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       SECTION 1 ListeningComprehension 

        (25 minutes) 


        SECTIONⅡ Use of English (15 minutes)  


        Read the following text.Choosethe best word or phrase for each numbered blank and markA,B,C,or D onANSWER SHEET 1. What might thehouse of the future be like? Gracecan tell.More formallyknown as the Microsoft Home,her high—tech devices,along with 26 indesign and onstruction,will change the 27 we think about our homes.

        You enter thehouse,and Grace’s 28 ,coming from hidden speakers,passes on your messages;Inthe kitchen,you set a bag of flour on theintelligently29 stone counter.Gracesees what you’re 30,and projects a list of flour—based food on the counter. 31 you choose on,Gracerepeats instructions tor cooking.She 32 knows what’S in the cupboard.

        The day whenyour house、viii be likea family member is not that faroff.This 33 0f seamless computing,in which technologyis everywhere yet nowhere(34 when wewant it),is emphasizedin most future—home thinking.

        Microsoft, 35 ,isn’t the only one exploring 36 technology can make our homes more 37 andcomfortable.At theGeorgia Institute of Technology,scientists are 38 systems that will allowolder people to continue living 39.SoGrandma’s home can be intelligently wired to 40 her patterns of wake,sleep and movement;family members would be 4l of any changesvia computer.

        Does spying on Grandma sound 42 ? Director Beth Mynatt says“A good bit ofour 43 has been working on how to convey informationwithout 44 privacy.We also don’t want to create 45 anxiety.Maybe she just took a quiet day to read,and the system wouldhave to recognizethat.〞






































































































         SECTIONⅢ Reading Comprehension(40 minutes) 



         Read the following three texts.Answerthe questions on each text by choosing A,B,C orD.Markyour answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.

        Text 1 

        WheneverCatherine Brown, a 37-year.old journalist, and her friends,professionals in their 30s and early 40s,meet at aLondon caf6,their favorite topic 

        ofconversation is relationships:men’sreluctance to commit,wo men’s independence,andwhen to have children--or,increasingly,whether to have them at 

        all.“With the years passing my chances of having a child godown,but I Won’t malty anyone just to have achild,〞saysBrown.To people like Brown,babiesare great_if the timing is right.Butthey’re certainly not essential.

         In much of the world,havingkids is no longer a given.“Neverbefore has childlessness been an understandable decision for women and men in so many societies,〞says Frank Hakim at the LondonSchool of Economics.Youngpeople are extending their child—freeadulthood by postponing children until they are well into their 30s.or even40s and beyond.

        A growing share are ending up with nochildren at all.Lifetime childlessness in has hit 30 percent among university—educated women,and is rapidly westernGer-many rising among lower—class men.InBritain,thenumber of women remaining childless has doubled in 20 years.

        The latesttrend of childlessness does not follow historic patterns.For centuries it was not unusual for a quarter of European women toremain childless.Butin the past.childlessnesswas usually the product of poverty ordisaster.of missingmen in times of war.Today the decision to have—or not have——a child is theresult of a complex combination of factors,includingrelationships,career 

        Opportunities,lifestyleand economics.

         In some caseschildlessness among women can be seen as a quiet form ofprotest.InJapan,supportfor working mothers hardly exists.Childcare is 

        expensive,men don’t help out,andsome companies strongly discouragemothers from returning to work.“In Japan,it'scareer or child,〞says writer KaoriHaishi.It’s not justwomen who are deciding against children;according to a re- cent study,Japanese men are even less inclined to marry or want a child.Their motivations,though,may havemore to do with economic factors.

        46.CatherineBrown and her friends feel that having children is not __________.


        [B]ahuge problem 

        [C]arational choice 



        47.It Can beinferred that,formany women,havingbabies nowadays is __________.

        [A]ahard commitment 

        [B]helpfulto their career 

        [C]essentialfor happiness 

        [D]anunderstandable decision 


        48.In theold days.manywomen remained childless __________ 

        [A]asa quiet form of protest 

        [B]becauseof lack of support 

        [C]becauseof unfortunate circumstances 

        [D]becausethey lacked social responsibility 


        49.We learnthat childlessness at present __________.

