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01 第一套写作 

◆【题目】Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the quote, “Wealth of the mind is the only true wealth.” You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. 


Since the invention of currency, being rich had become the dream of many, also went on was the heated debate over the definition of ‘being wealthy’. Later on, the concept of spiritual wealth stepped into the spotlight, which I believe is of topmost value, as the saying goes ‘Wealth of the mind is the only true wealth.’

The reasons for such a view are mainly reflected in two ways. To begin with, wealth of the mind brings senses of satisfaction and completion in the most reliable manner. When we talk about ‘being wealthy’, we are in fact looking for a feeling of ‘having something’, which is what spiritual wealth provides both amply and indefinitely. Although there are people who seem to be happy by living a luxury life, numerous stories are warning about the endless and dangerous desire for material wealth, and how easily material wealth can be lost. Additionally, spiritual wealth has social, rather than private, benefits. Being spiritually rich is largely based on having self-consistent and appropriate values, and from them derive personal hobbies, moral senses, and much more. These are traits required to exert positive influence on others. Consequently, wealth of the mind can benefit almost everyone, which is impossible for material wealth to achieve.

In conclusion, spiritual wealth is only form of true wealth, for it best fulfills the meaning of ‘wealth’ and has unique and indispensable social effects. (233 words)




02 第二套写作 

◆【题目】Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the quote, “What is worth doing is worth doing well. ”You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. 


There is a simple but enlightening saying—“What is worth doing is worth doing well.” Then, what is worth doing? My answer is the thing you love, taking responsibility and cultivating a habit of lifetime learning.

To begin with, doing what one loves to do may arouse their passion for striving, bring them motivation to move forward and help them grow up. Thus, if one intends to acquire and enjoy long-time happiness, it is advisable for them to do what they love and do it well.

In addition, it is of great necessity for us, as young people, to be responsible in life, work, and study. Doing our best to take responsibility, with no doubt, will foster our concrete skills, ensure more fruitful results, and enable us to go further on the way to success.

Meanwhile, numerous celebrities’ life stories have persuaded us that the habit of lifelong learning is an engine which drives both our study and future career. Living in an era of fierce competition, every young person should be educated to gain new skills and knowledge to adapt to the speedy social development. If one rests, they will rust.

As a matter of fact, there are so many other things that are worth doing well, and only by doing well what is worth doing, you can make a promising and hopeful future. (225words)







03 第三套写作 

 ◆【题目】Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the quote, “Beauty of the soul is the essential beauty.” You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. 


This is a simple but enlightening saying—“Beauty of the soul is the essential beauty.” The profound meaning in this remark persuades us that one's inner beauty is the real key to the treasure of life and friendship.

To begin with, just as the old saying goes, don’t judge a book by its cover. Provided that young people intend to acquire and enjoy long-time friendship, it is not advisable for us to focus on others’ appearances, skin colors, or clothing. Even if some people possess stunning appearances, without inner beauty, they are still prone to confine themselves with poor abilities and narrow-mindedness. Furthermore, inner beauty, without a doubt, is the steppingstone which can enrich our mind, ensure more fruitful results in friendship, and enable to us to go further on the way of a rewarding life. A typical example is my friend Daniel, who not only has a handsome face, but also acquires a kind heart, thus making him the most popular teacher in Kaochong. As a matter of fact, intelligent people in large numbers have realized the significance of inner beauty.

Consequently, we young people should bear in mind that if our life is like a skyscraper, the beauty of the soul makes the building taller and firmer. Only with a beautiful soul can we the young gain lifelong benefits. (235 words)



