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Free CAT4 Practice Test: Get Questions, Answers & PDF

Welcome to your free CAT4 practice test!

This free sample test is your child’s passport to understanding the exam format and building essential problem-solving skills.

With 16 challenging questions mirroring the real test, your child will gain valuable experience and confidence.

Plus, detailed explanations for every answer will simplify the thinking process, turning mistakes into learning opportunities.

Let’s dive in!

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The following sample questions are also available in two other formats:

A timed practice test to simulate the exam’s time pressurePrintable PDF questions for offline practiceFigure Classification

The given shapes have a certain pattern. Choose the answer choice that follows the same pattern.

Sample Question #1

Free CAT4 Practice Test Question - Figure ClassificationFigure Classification Answer Choices

The correct answer is 3.

In this question you can see that:– All figures consist of three different shapes: a triangle pointing upward, a square, and a circle.– Each shape is filled differently and consistently: the triangle is checkered, the square is white, and the circle is black.

Answer choice 3 consists of a checkered triangle pointing upward, a black circle, and a white square. Therefore, this is the correct answer.You can eliminate answers 2 and 5 immediately as the triangle is pointing down instead of upward.

You are now left with answers 1, 3, and 4. In answers 1 and 4, the square is checkered and the triangle is white/black, while in each of the top figures the square is white and the triangle is checkered.

Therefore, answer 1 and 4 are incorrect and you are left with answer 3.

Sample Question #2

Free CAT4 Sample Test Question - Figure ClassificationFigure Classification Answer Options

The correct answer is 2.

In this question, the three figures above have straight sides and are filled in with diagonal lines that slant up to the right.

The second answer choice follows these conditions: it is a shape that consists of only straight sides and is filled in with diagonal lines slanted up to the right. Therefore, this is the correct answer.

The first, third, and fifth answer choices are incorrect as they all consist of curved lines as well as straight lines.

The fourth answer choice is incorrect as although it consists of straight lines only, it is filled in with thick diagonal lines slanted up to the left instead of being slanted up to the right.

Tip: If you find it difficult to infer the rule connecting the three figures above, looking at the answer choices might be useful to see if there are any unusual figures.

In this question, you can see that only answer choices 2 and 4 have straight lines, so you can check if this is the correct rule.

Figure Matrices

Choose the answer choice that follows the pattern and completes the matrix.

Sample Question #3

Free CAT4 Test Question - Figure MatricesFigure Matrices Answer Options

The correct answer is 1.

This matrix comprises nine squares divided into three rows or three columns. Each square of the matrix contains a grid of nine squares, also divided into three rows or three columns, with a square and a triangle in each one.

To avoid confusion, we will refer to the greater division of squares as the matrix and the smaller ones in each square as grids.

The square and triangle appear in different squares in the grid for each matrix square. To find the answer, we can track their movement across the rows of the matrix.

Across the rows of the matrix from the left square to the right, the square moves in a clockwise direction along the outer boundary of the grid and moves one spot to the right in the grid with each step. The triangle remains in the same column of the grid and moves one spot down in the grid with each step.

Therefore, following the rows, the position of the square in the bottom left square of the matrix should be the top-middle square of the grid, and the position of the triangle should be the bottom-middle square of the grid.

Only the 1st answer choice matches this description, so it is the correct answer.

Sample Question #4

CAT4 Test Sample Question- Figure MatricesFigure Matrices Answer Choices

The correct answer is 2.

In the top row, we have two figures – how do they go together?

As we move from left to right:

• The white triangles change into black diamonds,

• The arrows rotate 180 degrees but remain white,

• The number of circles increases by one, and –

• The circles change colors from black to white

We can eliminate answer choice 1 as it contains a white arrow but not four white circles. We can eliminate answer choice 3 as it contains a white diamond, not a black one. In addition, this answer choice contains black circles instead of white ones.

We can eliminate answer choice 4 as it contains three circles instead of four.Finally, we can eliminate answer choice 5 as it contains an arrow that has not been rotated.

We are left with answer choice 2, which is the correct answer.

Figure Classification and Figure Matrices questions are often challenging, especially when taken under time pressure like on the CAT4.

That being said, the patterns and reasoning behind these questions tend to repeat themselves. So, the more your child practices these question types, the faster they’ll recognize these patterns and solve the questions.

Our complete practice packages offer hundreds of such questions, providing your child with plenty of opportunities to practice and improve.

Verbal Classification

Choose the word that belongs in the same group as the first three words.

Sample Question #5

prosecutor | defense | judge

A. objectiveB. courtC. attorneyD. biasE. acceptance

The correct answer is (C) – attorney. The prosecutor, defense, judge, and attorney are each part of a court proceeding.

Sample Question #6

brochure | magazine | bookletA. printB. fileC. computerD. pamphletE. blog

The correct answer is (D) – pamphlet. A brochure, magazine, booklet, and pamphlet are informational materials one might find at a rest stop, in a doctor’s office, etc.

Verbal Analogies

The first pair of words go together in a certain way. Choose the word that goes together with the third word similarly.

Sample Question #7

respect → salute : approval →A. shopB. applaudC. partyD. decorateE. explore

The correct answer is (B) – applaud. One can show respect by saluting. One can show approval by applauding. In this case, the first word (an abstract concept) can be paired with the action shown second.

Sample Question #8

prune → shrub : mend →A. storeB. accessoryC. wearD. sweaterE. travel

The correct answer is (D) – sweater. A shrub has to be pruned. A sweater has to be mended. In this case, the first word (a noun) is paired with an action (the second word) that might be performed to tend to that noun.

