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2020考研英语作文范文:满分范文推荐2019-04-23 11:37:17来源:网络 【点睛】3h掌握考研全科备考方案    名师辅助择校及考研备考    22考研复试调剂攻略&23考研上岸指南 【考试入门】考研阅读个性化精准提分攻略    2h掌握考研数学基础考点 【热点】2022考研查分入口——晒分得奖学金



As isillustrated in the cartoon, eachperson sits in their own work room. In front of them is a computer.

Everyone looks at the screen carefully, and communicate with their colleagues through the net instead of

talking face to face. Their work places are placed like a net. And below thecartoon, there is a topic which

says: the near and far among the Internet.

From the cartoon, we can conclude that the cartoonist wants to conveysuch a message: with the

popularity of computers,peoplefrom all over the world become nearer by using the internet to

communicate witheach other. Meanwhile, people also become far away from their friends. All of us accept

the fact that the development of the internet brings lotsof conveniences to our daily life, for instance, we can

buy a book on the net instead of going to abookstore. Besides, we can communicate with our friends on the net

without going out of home. But we can’tignore the other side of these: the timewe spend with friends or

family becomes less. And we hardly see themonce in a week. It will make us feel lonely if we continue to use

the tool on the net to talk with friendsinstead of talking with them on the phone or going out with them.

To my bestunderstanding, we should use the net tocommunicate with each other in a proper way. It is just

a tool when we really need it to serve us. Ifwe want to keep our friendship more effectively, we should spend

more time with them in our real life. Only in this waycan we not only make full use of the communication

tool on the netbut also make our friendship stronger.


An enormous net, which symbolizesthe Internet, has connected together everyone---young and old, men

and women. People from every corner of the world arekeeping in touch with each other just by clicking the

mouse and pressing keys on the keyboard. With its convenience and efficiency, the Internet is narrowing the

distance between people in terms of both space and time.

Howeverthe picture also shows: while thepeople enjoy surfingonline, walls of barrier emerge unnoticed

and restrict each one of them to a narrow space. As time spending on Internet is on the rise, face-to-face

communication has experienceda rapid drop. And the reduction of contact in reality may result in feelings of

distance and isolation. This can be illustrated by the example ofayoung couple who used to live a happy life.

Since the third year of their marriage, they have got addicted tochatting online through QQ, each with a

computer in a different room. As time passedby, the couple graduallylost the desire to talk witheachother.

Eventually, the increasing isolation between them led to the end of their marriage.

Suchvivid examples in our real life remind us that we shouldn’tover-rely on the Internet to

communicate. Instead, we need to actively interact with others in social activities. After all, the virtual net

world cannot be a substitute for the real world. So we must make use of the Internet judiciously and learn to

respect the real people and real life.


Thiscartoon humorously shows that a numberof cybercafé habitués, semi-reclined in their dim cubicle

before a magnificent screen, are surfing the web in a street-corner Internet café. In fact, the parlor is so

crowded that it offers just enough elbow-roomfor them to log on theNet. Some of the surfers are seenplaying

Internet video games, or watching movieswhile others are talking inthe chat rooms.

What thepicture conveys is far from what web usersare doing in their virtual world. Instead it reveals a

thought-provokingphenomenon. The fact that thesenetters who are sitting so close but have no interaction

between each other indicates that theInternet, which has bought us instant information from a long distance, may

alienate those who are close-by. In other words,modern technology, which has, undoubtedly, brought us a

lot ofconvenience, may bring us curses. Since ittakes only a computer with Internet connections to Web surf,

or to play web games, more and more nettersbecome indifferent and begin to live in solitude. They pay less and

less attention to people and things aroundthemselves. Besides, it is reported that a teenager has turned from a

star student into a stung-out Internet addictin just a few months.

In spiteof this, we should not wean ourselves away from new technology. Specifically,we should take

a positiveattitude towards the Internet. On the one hand we can takeadvantage of the Internet to obtain the

biggest sources of information from the Weband to talk with friends from afar; on the other hand netizens

should aware ofthe weakness and disadvantages of cyberspaceso as not to be addicted. Only in this way

will we not be ledby the nose, fall from grace and head for destruction.
