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英语 (二)

(课程代码 00015)







Famous Brands

    Why do we always buy certain shoes or clothes that have a famous brand? why do we have to copy other people? The people we often admire the most are those who have their own styles. They don’t want to copy someone else's.

    Big companies give free products to famous people such as sportsmen and movie stars. They intend to get people like you to buy their products. When you spend a lot of money on an expensive pair of shoes, they may not suit you. You might enjoy more if you buy something else at the same price! Besides the brand, you may want to know why they are asking that price. The brand may sometimes have nothing to do with the quality of the product.

   It can be of bad quality and badly made. This makes you think why it has the designer’s name on it. It’s very important for designers to use their creative talent to make something beautiful. But today the making of money has become more important. So they just copy other products and their standards fall.

Creative products should be available to people at a reasonable price. In this way, big companies wouldn’t be able to dominate(控制)the market and encourage people to spend too much money on their products.

They are dominating the market by telling us what to buy. If you go into a toy shop or children' s clothes shop you’ll find the whole section for girls is almost all pink. Because of the domination of big companies, the original arts and crafts are beginning to die out. It would be a real shame if these arts and crafts were to disappear.


1.We like the people with their own styles.

A.True   B.False   C.Not Given

2.Big companies give famous people free products to attract buyers

A.True    B.False   C.Not Given

3.Expensive products often suit people better

A.True    B.False  C.Not Given

4.Famous brand products are of better quality

A.True   B.False    C.NotGiven

5.Creativity is important in making good products

A.True   B.False   C.Not Given

6.Famous designers work overtime.

A.True  B.False   C.Not Given

7.Young people like creative products

A.True   B.False   C.Not Given

8.Big companies price their products reasonably

A.True   B.False   C.Not Given

9.Mothers prefer to shop for children's clothes.

A.True   B.False    C.Not Given

10.The domination of big companies does harm to creativity

A.True   B.False    C.Not Given








Self-esteem(自尊)and Body Image

Self-esteem is all about what people think of themselves. It is important because feeling good about yourself can affect how you act. People who have high self-esteem will make friends easily. They are more in control of their behavior, and will enjoy life more.

Some teenagers struggle with their self-esteem when they grow into adults because the body goes through many changes. Along with the changes comes a natural desire to feel accepted. What's more,they can't help[A1]  but compare themselves with others. They may compare themselves with the people around them or with actors and other famous people they see on TV,in movies,or in magazines.

The physical changes can affect how both girls and boys feel about themselves. Some girls may feel uncomfortable about their growing bodies. Others may wish that they were developing faster. Girls may feel like being thin but boys may feel like they don’t look big enough.

It's not just body development that affects self-esteem. Many other factors can affect a person's body image too. Family life,for example,can sometimes influence self-esteem. Some parents spend more time criticizing their kids and the way they look than praising them. This can reduce kids ability to develop good self-esteem. Also their classmates and peers may tease them about the way they look[A2] . These sometimes can affect their self-esteem.

If there are things about yourself that you want to change and you can change, do this by making goals for yourself. If there are things that you can't change,recognize that your body is your own. lt's no one's business but your own what your body is like. Actually, to be happy with yourself all you need to do is to change the way you see your body.


11.People with high self-esteem often C

A. control others behavior

B. think highly of others

C. have lot of friends

D. work very hard

12.Some teenagers struggle with their self-esteem because B

A. their teachers don't like them

B. their bodies have changed a lot

C. they cannot accept famous people

D. they need more time to watch TV

13.The word tease (Line5,Para,4)most probably means A

A. laugh at

B. talk about

C. argue with 

D. look at

14.To help kids develop good self-esteem, parents should D

A. compare them with others

B. make goals for them

C. criticize their peers.

D. praise them

15. To be happy with yourself you should B

A. do business

B. love your body

C. find new friends

D. change your behavior









Helping Children Cope with Stress

1To adults, childhood can seem to be happy and free from worries. But children still experience stress. Things like school and their social life can sometimes create pressures that are too difficult for them to deal with. While they may not talk about their troubles,they do want their parents to reach out and help them.

2Children deal with stress in both healthy and unhealthy ways. As a parent,you can't protect your children from stress,but you can help them develop healthy ways to cope with stress and solve everyday problems. By doing so, you not only help your children handle their current stresses, but also prepare them to deal with future stresses. Here are a few tips for you.

3When you notice that something is upsetting your child, you need to tell your child about it. if you can,name the feeling[A3]  you think your child is experiencing. This shouldn’t sound like[p4]  blame. It' s just a casual [A5] observation, and you‘re interested in hearing more about your child's concern. Be sympathetic and show that you care and want to understand.

4Also ask your child to tell you what’s wrong. Listen attentively and calmly [A6] with interest, patience, openness,and caring, Don't hurry to make judgements. Do not blame or criticize your child for what he or she has done. The idea is to listen to your child' s concerns and feelings. Try to get the whole story by patiently asking questions. Take your time. And let your child take his or her time, too.

