

UNLPP笔译(P1)考试旨在检验应试者从事一般性笔译工作所必需的知识结构和职业能力。考试内容以一般性文本(General Text)为主,不设具体领域。

UNLPP笔译(P2、P3)考试侧重对考生复合型知识结构和专业职业能力的考察,考试内容除涉及具有一定难度的一般性文本(P2)/较大难度的综合性文本(P3)外,还涉及政法、财经或科技领域的专业性文本(Specialized Text)。


General Text

(E-C) Urban transport systems worldwide are faced by a multitude of challenges. In most cities, the economic dimensions of such challenges tend to receive most attention. The traffic gridlocks experienced on city roads and highways have been the basis for the development of most urban transportation strategies and policies. The solution prescribed in most of these has been to build more infrastructures for cars, with a limited number of cities improving public transport systems in a sustainable manner.

(C-E)  城镇化是我国现代化建设的长期任务,要推进城镇化建设,交通运输是基础和条件,以下几个方面的工作不可忽视。

Specialized Text


The Declaration on the Human Environment (Stockholm Declaration) and Action Plan were adopted at the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment (UNCHE), held in Stockholm in June 1972. Both documents have special sections on marine pollution. This conference was one of the first attempts of the integrated approach to the global environmental issues.


