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关于”开会通知“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Notice of meeting。以下是关于开会通知的考研英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Notice of meeting

Please note that I announce that the student union will hold a party on August Saay evening to welcome friends from the United States. The party will be held in the roof garden of the main building. It will start in the afternoon.

There will be music, dance, singing, games and exchange of gifts. So please bring a small gift, and remember to wrap it up, sign your name and write a few words of blessing. (don't forget: on Saay night, the roof garden, the main building will be very interesting.

Welcome: attention.




2:会议通知,John: on Wednesday afternoon, dear John, our headmaster called you, but you were not at home. She asked me to tell you that there will be a seminar on how to learn English in the conference room tomorrow afternoon. There are two different opinions: one is to learn a lot of words and all the grammar rules.

The best way to learn English well is to learn English as much as possible Speaking English, grammar rules are not important ask him to be there on time and express your opinions at the meeting Wang Hai.



满分英语范文 please arrive on time when watching the performance, please pay attention to your behavior, don't forget to take your garbage away at the end of the party thank you.

3:开会通知,Hall QQ, in addition, we also designed some games, hope you can actively partite in it, win a game will give you a surprise




标签: 考研作文万能通知范文
