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1、She was pale with _____ after working for three shifts in succession.

A)cold B)fright C)emotion D)fatigue

答案 D 连续上了三个班次之后,她因过度疲劳而显得苍白。cold 冷;fright 受惊吓;emotion 情绪,感情;fatigue 疲劳,疲惫

2、What a _____ person says or does today agrees with what he said or did yesterday.

A)harmonious B) consistent C) constant D)sensible

答案 B 始终如一的人他今天说的话做的事和过后说的话做的事总是保持一致。harmonious 和谐,调和;consistent 始终如一,坚持的;constant 稳定的;sensible 明智的,明理的

3、What sort of _____ can you get for the night in a city like this?

A)commission B)treatment C)accommodation D)recommendation

答案 C 在这样的城市,你晚上怎样安排住宿呢?commission委任,委托;treatment治疗,处理;accommodation住宿;recommendation建议,意见

4、As a defense against air-pollution damage, many plants and animals _____ a substance to absorb harmful chemicals.

A)relieve B)release C)dismiss D)discard

答案 B 作为抵御空气污染危害的一种措施,很多植物和动物都会释放出一种物质来吸收有害化学物质。relieve 减轻,救济;release 释放;dismiss;discard 丢弃,抛弃

5、He _____ his sorrow beneath a cheerful appearance.

A)concealed B)retained C)kept D)shielded

答案 A 他用快乐的外表来掩饰自己悲伤的情绪 concealed 隐藏,掩盖;retained 保持,留住;kept 保持;shielded 遮蔽,挡开

6、As your instructor advised, you ought to spend your time on something _____ researching.

A)worthwhile B)worth C)worthy D)requesting

答案 B 正如你的导师建议的那样,你应该花
