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2023-04-23 来源:中国教育在线







26.The average doctor’s appointment lasts 15 minutes or less. ______. That doesn’t leave much time for chatting about the weather or your mood.

答案A:No wonder you feel rushed.

27.What you don’t realize–but what I see very clearly as a doctor–is that what the patient says is more important than ever. ______. They can also make it much harder for me to figure out what’s wrong with you.

答案F:In fact, your descriptions can help me give you great care.

28.Medical schools teach a specific way to conduct an office visit. Part one is the complaint. ______. Part two is the physical exam.

答案D:It is also called the description of your problem.

29.______. Even though I’ve been a doctor for many years, I tend to be a little nervous when I’m the one sitting on the exam table.

答案B: Of course, that’s easier said than done.

30.If I haven’t prepared, I lose track of the details I intended to share. ______. When the doctor asks you questions, you can be more specific, and the diagnosis and treatment will be more accurate.

答案E: So I take a few minutes to write down some crucial details.



Both require a great deal of work, 31L:especially as they grow and as the seasons 32C:change.

As summer days lengthen, your plants become 33E:dependent on you, much like your children depend on you for food and drink. Like a 34J:thirsty child asking for drink of water, your plants do the same.

You miht also find you have to 35B:clean the space around your plants, much like you pick up toys and clothes that have been thrown in your kid’s room.

To keep children healthy, parents protect their children against disease with 36K:medicine, and gardeners do the same with insect repellent.

To nourish them, parents 37H:give children vitamins, and gardeners use fertilizer, as both promote healthy growth.

While plants die or become 38D:inactive during winter, children 39F:still maintain an important role in the family, and parents will find their 40I:responsibility does not come to an end.



The reason Earth differs(differ) from all the other 41.planets(planet) in the universe is because of you and me. At first, we were living in caves, then came the ice age, then the meldown, and 42.finally(final), what we are today. We and Earth as a whole have changed so much. The only thing that hasn’t changed is our greed and 43.jealousy(jealous).

While we were in caves, we fought for food. While we were living on the ice, we fought for44.warmth(warm), clothing, and food. Now, we are 45.fighting(fight) over land. Why do we fight for land that was never in our 46.possession(possess)? Wars, big or small, take place every day. Earth is a single nation. All the land masses on it belong to the planet, not to us. Everyone is the smae, regardless of race, gender, or religion. We all deserve to be47.treated(treat) equally. We are all also unique, but that doesn’t make us any48.less(little) human than the next person.

If we can start by 49.paying(pay) a compliment to a different person each day, our world will be 50.friendlier(friendly) to live in. If we at least help one person in need and let room for love to grow in our hearts, the world will be a better place.

第七部分:短文写作(第51题, 30分)


某英文报社正在举办题为“Spring Is Coming’的征文活动,请你根据下述写作要点提交一篇英文短文应征。




Spring Is Coming

Spring is coming. What a nice season!

The weather is getting warmer and warmer. The flowers are coming out. How beautiful the world is! Look around, the sky is blue and the leaves on the trees are turning green. The sun is shining brightly and the air is so fresh, now everyone takes off his warm coat and is more active than before. We all have good feelings. I must say, be careful not to catch cold again.

A good beginning is half done and it’s the first season in the year. We must make the best use of our time and catch every second to work and study. Do you think so?

标签: 热门文章08-052024年10月各省自学考试报名时间及入口汇总08-05报名时间各省重点资讯08-052024年10月各省自学考试报名官网汇总08-05自考本科怎么报名?08-05成人大专学历报名网官网入口08-05第一次自考本科怎么报名?院校推荐 苏州大学继续教育学院 浏览:2374966 西南大学继续教育学院 浏览:3860167 宁波大学继续教育学院 浏览:266126 四川大学继续教育学院 浏览:2906929 河南农业大学继续教育学院 浏览:1209200 1意向表2学习中心老师电话沟通3查看评估报告