        [A]affectsEurope more than it does Asia 

        [B]producesmore benefits than in the past 

        [C]ismore a woman’s decision than a man’s 

        [D]ismore complex in its cause than that in the past 


        50.According to the text,when a Japanese man decides not to have children,he probably feels unable to __________.

        [A]helpwith housework 

        [B]affordto have a child 

        [C]bea responsible father 

        [D]balancework and family  


        Text 2 

        Faced with amission.criticaldecision,who would you turn to for advice? Someone you had great confidence in,surely.But several lines of research show thatour instincts about where to mm to for counsel are often not completely correct.

        My research looksat prejudices that affect how people use advice,including why theyoften blindly follow recommendations from people who—as far as they know—are as knowledgeable as they are.In studies I conducted with Don Moore of Carnegie MellonUniversity,for example,I found matpeople tend to overvalue advice when the problem they’readdressing is hard and to undervalue it when the problem iseasy.

        In our experiments.subjects were asked to guess the weight of people in various pictures,some of which werein focus and some of which were unclear.For each picture,subjects guessed twice:the first time without advice and the second time with input from another participant.When me pictures were in focus,wefound,subjects tended to discount theadvice;apparently,theywere confident in their ability to guesscorrectly.When the pictures were unclear,subjectsleaned heavily 

        on me advice ofothers and seemed less secure about their initialopinion.Becausethey misjudged the value 0f the advice theyreceived--consistently overvaluing orundervaluing it depending on the difficulty of the problem—our subjectsdid not make the best guesses overall.Theywould have done better if they’dconsidered the advice equally,and to a moderate degree,on both hard andeasy tasks. 

        Another advice—related prejudice I've found compels people toovervalue advice that they pay for.n one study Iconducted,subjectsanswered different sets of 

        questions about American history.Beforeanswering some of the questions.theycould get advice on the correct answer from another subject whom they knew was nomore expert they were.In one version of the experiment,people could get advice for free,than while in another version,they paid for it.When they paid forad’vice,peopletended to have firm belief in it,Isuspect,by a combination of sunk—costprejudice and the nearly instinctual belief that cost and quality are linked.


        51.In theface of a mission—critical decision,peopletend to __________.

        [A]trusttheir own efforts 

        [B]relyon research findings 

        [C]getaffected by other’s opinion 

        [D]seekhelp from the more knowledgable 


        52.Researchshows that when faced with difficult problems people often __________.



        [C]disagreewith others‘advice 

        [D]over—relyon others’advice 


        53.The firstexperiment tries to prove how objective conditions __________.

        [A]strengthenpeople’s initial opinion 

        [B]strengthenpeople’s self-confidence 

        [C]influencepeople’s response to advice 

        [D]influencepeople’s guess of weight loss 


        54.It can beinferred that people are likely to __________.

        [A]undervaluefree advice  

        [B]overvaluepeer’s advice 

        [C]misinterpretspecialist’s advice 

        [D]misjudgetheir instinctual belief 


        55.The twoexperiments mentioned in the text reveal __________.

        [A]howto follow others’advice 

        [B]howto understand others’advice 

        [C]whatcauses people to seek advice 

        [D]whataffects people’s attitude to advice  


        Text 3 

        Top National Health Service(NHS)nurses will be able to earn $40,000 a year without leavingfrontline patient care in a modification to salary structures. New

        “supernurse〞grades will be created to enable the best staff to increasetheir salaries without having to move into management desk jobs Currently the most senior NHS nurses can earn a maximum$28,000 a year unless they arewilling to withdraw from the frontline and become administrators.Hundredsof experienced and highly-qualified nurses are lost to patient care every yearbecause of this oddity·  While only a few thousand of Britain’s 332,000 NHS nurses will qualify for Ankita Agarwal 62.JanetTejada 63.TadashipKawabe 64.JaneThomas 65.SanjayKathe Statements 

        [A]What we should do is to help the poor help them- selves.

        [B]I have always been deeply grieved by the tragicdisasters.

        [C]The root of poverty lies in the unfairdistribution of resources.

        [D]Thesituation in Africa has been overlooked by the world.

