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❖ 四川师范大学自考本科学士学位申请❖


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-The young lady    is interviewing Lin Zhixuan about the program I am a singer is from 21stCentury Talent Net.

A.who B.whom c.which D.whose 


-The tall man over there is our new English teacher?

A.is he B. is there C.isn'the D.isn'tthere 


-Mum, can I go shopping with Gina?

-Well, If I were you,Ihomework first. 

A.will do B. have to finish C. must finish D. would do 


-Have you asked the policeman?

-Yes.He told us to turn left onto Main Street. It’s on the right

A. if there is a bank near here 

B. how can we get to the nearest bank 

C.where can we find a bank 

D. when we can go to the nearest bank


-Great changes in Chengdu in the past few years. 

A.took place B.happen C. have taken place D. had happen 


-I must eat little meat, because I haveseven pounds since last summer holiday

A. went on B. got on C.puton D. tried on 


-The teacher asked the boy many questions,but he only answeredof them.

A.little B.lots C.each D.few 


-We had tothe cake among us because we had only one cake

A. delete B. discover C. divide D. polish 


-This company sold twice as many products as their competitors’It won the leading    in the sales market last year

A.position B.level C.match D. wealth 


-As soon as my cousin expressedhisfor the toy plane I paid for him

A.promise B. preference C.inference D. Now the whole praise



“Long distance never separates (分离)bosom friends. Making new friends is much 21 than saying goodbye to old ones.

When I was still studying in China, my school held a singing contest.Because of

my love for singing, I decided to 22 A girl23Alice sang with me. We are good friends.

24,I was nervous and I forgot the lyrics for the moment while we sang. I was

standing onstage, looking pale in the face. We lost the contest.I felt guilty. Alice tried to 25 me by saying, “26opportunity will be there.”

After about a week, our schools art festival began.I decided to 27 it. The first

person I thought of to join me was Alice,28 I wasn't sure if she would want to.

29 I was asking other people to join me, she said she would join, 30 We decided to sing the song See You Again at the festival, since it was sort of a farewell performance before31UK

Finally, the day of the festival arrived. As I walked into class, people started

clapping for me. Someone had written“Haoxuan,Come On!”on the blackboard. My classmates wrote cards for me. After I 32 my performance everyone cheered forme. It was a really 33 and touching afternoon. I want to thank for never 34 on me when I felt down. I want to thank my teacher for teaching me. I really want to thank all of my classmates 35 were with me in my two middle school years


21. A.easy B.easier C.difficult D. more difficult 

22. A. signed up B. signed for C. signed in D. signed out

23. A.names B. named  C.naming D name 

24. A.Luckily B.Fortunately C.Unluckily D.Unfortunate

25. A. blame B.confirm C.persuade D. comfort

26. A.other B.others  C.the other D. another

27. A. start B.try  C.begin D.stop 

28. A.but B.because  C.so D. and

29. Abefore B.while  C.after D. later 

30. A.too B.either  C.also D. neither 

31. A. left for B. left from  C.leaving for D. leaving from 

32. A.complete B. completing  C.finishes D. finished

33. A.forgettable B. impressive  C.unpredictable D. predictable

34. A.giving in B.giving out C.giving up D.giving away

35. A.what B. which C. that D. who



passage 1

Anderew Bereza,15,keeps a low profile(保持低调)at his school in New Jersey,US,but on the children's gaming website ROBLOX,he's the star developer of a game called Two Player Gun Factory Tycoon.The game has attracted nearly 9million visits and earned him $50,000since it came out last June.

In the game,each player builds factories that make the resources needed to buy weapons to attack other players'factories.Corm Nykreim,a teenage player,called the game"something like the cross between a mock United Nations and James Bond business spy".Andrew said he never expected to make real money from ROBLOX.a site he visited when he was younger.Rather,he put together his hit game when he was bored."I started playing with Lua,the programming language on there."he said."I eventually got interested in making a game,spent a couple of weeks putting it together,and when it was released I was just surprised to see it in the charts.".

Despite his age,Andrew has a lot of programming experience.He learned it from his parents who both work in the programming field.

After his mother bought him his first computer when he was 9,she taught him the basics of programming.By the time he was 12,he was good at programming,said his father,Pavel Bereza."He has a kind of sharp,logical mind,"he said.

Coding updates to the game has become a part-time job for Andrew.He spends a couple of hours each school night designing improvements to the game and then pushes out the updates on the weekends.Meanwhile,he is saving his money to pay for a computer science degree in college.

"I want to take a serious direction with it and see what I can do,"he said about programming.He added that he likes being able to create something out of nothing."My game started as an empty void(空虚)and turned into what it is today."

