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全国2021年4月自考00015《英语(二)》真题及答案来源:诚为径教育   时间:2021年04月20日分享:







Animals in the City

Recently,there have been many reports in newspapers and on TV about big animals

coming into towns and cities. What happens when big animals come into our cities?ls it a good thing or is it dangerous for us and the animals?

Wild animals usually come into cities to look for food. InCape Town,SouthAfrica,baboons(狒狒) sometimes come into the suburbs.They eat fruit from gardens and go intopeople's kitchens! Baboons are strong animals and sometimes they scare children andfight with pet dogs. Many people do not like them, but the city can be dangerousfor baboons too. Sometimes,baboons are hurt in car accident s.The city council inCape Town has a team of Baboon Monitors. Their job is to find baboons in the cityand take them back to the countryside.The problem is that a lot of baboons will comeback to the city to find food again.

In Berlin Germany,groups of wild pigs sometimes come into the city to look forfood They eat flowers and plant s and dig in gardens and parks in the city. They alsowalk in the street and caluse traffic accidents. Some city residents like the pigsand give them food. But the city council is worried about the traffic accidents.They have told people to stop giving the pigs food and have put up fences to stop the pigs from coming into the city.

ln Moscow,Russia there are 35000 wild dogs. They live in parks,empt y houses,markets and train stations. Some of the dogs were pets that people did not want,so they left them on the streets. Others were born on the strets and have alwayslived there. A lot of people like them and are used to seeing them on the streets.They give the dogs food and water. They even build small huts for the dogs to livein during the very cold winter.

1. Many news reports concern big animals in the city.A.Truc B.FalseC. Not Given

2. Wild animals often come into cities for the winter.A. True B.False C. Not Given

3. The food in kitchens can be bad for baboons.A. Truc B.FalseC. Not Given

4. Cape Town is a safe place for baboons.B.FalseC. Not Given


5. Many baboons will return after being sent away from the city.A. True B.False C.Not Given

6. There are more wild pigs in Berlin now than in the past.A. True B.False C. Not Given

7. wild pigs sometimes caulse traffic problems in Berlin.A. True B.FalseC. Not Given

8. wild pigs started to come into Berlin years ago.A. True B.False C. Not Given

9. No one knows the number of wild dogs in Moscow.

A. True B. False C. Not Given

10. Some people help the wild dogs survive the cold winter.A. True B.False C.Not Given

第二部分:阅读选择(第11 ~15题,每题2分,共10分)


What Happens When You Stop Exercising

Have you ever wondered what would happen if you stopped exercising? A new studyon twins was published in the joural Medicine & Science. The results of the studyare ddramatic.

ln the study,researchers looked at 10 pairs of twin men. Each set of twins wasin their mid-30s.Each had been brought up in the same family. Since they wereidentical,they shared the same DNA. They had maintained the same level of physicalactivity for most of their lives. But there was one difference. One twin of eachset had cut on exercising in the past few years due to work or family ressure.Onaverage, the less active twin exercised less than twice a week,while the active twinexercised at least twice a week. The research team put each twin through a set ofmedlical tests to stuly their overall healt h.

The results showed big differences. While the more active twins had lower bodyfat percentage,better endurance level,and normal sensitivity, the inactive twinshad about seven more pounds of body fat,worse endurance,and signs of disease.Notonly were their bodies different; their brains were different as well. The activetwins had more gray matter (the information processing part of the brain),particularly in areas that control balance.

The conclusion of the study is clear. Quitting your fitness routine can bringnegative effects to your body and your brain as well. Considering the less activetwins in the study had become couch potatoes(沉溺于看电视的人) only recently,thesechanges can sneak up on you a lot sooner than you'd think. So keep exercising. lis beneficial to your overall health!

11.This text is mainly about—

A. the import ance of DNA B. the role of exercise

C. the birth of a new journal D. the difference between twins12. Researchers chose twins for their study most ly because they.

A. shared the same DNA B. looked alike

C. had the same lifestyle D. grew up together13.The twins in the study differed in .

A.sleeping habits B. exercise frequencyc. working hours D. food preference

14. The study found that the more active twins becameA. less creative B. less sensitive

C. more emotional D. more endurable

15. The phrase “sneak up on”(Para.4) most probably meansA. protect B.at t ack C. affect D.benefit



Surviving liness Away From Home

Being ill is a horrible thing at the best of times,but what is even worse iswhen you are ill away from home. If you're living away from home or abroad, it ' simportant to get better at your own pace in order to ensure you can enjoy the restof your time away.

