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考研单词 VS 四六级单词,高度重合?

The study — by Opportunity Insights, a group ofeconomistsbased atHarvardwho studyinequality— quantifiesfor the first time theextentto which being very rich is its own qualification inselective collegeadmissions.

The analysis is based on federal records of collegeattendanceand parental income taxes for nearly all college students from 1999 to 2015, andstandardizedtest scores from 2001 to 2015. It focuses on the eight Ivy League universities, as well asStanford, Duke, M.I.T.and theUniversity of Chicago. It adds an extraordinary new data set: the detailed,anonymizedinternaladmissionsassessmentsof at least three of the 12 colleges, covering half a million applicants. (The researchers did not name the colleges that shared data or specify how many did because they promised themanonymity.)



(1)Ivy League常春藤联合会(指美国东部八所学术和社会地位高的大学)

(2)SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test)(美国)学业能力倾向测验

(3)ACT(American College Test)美国高等院校考试






(8)University of Chicago芝加哥大学



(1)elite[eɪˈliːt] adj.精英的 n. 精英

(2)admission[ədˈmɪʃn] n. [~s]招生

(3)qualification[ˌkwɒlɪfɪˈkeɪʃn ] n.资格


(5) tend to 往往会;趋于,倾向


(7)résumés[ˈrezjumeɪ] n.个人简历

(8)overrepresented[ˈəʊvəˌreprɪˈzentɪd] adj.代表人数超出比例的

(9)account for(数量、比例上) 占


(11)economist[ɪˈkɒnəmɪst] n.经济学家

(12)inequality[ˌɪnɪˈkwɒləti] n.不平等

(13)quantify[ˈkwɒntɪfaɪ] v.量化


(15)standardized[ˈstændərdaɪzd] adj.标准化的



(18)assessment[əˈsesmənt] n.评估,评定

(19)anonymity[ˌænəˈnɪməti] n.匿名,不公开姓名



Study ofEliteCollegeAdmissionsData Suggests Being Very Rich Is Its OwnQualification


Elite colleges have long been filled with the children of the richest families: AtIvy Leagueschools, one in six students has parents in the top 1 percent.


A large new study, released Monday, shows that it has not been because these children had moreimpressivegrades on average or took harder classes. Theytended tohave higherSATscores and finelyhoned résumés, and applied at a higher rate — but they wereoverrepresentedeven afteraccounting forthose things. Forapplicantswith the same SAT orACTscore, children from families in the top 1 percent were 34 percent more likely to beadmittedthan the average applicant, and those from the top 0.1 percent were more than twice as likely to get in.


The study — by Opportunity Insights, a group ofeconomistsbased atHarvardwho studyinequality— quantifiesfor the first time theextentto which being very rich is its own qualification inselective collegeadmissions.

这项研究是由Opportunity Insights发起的,这是一个由哈佛大学研究不平等问题的经济学家组成的团体,该研究首次量化了在精英大学录取过程中,拥有巨额财富本身就是一种资格的程度。

The analysis is based on federal records of collegeattendanceand parental income taxes for nearly all college students from 1999 to 2015, andstandardizedtest scores from 2001 to 2015. It focuses on the eight Ivy League universities, as well asStanford, Duke, M.I.T.and theUniversity of Chicago. It adds an extraordinary new data set: the detailed,anonymizedinternaladmissionsassessmentsof at least three of the 12 colleges, covering half a million applicants. (The researchers did not name the colleges that shared data or specify how many did because they promised themanonymity.)






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