32.What is the basic rule for the game?BA.Crossing America as soon as possible.B.Building factories to attack other factories.C.Using the resources to produce weapons.D.Updating the game to a high level.33.What is Andrew's original purpose of designing the game?DA.To apply for a computer science degree.B.To make money on his own.C.To show off his talent of programming.D.To get rid of boredom.34.Why can Andrew be successful in creating the game?DA.He is a business spy.    B.His character is very suitable.C.His parents gave him much help.D.He has much programming experience.35.What does the underlined part"out of nothing''most probably mean?AA.Not having anything.    B.Using everything.C.Covering and containing something.D.Having the best of everything.


passage 2

Wang Jinyuan is an eighth-grader at Chongzhou High School, Sichuan. But thanks to an online course, he is studying with his peers (同龄人) at Yucai Middle School in Chengdu.

In every class, he and his classmates watch online course videos from the school. “It’s like I have classes together with students at Yucai,”Wang said.

Wang is not alone. Students from more than 200 schools in rural areas of Sichuan, Yunnan and Guizhou are doing the same thing. They all use the online courses made by Yucai Middle School. The school started the online course program in 2007. It records (录制) courses, makes them into videos and offers them to other schools.

The online courses give students new ideas and broaden their horizons (拓宽视野). They can learn from their peers (同伴) studying in the city. “I remember that a topic in English class was about volunteering.” said Wan Jinyuan, “Students shared a lot about their own experiences. But it was hard for me to talk about it because I had little experience. It encouraged me to do more.”

But students don’t completely rely on online course. They still interact with (和……互动) teachers. In fact, the teachers edit (剪辑) the videos before using them. “I cut off some parts, like the discussion parts,” said Zhang Xiaomin, Wang’s English teacher. “I will let my students discuss for themselves, rather than only watch. Then, if necessary, I will show them what their peers said in their discussions. We benefit (受益) a lot from it.” Teachers further explain key points that students don’t understand.

Also, students can watch the videos again after class.


1.Which of the following is TRUE according the passage?

A.The students at Chongzhou High School have classes with those at Yucai Middle School every day.

B.The online courses were made by Chongzhou Middle School about ten years ago.

C.Students in rural areas of Sichuan, Yunnan and Guizhou get new ideas and learn more by attending online courses.

D.The teachers don’t need to edit the videos before using them.

2.The underlined word “rural” in Paragraph 3 means .

A.far away in space B.far from towns

C.connected with a town or city D.connected with the countryside

3.What’s the best title for the passage?

A.Online courses in cities B.Online courses in countryside

C.Online help for rural students D.Online help for city students





passage 1

Mary wants to travel with friends during the vocation.It's time for her to      :

So she gets up from her deckchair and climbs all the way to the loft.

The door is open so Mary goes straight into her mum's office.She is doing something

on the computer.

-      ,Mum?',

-      ,darling?'

-Her mother doesn't look up

- want to talk.

-      'says her mother.She clicks on the keyboard, takes off her glasses and turns

to look at her daughter

-What is it, Mary?

Mary coughs, takes a deep breath,then starts to explain.

One minute later her mother says,'No,Mary       ,

And Mary turns around and walks out of the room.


A.What was that



D. Are you busy

E.Oh just a minute

passage 2

      ,but only if you put in the work to make it happen.Lena,Tibby, Bridget and Carmen are four friends._   they are going their separate(各自的)ways。        ,they are bonded(连接)by a pair ofjeans, which they take turns sharing and wearing:the Traveling Pants.

Friendship is at the heart of The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants byUS author Ann Brashares.    The girls’friendship is a constant in their lives and helps them understand each other more deeply. People change and friends driftapart(逐渐疏远)over time,       friendship can be strengthened by being apart. Over the summer, these girls realize how special their friendship is and how they can remain in each otherslives


A.The Pants symbolize(代表)friendship

B.But no matter where these friends go

C.Friends are forever

D. but sometimes

E.After many summers spent together


❖四川师范大学应用型自考官方授权校外教学点 ❖


① 先选专业:个人兴趣爱好和职业规划,结合专业的难易度综合选择。② 再选学校:学校开设的专业特点、学费、校考地点、学费、名气等。③ 考试细节:统考和校考的区别及安排、复习资料、毕业流程及时间、毕业论文、学位申请。④ 机构资质:四川各大学校官方授权校外站点(助学点)、官网可查、签订课程协议有保障。⑤ 督学系统:独家自考APP+刷题系统+教材资料+历年真题+内部网盘+班主任服务⑥ 冯老师服务:新生培训+统考培训+校考培训+独家资料服务+学习打卡+职业规划+考研考公指导