        [E]Theuse of donated funds should be put under strict control.

        [F]People living in prosperityshould cherish what they have.

        [G]It’sour duty to end global poverty· 


        SECTION lV Writing(40 minutes) 


        you should write your responses to both Part A and Part B of this section on ANSWERSHEET 2.

        Part A 66 You’ve justmoved into a neighborhood where you find the current public transport is inadequate,and soyou want a new bus line opened to solve the problem.

        Write aletter to the bus company,

        1)makinga request for a new bus line:  

        2)statingthe reasons for your request;

        3)expressingyour eagerness for solution.

        You should write about 100 words.Do not sign your own name at the end of your email.Use“WangLin〞instead.Youdo not need to write the address.


        Part B 

        67.Look at the picture below and write an essay of about 120words making reference to the following two points:  

        1)adescription of the picture;

        2)yoursuggestions on how to protect consumers’rights.





        27.A【精析】此题考察名词常用搭配.the way后接从句,表示…方式.其他选项没有这种用法.应选A.  

        28.C【精析】此题考察名词词义辨析.image形象;figure身材;voice(特指某人 )声音;sound声音(泛指).由后文“coming fromhidden speakers〞可知此处指格雷斯声音,应选c.  





        33.D【精析】此题考察名词词义辨析.hope希望;passion激情,热爱;faith信念;notion理念. 根据上下文可知,此处意为“电脑技术天衣无缝理念〞.应选D.  








        40.B 【精析】此题考察动词词义辨析.receive收到;recognize识别;represent代表;review复习,审查.根据上下文可知,此处是指该系统可以识别她睡觉、睡醒和运动形态.应选B.  


        42.C【精析】此题考察形容词词义辨析.interesting有趣;boring无聊;disturbing令人担忧;appealing有趣 .由下文可知,该系统研究人员在研究如何既能传递信息又不会牺牲隐私,由此可知,成天监视老人一举一动做法引起了一些人不安.应选C.  

        43.B【精析】此题考察名词词义辨析.analysis分析;research研究;concern关心;focus焦点. 根据上下文可知,此处说是该系统研究人员工作,应选B.  






        Text 1 

        46.D细节题.从文章段后一句话“But they are certainly not essential〞得知,对布朗和她朋友来说,孩子肯定不是必须 .应选D.  


        48.C【精析】细节题.从文章第四段第三句话“But in the past,childlessness was usually the product of poverty or disaster,of missing men in times of war.〞可以得知,过去妇女不育是由于一系列不幸因素.应选C.  

        49.D【精析】细节题.从文章第四段第四句话“a child is the resultof a complex combination of factors〞得知,不生孩子原因比过去更复杂.应选D.  

        50.B 【精析】细节题.从文章第五段第三句话“Child care is expensive,and men don’t help out.〞及后一句话“Their motivations,though,may have more to do with economic factors.〞可知,日本男人决定不要孩子很可能是因为财力无法承担.应选B.  


        51.C 【精析】细节题.从文章段第二句话“Someone you had greatconfidence in,surely!〞得知,当面临重大决定时,人们总是受到别人影响.应选C.  

        52.D【精析】细节题.从文章第二段第二句话“people tend to overvalue advice when the problem theyare addressing is hard!〞得知,当人们处理问题棘手时,他们总是过于依赖别人建议.应选D.  





        56.B 【精析】细节题.从文章段第四句话 “Hundreds of experienced and highly—qualifiednurses are lost to thepatient care each year because of this oddity〞得知,保健护理人员是不满足之前低薪水,所以分开了护理线.应选B.  

        57.D【精析】细节题.从文章段第二句话“enable the best staffto increase their salaries〞得知,受益是级别护士.应选D.  

        58.D【精析】细节题.从文章第二段第二句话“The government announced that anew career structure would see just four grades replacingthe existing six.〞simplified 得知,新规定特点是简化了护士等级,由六级减为四级.应选D.  


        60.A【精析】细节题.从文章第四段第三句话“The top salary level falls into tine with figures it had presented to the ministers.〞得知,皇家护理学院为护士提出工资与已提交给政府数据保持一致.选项A是指为护士提供类似工资.应选A.

