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1.For Lloyd Nickson, a 54-year-old Darwin resident suffering from lung cancer, the NT Rights of Terminally I’ll law means he can get on with living without the haunting fear of his suffering: a terrifying death from his breathing condition.【译文】对于居住于达尔文现年54岁的肺癌患者利奥德·尼克森来说,这个法律意味着他可以平静地生活下去,无须整天惧怕即将来临的苦难:因呼吸困难而痛苦地死去。【析句】注意句子的主干是the NT Rights of Terminally I’ll law means,全句的宾语是he can get on with living without the haunting fear of his suffering。For Lloyd Nickson,a 54-year-old Darwin resident suffering from lung cancer作句子的状语,其中a 54-year-old Darwin resident suffering from lung cancer是Lloyd Nickson的同位语。句末的a terrifying death from his breathing condition是his suffering的同位语。【讲词】haunt除了表示“闹鬼”之外,常用的词义有“困惑;经常光顾”。I was haunted by the idea that she might die any time.(我的心头老是想到她随时都会死去。)I was haunted by his last words to me.(他向我说的最后的话萦绕在我的心头。)This is the bar he used to haunt.(他过去常到这个酒吧来。)2.But even more important, it was the farthest that scientists had been able to look into the past, for what they were seeing were the patterns and structures that existed 15 billion years ago.【译文】但更为重要的是,这是科学家们所能观测到的最遥远的过去的景象,因为他们看到的是150亿年前的形状和结构。【析句】这是一个主从复合句。主句是一个it强调句,从句表示原因。在从句中, what they were seeing是主语,从句that existed 15 billion years ago为the pattern and structures的定语。【讲词】pattern虽有“模式”的意思,但在句中应理解为“形状,形态”。see的意思当然是“看,看见”,但由于科学家并非是用肉眼看到宇宙云,所以应该译成“观测”。 
