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全国2021年4月自考00604《英美文学选读》真题来源:诚为径教育   时间:2021年05月07日分享:










Multiple Choice (40 points in all, 1 for each)

Select from the four choices of each item the one that best answers the question orcompletes the statement.

1. Shakespeare has established his giant position in world literature with __plays,154

sonnets and 2 long poems.





2. Daniel Defoe's first novel is "

A. Robinson Crusoe

B.Captain Singleton

C."The True-born Englishman”

D.Moll Flanders

3. Shakespeare uses the following words to describe Portia, heroine of The Merchant of Venice,EXCEPT_

A. wit

B. shrewd

C. beauty

D. loyalty

4. John Milton's most memorable prose work Areopagitica is a great plea for _of the press.



C. justice

D. freedom

5. In 1704 Jonathan Swift published two satires on corruption in religion and.....

A. morality

B. learning

C. system

D. politics

6. In his later period,__. wrote quite a few prophetic books, and one of them is The Book

of Urizen.

A. William Blake

B.Percy Shelley

C. Thomas Hardy

D. William Wordsworth

7. Jane Austen tries to say it is wrong to marry just for money or for _, but it is alsowrong to marry without it.

A. status

B. interest

C. beauty

D. success

8. During a span of nine years (1729-37).. turned out 26 plays and became the mostsuccessful living playwright of the time.

A. William Shakespeare

B.Henry Fielding

C. Daniel Defoe

D.Jonathan Swift

9._. is regarded as a "worshipper of nature."

A.John Keats

B.George Bernard Shaw

C.Alexander Pope

D. William Wordsworth

10.John Milton wrote ._, intending to expose the ways of Satan and to "justify the ways of

God to men."

A. Samson Agonistes


C. Paradise Lost

D.Paradise Regained

11.Jew Fagin, a character of Oliver Tiwist, is a__—·

A. manager of a workhouse

B. head of thieves

C.boss of a shop

D. master of an orphanage

12.Percy Shelley's best of all the well-known lyric pieces is___·

A. “To a Skylark”

B. "Ode to the West Wind”

C. "The Cloud”

D."Men of England”

13.Jane Eyre, heroine of Jane Eyre, represents those middle-class working women struggling

for recognition of their_as a human being.

A. basic rights and equality

B. true love and freedom

C.happy marriage and life

D. social status and carecr

14.Emily Bronté has created 193 poems, mostly devoted to the matter of _A. friendship

B. love

C.human being

D. nature

15.Charles Dickens's work __. is about legal fraud.

A.The Pickwick Paper

B.Great Expectations

C.A Tale of Two Cities

D.Nicholas Nickleby

16.The most cheerful and idyllic work Under the Greenwood 'Tree is written by _—A. William Blake

B.T. S.Eliot

C.Jane Austen

D. Thomas Hardy

17.The following play.._ is regarded as the typical representative of Bernard Shaw's earlyplays.

A.Too True to Be Good

B.The Rainbow

C. Widowers ' Houses

D.The Family Reunion

18.Thomas Hardy thinks that man proves impotent before Fate.This pessimistic view of life

earns him a reputation as a_ writer.

A. romantic

B. naturalistic

C. satiric


19.Bernard Shaw produced several plays, exploring his idea of“_," the power that wouldcreate superior beings to be equal to God.

A. Nature Force

B.Power Force

C. Life Force

D. Knowledge Force

20.T.S. Eliot's first important poem__ appeared in 1915.

A.“The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock”


C.The Waste Land

D. The Hollow Men

21.In D. H. Lawrence's opinion,it is the __ civilization that is responsible for the

unhealthy development of human personalities.

A. cultural

B. mechanical

C. social

D. spiritual

22.T. S. Eliot had written __ full-length plays in his lifetime,and one is Murder in the


A. three

B. four

C. five

D. six

23.In 1853__ went to Europe and traveled in France and ltaly, and the experience helpedhim produce a book The Marble Faun.

A. Nathaniel Hawthorne

B.Mark Twain

C. Henry James

D. Theodore Dreiser

24.Herman Melville uses -.. both as a character and a narrator,which gives the novel

Moby-Dick a moral magnitude.

A. Queequeq

B. Stubb

c. Starbuck

D. Ishmael

25.Henry James was the first American writer to conceive his career in__ terms.

A. national

B. liberal

C. international


26.Emily Dickinson's“l heard a Fly buss —when I died -" is a description of the_ of

