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关于”法律重要“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Legal importance。以下是关于法律重要考研英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Legal importance

What we have to do is to dlop o strens and avoid o weaknesses. Now is the time to work together to stop this situation. We should strenen the public awareness of the importance of and enforcing laws and regulations by the relevant public thoties.




The laws of GRE should not be fixed, but should be flexible enough to consider vaous situations, times and places. The law should be stable and fixed, or flexibly consider vaous factors, such as envinment, time and place. The speaker concluded that the law should not be static, but should be constantly changing.

The speaker argued that the law should have enough flexibility to consider vaous situations, becse adapting to the changing social envinment is how the law pperly maintains the function of social engine and the general welfare of all the people, but to some extent, we will not excessively neglect the stability of law The importance of is becse the law is the pnciple we adhere to in o daily life. If the change is too sudden and frequent, it will lead to chaos and chaos, and maintain stability. The consistency of law is a necessary condition to people predict the consequences.

At the individual ll, the consistency of law defines the legitimacy and legitimacy of their behavior, thus giving people a sense of secity and good public Civil status, if the speaker claims that the law should nr be fixed, the threat faced by people is that they are constantly thwn into the muddy quaire of confusion and insecity, and ntually lose their sight. How to adapt to the sudden change on the one hand or another example to make it clear that this is in the commercial field, the ultimate goal of an enterpse is to maximize the pfits of shareholders in the law It is defined within the legal framework that an enterpse operates within this framework, abides by its obligations, and does not harm the interests of the overall social welfare. If an enterpse wants to psper, it must seously study the relevant commercial laws, including anti-dumping law and tort law.

When a choice, most leaders are reluctant to see the pspect of changing laws, becse a clear framework should be established within the company It will take time and effort to overtn established practices and guidelines, which will require another und of revision and reassesent.




With the dlopment of society and the advent of the times, we have to face such a pblem: the reason is in the following paragraphs, carelessly explore the reasons, in addition, in view of the seousness of the pblem, we should take effective meases, on the one hand, it is time to let people realize the importance of the other hand, the government should issue stct laws and regulations to contl the situation.



标签: 新学期 