Number Analogies

Choose the number that completes the third pair so that it demonstrates the same relationship as the first two pairs.

Sample Question #9

[6 → 17] [8 → 25] [12 → ?]

A. 19B. 23C. 29D. 35E. 41

The correct answer is (E) – 41.

Look for the pattern in the first series of numbers. We get from 6 to 17 by multiplying by 4 and then subtracting by 7 (×4 – 7). Indeed, 6 × 4 = 24 – 7 = 17.

Likewise, we get from 8 to 25 by multiplying by 4 and then subtracting by 7 (×4 – 7). Indeed, 8 × 4 = 32 – 7 = 25.

The next series of numbers should follow the same pattern, meaning that the rule between 12 and ? should also be (×4 – 7): 12 × 4 – 7 = 41, meaning that the correct answer will be 41.

Sample Question #10

[39 → 7] [51 → 11] [93 → ?]A. 40B. 32C. 31D. 25E. 22

The correct answer is (D) – 25.

Look for the pattern in the first series of numbers. We get from 39 to 7 by dividing by 3 and then subtracting by 6 (the pattern is ÷3 – 6). Indeed, 39 ÷ 3 = 13 – 6 = 7.

Likewise, we get from 51 to 20 by using the same pattern (÷3 – 6). Indeed, 51 ÷ 3 = 17 – 6 = 11.

The next series of numbers should follow the same pattern, meaning that the rule between 93 and ? should be (÷3 – 6): 93 ÷ 3 – 6  = 25, meaning that the correct answer will be 25.

Many students mention they find Number Analogies tricky and confusing.

That’s because the connection between each pair of numbers is not always straightforward and it takes time to find it.

However, by solving many questions of this type, your child will learn quick techniques to find the correct relationship between the numbers and ace this section.

Number Series

What number comes next in the series?

Sample Question #11

21056301516?A. 32B. 42C. 30D. 26E. 80

The correct answer is (E) – 80.

In this series, the pattern is as follows: first, multiply by 5, then divide by 2, and add 1; then multiply by 5 again, then divide by 2, and add 1, and so on.

The pattern is: x5, ÷2, +1 | x5, ÷2, +1, …

The last two numbers in the series are 15 and 16. 15 is smaller than 16 by 1, so the following number should be 16 multiplied by 5.

16 x 5 = 80.

Therefore, 80 is the correct answer.

Sample Question #12

131081310?A. 10B. 13C. 20D. 8E. 6

The correct answer is (D) – 8.

In this series, the pattern is as follows: the first number is increased by 2, then the next number is increased by 7, then the next number is decreased by 2, then decreased by 7, and so on.

The pattern is: +2, +7, -2, -7, +2, +7, -2, …

The last three numbers in the series are 1, 3 and 10. 3 is bigger than 1 by 2 and smaller than 10 by 7, so the following number should be 10 subtracted by 2.

10 – 2 = 8.

Therefore, 8 is the correct answer.

Figure Analysis

Choose the answer choice that shows the final product of the unfolded punched-in paper.

Sample Question #13

CAT4 Test Example Question- Figure AnalysisFigure Analysis Answer Options

The correct answer is (E).

Figure Analysis Correct Answer

A paper is cut into a square and folded into a quarter like a triangle. Two holes (a circle and a diamond) are punched into it. When the paper is unfolded, it will have four circular and four diamond-shaped holes as shown in option E.

Sample Question #14

CAT4 Test Sample Question- Figure AnalysisFigure Analysis Answer Choices

The correct answer is (B).

Figure Analysis Correct Answer

A paper is folded into its quarter, and two triangles are punched into it. When it is unfolded, it will have eight triangular cuts as depicted in option B.

Figure Analysis questions (or Paper Folding) are quite challenging, especially when encountered for the first time.

Let your child try a “hands-on” approach before attempting to solve these questions:

Take a piece of paper, fold it a few times according to the question, and then cut the small shapes as seen above. Finally, unfold the paper step-by-step, and let your child understand how it works in real life.

This will strengthen their understanding and help them with future questions.

Figure Recognition

This question shows a shape alongside five answer choices containing complex designs. You must choose the design that contains the target shape in the same size, including each side in full.

Sample Question #15

CAT4 Test Example Question- Figure RecognitionFigure Recognition Answer Choices

The correct answer is 2.

The figure shows a kind of T-shape where the tail is directed vertically down. The dimensions of the shape fit those of the options box.

Despite a lot of other not-related lines, you can see that the only option that contains such a shape with these features is the 2nd one.

Sample Question #16

CAT4 Sample Question- Figure RecognitionFigure Recognition Answers

The correct answer is (A).

The shape is visible towards the top-right side of option (A).

Option (C) is incorrect since the right side of the triangle is shorter than in the given triangle.


This free CAT4 practice test is the perfect start to get your child ready for exam day. It’s packed with carefully designed questions and detailed explanations to mimic the real CAT4 test and build a solid understanding of key concepts.

Remember, a good prep routine is crucial to your child’s success, and we’ve got all the guides and resources they’ll need. We’re here to support them every step of the way!

Continue practicing for your child’s specific test level with these free practice resources:

CAT4 Level X [Year 2]CAT4 Level Y [Year 3]CAT4 Level A [Year 4]CAT4 Level B [Year 5]CAT4 Level C [Year 6]CAT4 Level D [Year 7]CAT4 Level E [Year 8]CAT4 Level F [Year 9 & Year 10]CAT4 Level G [Year 11 & Year 12]
