our neighbors didn't reach out?Question 7 Which is the best way to handle a noisy neighbor?Question 8 What should we do if we have a nosy neighbor?Question 9 How long do we expect our neighbors to stay?Question 10 Where can we get more information on this topic?三、答案:PartⅠ  DICTATIONLearning  SympathyA big part of being human is feeling sympathy, / but how early on in our lives do we learn this? / Scientists find that babies respond to other people / by crying when other babies cry. / However, babies can’t distinguish between themselves and others / until they’re eighteen to twenty months old. / Toddlers start to show concern for others around this time. / Kids also begin to do things like comforting other people. / And by the time they’re three, / most children will try to protect a victim in a fight.PartⅡ LISTENING COMPREHENSIONSECTION A TALK1. a physical classroom2. a coherent concept3. personalized curriculum4. (more) meaningful practice5. feedback6. collaborative learning7. question and answer8. fundamental human right9. life long learning10. innovation SECTION B  CONVERSATIONS1.      What’s wrong with the man’s computer?答案:A. It has wiped the data from the flash drive.2.      How will the man be compensated if the computer can’t be fixed?答案:C. Get a new computer.3.      How did the man feel about the woman’s offer of compensation?答案:D. Dissatisfied.4.    When will the service engineer come to fix the computer?答案:B. After 8:30 tomorrow morning.5.    What is the man’s phone number? 答案:A. 6574-3205.6.      What should we do if our neighbors didn’t reach out?答案:B.Introduce ourselves first.7.      Which is the best way to handle a noisy neighbor?答案:C.Give him a reason to stop.8.      What should we do if we have a nosy neighbor?答案:D.Don’t answer their questions.9.      How long do we expect our neighbors tostay?答案:B. Five to ten minutes.10.  Where can we get more information on this topic?答案:D. CBS news website.
