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英语作文答题卡书写示范_考研真题英语作文4篇 作者:我爱米老鼠 •2023-11-09 11:09:20• 阅读 47

关于”答题卡书写示范“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Demonstration of writing on answer cards。以下是关于答题卡书写示范的考研英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

关于”答题卡书写示范“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Demonstration of writing on answer cards。以下是关于答题卡书写示范的考研英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Demonstration of writing on answer cards

How to Write a Neat and Tidy Answer Sheet for English Exams

英语考试答题卡怎样才能写得漂亮整洁When it comes to English exams, one crucial element of the test-taking process is filling out the answer sheet. Many students may overlook the importance of writing a neat and tidy answer sheet, but it can actually impact the grader's impression of your work. Here are some tips on how to write a good-looking answer sheet:


1. Use a Pencil or Fine-Tip Pen


Though it may be tempting to use a standard ballpoint pen, it's better to use a pencil or fine-tip pen when answering questions on an English exam. These types of writing utensils will create a cleaner, smoother look that will be easier for the grader to read.


2. Write Legibly and Neatly


It may seem obvious, but it's important to write legibly and neatly on your answer sheet. Make sure your letters and numbers are easily distinguishable, and try to keep your writing consistent throughout the entire sheet.


3. Stay Organized


Another way to make your answer sheet look tidy is to stay organized. Use a ruler to create straight lines when filling in bubbles, and avoid crossing answers out or leaving stray marks on the page. Keep everything in its proper place to minimize confusion.


4. Follow Directions


Finally, it's important to follow the directions provided on the answer sheet. This may include filling in your personal information, checking off boxes to indicate your answers, and writing short responses to open-ended questions. By following the directions carefully, you can ensure your answer sheet is completed correctly and looks professional.


In summary, writing a good-looking answer sheet for an English exam requires using a pencil or fine-tip pen, writing legibly and neatly, staying organized, and following directions carefully. By following these tips, you can create an answer sheet that looks neat and professional, leaving a positive impression on the grader.






1. Type or print in black the answers to the questions.

2. Write your answers clearly in the corresponding answer boxes.

3. Do not write outside the answer boxes.

4. This sheet must not be detached from the examination hall.

5. Please hand in this sheet separately when you have finished your examination.


1. 请以黑色字体打印或书写答案。

2. 请在相应的答案框内清晰地书写答案。

3. 请勿书写在答案框外。

4. 本答题卡不得从考场中带走。

5. 完成考试后,请单独提交本答题卡。


- 在答题卡上书写答案时,请务必按照要求书写,尽量保持字迹清晰、工整。

- 答题卡上的答案框通常是方形或矩形的,请将答案填写在相应的框内。

- 请不要写在答题卡框子之外,划线或做其他标记。

- 答题卡通常会在考试结束后收回,请务必注意交回答题卡。

These instructions are for reference only. Please carefully read the instructions on the answer sheet provided during the examination.




Name: 姓名

ID Number: 身份证号

Question Number: 试题号

作文得分: /30


1. 减少使用一次性商品。

2. 增加可再循环的商品。

3. 鼓励垃圾分类。

4. 加强对环境染的监管。

5. 提高公众环保意识。

My Suggestions for Environmental Protection

Considering the environmental issue, I believe that the following measures should be taken:

1. Reduce the use of disposable products.

2. Increase the use of recyclable products.

3. Encourage garbage sorting.

4. Strengthen the supervision of environmental pollution.

5. Increase public awareness of environmental protection.