5Remember to be patient. As a parent, it hurts to see your child unhappy of stressed. But you should not try to solve every problem for your child. Instead, try to help your child grow into a good problem solver, a child who knows how to deal with life’s ups and downs, express feelings in words calm down when needed and never give in to difficulties.



16.Paragraph1 F


18.Paragraph3 B

19.Paragraph4 E

20.Paragraph5 C

A. Help your child deal with stress

B. Show your concern and care

C. Be patient with your child

D. Stories help children

E. Listen to your child

F. Children have stress



21.Children can meet pressures E

22.Parents can help their children cope with stress B

23.Talk to your child when he/she is A

24.Don't blame your child for D

25.Parents should teach their children F


A. in trouble

B. in healthy ways

C. to forget their problems

D. what he/she has done

E. from school and their social life

F. to solve problems themselves







The coyote(丛林狼)

The coyote is a relative of the dog and the wolf. Like its relatives, it mostly feeds on other animals. It will, however,eat a wide variety of foods, including insects, fruits and vegetables. Coyotes are found throughout most of North America from Mexico and Central America to Canada and Alaska, The color of its coat depends on where it lives. 26 E

Like the wolf, coyotes live in groups, or packs. The coyote pack is usually smaller than a wolf pack. 27 D The pack will often divide into pairs to hunt. Female coyotes give birth to baby coyotes once a year. Over half of the babies will die before they reach adulthood. Male babies usually leave the pack to find their own territory. 28 A

Wolves and coyotes compete for the same animals for food. Since the coyote is smaller than the wolf, wolves will usually drive the coyote out of any shared living area.

The coyote adapts easily to new areas. Unlike the wolf, the coyote's living area increased when more and more people settled across North America. 29 F Once the New England settlers eliminated wolves, the coyote moved in. Scientists who have studied the coyote believe it is better than the wolf at living in human areas.

30 C They find enough supply of food in these areas, since coyotes are willing to eat garbage, rodents (such as rabbits and mice) and even small pets. Scientists estimate [A7] that as many as 2,000 coyotes may be living in the Chicago area.


A. Female babies stay with the parent's pack

B. The coyote is not an endangered species.

C. Coyotes are now found in most large cities.

D. All members of the pack are usually related.

E. Mountain coyotes are darker than those living in the desert.

F. For example,the coyote was not native to New England







Slavery in the United States

In most parts of the United States in the early 1800s, blacks had no rights at all. They did not have the right to vote. It was against the 31 H for them to go to school with whites. In some states, it was even 32 D for them to learn to read and write. Free people had the right to come and go as they 33 K, but slaves had to have a pass, or paper, from their 34 B in order to leave the master’s land. slaves were often_35 C_from their families when they were sold, They had to work very 36 I hours. but were not paid. If they did not do as they were told, they could be beaten. If they tied to escape, they were hunted down with dogs and could be tortured or even 37 E when caught.

Until about 1800, there were slaves in 38  J every state in the United States. But slaves were not a big part of the Northern way of[A8]   F_39. Northern factories hired workers and did no use Slaves. By 1850, all Northern states had made slavery illegal.

   In the Southern states however most of the field workers were slaves; one out of every four families 40  G slaves. These people were often rich and had large farms.

A.    Seldom             E. killed                    I. long

   B. master              F. life                  J. almost

   C. separated             G. owned                  K. liked

  D. illegal                H. law                 L. played







Rubbish : Easy to Produce but Hard to Get Rid of

We produce a lot of rubbish. There is no question about it. The amount of rubbish we throw away is surprising(surprise). Scientists report that Americans produce about five 41 pounds (pound) of rubbish per person every day. Forty  years ago, each person 42 produced(produce)only half of it each day, There are_43_nearly(near)300 million people in the US. You do the math. How much rubbish do we produce every day?

    In 44 addition(add)to the amount of rubbish we produce, how we get rid of it is another problem. The plastic bags that we place outside of our homes need to be 45 carried (carry)[A9]  away every week. These bags are not_46 friendly_(friend) to the environment at all.

Nobody is sure how long a plastic bag takes to totally break down, because we’ve only been 47 using(use)[A10] plastic as a business for about 90 years. It is_48 believed (believe[A11] ). However[A12] , that it may take 100 years for a plastic bag to completely break down. I am sure that you will feel 49 unhappy(happy)to think that a plastic bag can live longer than the 50 majority(major)of people[A13]  on earth.



41.pounds    42.produced  43.nearly   44.addition    45. carried

46.friendly    47.using      48.believed  49.unhappy    50. Majority



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 [A6]Calm adj 平静的/冷静的






 [A12]However其实是放在it is believed的前面翻译,但英语的习惯是放在前一句的后面。

 [A13]Of 介词前应该是名词,major是形容词,需要变为名词形式majority
