首页 >  英汉互译教程历年真题pdf  > 孙致礼《新编英汉翻译教程》(第2版)笔记和考研真题详解




1. When this tendency to interfere in China was combined with a degree of internal confusion and incoherence within the Japanese government that made the Chinese warlords of the time look well organized, new trouble was almost certain to follow.(北京外国语大学2008研,考试科目:英汉同声传译)


【解析】拆分法。英语里面多长句,应结合语境把握其逻辑结构,再根据意群进行拆分,以便于读者理解文意。后面一个分句“new trouble was almost certain to follow”,意义完整,可单独成句。

2. We should not attempt to make a science out of translating, since it is essentially not an isolatable discipline, but a creative technology, a way of doing something which employs insights from a number of different disciplines.(北京第二外国语学院2008研,考试科目:综合考试(英2))


【解析】顺译法。原文是一个陈述句,逻辑关系十分清晰。先说结论“we should not...”,后说原因“since it is not a(n) ..., but a..., a...”与汉语里表因果关系的“因为,所以”对应,故进行顺译。

3. Her face blushed with rosy health and her eyes sparkled with the brightest and honestest good-humor.(华东师范大学2008研,考试科目:翻译)



4. I lost myself, with a great deal of pleasure, among several thickets and bushes that were filled with a great variety of birds, and an agreeable confusion of notes, which formed the pleasantest scene in the world to one who had passed a whole winter in noise and smoke.(华东理工大学2006研,考试科目:翻译实践(英汉互译)


【解析】综合法。原文绘景,意象繁多。将“with a great deal of pleasure”提前,以便“lost myself”(即陶醉)来衔接下文多个意象,以免译文拖沓不连贯。后面一部分含一个非限定性定语从句,明显可以单独成句。“to”译为“对于”,根据汉语表达习惯,需要前置调整语序。

5. The freshness of the dews that lay upon everything about me, with the cool breath of the morning, which inspired the birds with so many delightful instincts, created in me the same kind of animal pleasure, and made my heart overflow with such secret emotions of joy and satisfaction as are not to be described or accounted for.(华东理工大学2006研,考试科目:翻译实践(英汉互译)


【解析】综合法。先找准逻辑关系,划分意群,再选用合适的中文表达方式来进行翻译。“The freshness of the dews that lay upon everything about me”意思完整,可以单独成句;紧接着有一个“with”结构,后面跟一个非限定性定语从句,故可以从此处划分一个意群;最后一个分句书法作者所感,亦可自成一句。

6. We have therefore discussed the requirements for long-lasting growth on the basis of our own experience and believe that domestic policy needs to address three tasks: establishing and maintaining monetary and financial stability; enhancing domestic and international competition; and empowering people to participate.(北京外国语大学2009研,考试科目:英汉互译(同声传译))


【解析】拆分法。原句有多个谓语,翻译时不可笼统解决,适当拆分能使句子条理更加清晰。这里明显“we”作主语,谓语动词有“discussed”,“believe”,这是一层含义,而believe后所带宾语又包含三项内容,即establishing and maintaining,enhancing,empowering。这样一分析,逻辑结构便十分清晰了。


1. Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.(中国人民大学2007研)

The writer builds with words, and no builder uses a raw material more slippery and elusive and treacherous. A writer’ s work is a constant struggle to get the right word in the right place, to find that particular word that will convey his meaning exactly, that will persuade the reader or soothe him or startle or amuse him. He never succeeds altogether—sometimes he feels that he scarcely succeeds at all—but such successes as he has are what make the thing worth doing.

Some words are what we call “colorful”. By this we mean that they are calculated to produce a picture or induce an emotion. They are dressy instead of plain, specific instead of general, loud instead of soft. However, it should not be supposed that the fancy word is always better. Often it is as well to write “Her heart beat” or “It was hot” in place of “Her heart pounded” or “It was blistering” if that is all it did or all it was. Ages differ in how they like their prose. The nineteenth century liked it rich and smoky. The twentieth has usually preferred it lean and cool. The twentieth century writer is wary of sounding feverish. He tends to pitch it low, to understate it, to throw it away. He knows that if he gets too colorful, the audience is likely to giggle.




【解析】这篇翻译的难点在于长难句的翻译,译文中对长句进行了断句和増译,使得逻辑更加清楚,符合中文表达习惯。另外第2段中“dressy instead of plain”“specific instead of general”“loud instead of soft”这些词语的翻译也不好把握,若直译会给人生硬之感,译文根据上下语境找到了比较切合的中文词。

2. 将下列段落译为汉语(北京外国语大学2011研)

It is not a coincidence that the global economy is experiencing the most severe case of unemployment during the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. Unemployment is highly dependent on economic activity; In fact, growth and unemployment can be thought of as two sides of the same coin: when economic activity is high, more production happens overall, and more people are needed to produce the higher amount of goods and services. And when economic activity is low, firms cut jobs and unemployment rises. In that sense, unemployment is countercyclical, meaning that it rises when economic growth is low and vice versa.

But unemployment does not fall in lockstep with an increase in growth. It is more common for businesses to first try to recover from a downturn by having the same number of employees do more work or turn out more products—that is, to increase their productivity. Only as the recovery takes hold would businesses add workers. As a consequence, unemployment may start to come down only well after an economic recovery begins. The phenomenon works in reverse at the start of a downturn, when firms would rather reduce work hours, or impose some pay cuts before they let workers go. Unemployment starts rising only if the downturn is prolonged. Because unemployment follows growth with a delay, it is called a lagging indicator of economic activity.(228 words)


