首页 >  自考二外英语00845  > 全国2021年4月自学考试第二外语(英语)真题


全国2021年4月自学考试第二外语(英语)真题来源:诚为径教育   时间:2021年06月18日分享:








1. I am sorry to ._you, but could you direct me to the station?

A. embarrass

B. bother

C. notice

D. halt

2.Their loud parties have recently caused a number of ___from the other people in the building.

A. complaints

B. complain

c. complaint

D. complaining

3. She remained quite ___of the illegal activities of her husband.

A. unknown

B. unprepared

c. unaware

D. unsatisfied

4. 1 hate shopping during the Christmas

when everyone is buying prescnts.

A. heat

B. craze

C. hurry

D. rush

5. I'd likc to thank everyone___ for making the occasion run so smoothly.

A. concerned

B. concerning

c. concern

D. involving

6. There is a wide_._of colors and patterns available.

A. scope

B. extent

C. boundary

D. range

7. We have no___as to where she went after she left home.

A. choice

B. clue

c. decision

D. understanding

8. This modest group size allows our teachers to respond _ the needs of each student.

A. for

B. at

c. to

D. upon

9. The incident set____ a chain of events which resulted in the outbreak of World War I.

A. off

B. out

c. for

D. to

10. Look at the man! He is_____of a place in the team.

A. worthy

B. worthwhile

C. worth

D. worthful

11.With appropriate training, you will be well .... to deal with most emergencies when they


A. capable

B. equipped

C. equal

D. proper

12. The waiter was furious at__such a small tip.

A. giving

B. given

c. being given

D. give

13.The president_.._ his new responsibilities in January.

A. presumed

B. resumed

c. preserved

D. assumed

14. If you need more stationary, I've got a good_... in a local printing firm.

A. relation

B. relationship

c. contact

D. touch

15. You can't judge a book___its cover.

A. by

B. for

c. on

D. at

16. It takes me some time to__._my thoughts before I can start writing.

A. pick out

B. clear out

c. sort out

D. put out

17.The policeman _._ the traffic to move forward slowly.

A. noticed

B. signaled

18. Police have becn intcrviewing people in the area in the hope that it will ...further information about the crime.

A. yield

B. contact

C. acquire

D. include

19. I hope that this will ____you to change your mind.

A. make

B. believe

C. trust

D. convince

20. In Britain packets of cigarettes come with a govermment health waming _____ to them.

A. attached

B. connected

c. stuck

D. pasted

21. The play has been well received by the ____·

A. criticism

B. critics

c. critical

D. criticize

22. He staggered, then ____ himself by grabbing the railing.

A. stood

B. raised

c. steadied

D. kept

23. It was terrible.One passenger was killed, and the other was _____injured.

A. completely

B. hardly

C. severely

D. unusually

24. At that time they were poor, and they went ____ a difficult time.

A. in for

B. along with

c. down

D. through

25.____ he realized it was too late to retum home.

A. Hardly it grew dark than

B. It was not until dark that

c. Scarcely it grew dark than

D. No sooner it grew dark when


What do we know about our spending habits?

According to psychologists, the way we spend our money (26)_our personality,

beliefs and (27)__.__.For many people, money is an important (28)._of strength and

influence.Some people spend money to (29)__love. (30)__waste huge amount of money because they have some (31)___ problems.(32)__are two kinds of

(33)__spender$----compulsive spenders and compulsive (34)__._hunters.The formerare (35)___who feel that they must spend money,but cannot explain why they doso.These people take (36)___in spending in enormous amounts of money.The latter arethose who often buy things not because they need them but because these things are(37)_

lf anyone has problems with money,he can get help from psychologists.The therapygoes like this: the person is required to go into a store once a day, for three days (38)___end,and each time he stays (39)___than the day before, but he (40)___buy anything.Soonhe will learn that it is all right if he doesn't spend any money there.


A. reflects

B. depends

C. realizes

D. affects

27. A. customs

B. values

C. appearances

D. education

28. A. status

B. element

C. factor

D. symbol

29. A. speak

B. express

c. tell

D. say

30.A. The others

