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关于”小大的字数要求“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Small and large number of words required。以下是关于小大的字数要求的考研英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

关于”小大的字数要求“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Small and large number of words required。以下是关于小大的字数要求的考研英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Small and large number of words required

When you learn English, listening, speaking and writing are very important, but reading can also help. When yoead, you can't just learn some new words, but you can learn how to use them. When yoead it, it gives you a good example of writing.

Good reading skills try to read at the right level. Read something you can read (more or less) to understand. If you need to stop using the dictionary every three words, it's boring.

Try to increase the number of new words you have. If there are four or five new words on a page, write them down in your notebook. But you don't have to write it down while reading.

Instead, when reading and marking, try to guess what they mean and write with a pen. After reading, come back to the dictionary and write them in your own vocabulary book. Then try to remember them.

Try to read regularly. For example, reading once a day for 15 minutes is better than two hours a Sunday. Find a time to read it and stick to it.

So you can read it for 15 minutes while you're sleeping, waking up or at lunch. Read what you are interested in. Choose a book or magazine about a subject you like.

Because you have to spend time and money reading an interesting book. You can also read newspapers. There are many English newspapers in China that give examples of agers of the past century.

It's easy for you to understand. There are some interesting things..











When you learn English, listening, speaking and writing are very important, but reading is also very helpful. When yoead, you can't just learn some new words, but you can learn how to use them. When yoead it, it gives you a good example of writing.

Good reading prompts reading to the right level. Read something you can read (more or less) to understand. If you need to stop using the dictionary every three words, it's boring.

Try to increase the number of new words you have. If there are four or five new words on a page, write them down in your notebook. But you don't have to write it down while reading.

Instead, try to guess what they mean when reading, then mark them and write with a pen. After reading, come back to the dictionary and write them in your own vocabulary book. Then try to remember them.

Try to read regularly. For example, reading once a day for 15 minutes is better than two hours a Sunday. Find a time to read it and stick to it.

So you can read it for 15 minutes while you're sleeping, waking up or at lunch. Read what you are interested in. Choose a book or magazine about a subject you like.

Because you have to spend time and money reading an interesting book. You can also read newspapers. There are many English newspapers in China that give examples of agers of the past century.

It's easy for you to understand. There are some interesting things..











How fast reading speed is measured by WPM (for an ordinary middle school student, a reading speed should be about one word per minute) to calculate ① your WPM, you need to first take two measurements, and then calculate or estimate the total number of words in the reading materials, and accurately record the time of your reading materials. You can read any paragraph of the article Do speed reading exercises. The following may help improve your reading speed: don't move your lips while reading.

This will slow down your reading speed. Don't move your head left and right while reading. Practice scanning with your eyes.

Don't point your fingers at words or lines while reading. Your hands can't find a quiet place to read as fast as your eyes. The less distractions you have, the less distractions you have The more attention you have.

Look for context clues and understand the meaning of new words. To improve your reading ability, try not to read single words, but to multiple groups of words. To improve your reading speed, practice estimating the number of words in an article, and then calculating your reading speed.

Practice scanning important words of nouns and verbs. This can make yoead faster, but you will still grasp the important words to understand the main idea of the article. ① calculate [K $lkjuleit] v.

② estimate [estimeit] v. ③ scan [SK $n] v. ④ distract [dist $km n] n ⑤ focus [K & ns ntreim] n] Context cues [K & ntekst klu]: firstsecond.



提高你的阅读速度,练习估计一篇文章中的单词数,然后计算你的阅读速度练习扫描名词和动词的重要单词这能让你读得更快,但是你仍然会抓住重要的词来理解文章的大意①计算[k$lkjuleit]v.②估算[estimeit]v.③扫描[sk$n]v.④分散注意力[dist$kM n]n⑤集中[k&ns ntreiM n]n⑥上下文线索[k&ntekst klu:]firstsecond。

标签: 英语作文作文万能考研英语
