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考研英语作文模板图表作文 第一段=总体概括+细节描写+总结1. 表格类、直方图(静态图:反映分类)第一句:总体概括第二句:细节描写(突出最大值或最小值)第三句:图表总结(承上启下,可不写) 2. 折线图、多主体直方图(动态图:反映变化)第一句:总体概括(1)模板1(用来对比):(2)模板2(趋同): 第二三句:细节描写(强调主体之间的变化对比)(1)模板1(长趋势:时间跨度大):(1)模板1(短趋势:时间跨度小): 3. 扇形图、类似扇形图的直方图(静态图:反映数据占比)第一句:总体概括表格第二句: 介绍扇形图中所有部分的比例第三句:突出占比最大的几个部分.第二段=交代现象+ 引出原因+具体原因+引出后果+具体后果第一句:交代现象(直接用)第二句:引出原因第三、四句: 说明原因1、2原因1原因2一起写(只想到一个原因) 第五句:引出结果第六句:具体结果总结第三段=预测趋势+建议措施+憧憬未来1.预测趋势(引言+结论)引言结论: 2.建议措施3.憧憬未来

图表作文 第一段=总体概括+细节描写+总结 1. 表格类、直方图(静态图:反映分类) 第一句:总体概括

模板:The table above/bar chart clearly shows how the 主体+主题 varies from 分类依据 to 分类依据 in 地点

[2007] 这个表格清晰的展示了的车祸事故的数量的变化以原因分类的在中国 。 the table above clearly shows how the number of car accidents varies from cause to cause in Chinese city. (Chinese 需要大写)。 在这里插入图片描述 [2012] 这个表格清晰的展示了 员工的工作满意度 以年龄分类 以在某公司。 The table above clearly shows how the employee`s satisfaction of job varies from age to age in a company. 在这里插入图片描述[2013] 这个直方图清晰的展示了 一个比例关于学生做兼职 以年级分类 在某高校。 The bar chart above clearly shows how the proportion of students taking part-time job varies from year to year in a college.(某人做某事的比例 :the proportion of sb doing sth ) 第二句:细节描写(突出最大值或最小值)

(1)当数据是比例时(主要) 模板:To be specific,具体比例(%) of 主体 + 行为 ,which is the biggest/smallest proportion among all the 分类依据 在这里插入图片描述 [2012] To be specific, 64% of the employees aged between 41 to 50 are not satisfied with their jobs,which is the biggest data among the ages.Surprisingly,none of those are contented to their jobs.

(2)当数据为绝对值时 模板:To put it more precise,the number of 具体主体 is 具体数字,which is the largest/smallest among all the 分类依据

[2011] To put it more precise,the number of the traffic accidents caused by drivers turning left without due care is 608,which is the largest of all the causes. 第三句:图表总结(承上启下,可不写)

As a matter of fact, what the author tries to show us is more than statistics. 事实上,作者试图向我们展示的不仅仅是统计数据

Despite a little abstract, there is a deeper connotation behind the graph.尽管有点抽象,但图表背后有更深层次的内涵。

The draftsman's real purpose is not the statistics, but to lead us to find the reasons.绘图员的真正目的不是统计数字,而是引导我们找到原因。

2. 折线图、多主体直方图(动态图:反映变化) 第一句:总体概括 (1)模板1(用来对比):

As is clearly showed/illustrated/portrayed in the bar/line chart, the 主题 of 主体A and 主体B in 方面/地点 + 变化趋势 at different rates during the period from 时间 to 时间 在这里插入图片描述

[2010] As is clearly portrayed in the line chart, the number of mobie-phone subscription in both developing countries and developed countries increased at a different during the period from 2000 to 2008.(both A and B :在两者之间) 在这里插入图片描述[2011] As is clearly showed in the bar chart, the market shares of Chinese ,Japanese and American car brands in our country varied at different rate during this period from 2008 to 2009.

在这里插入图片描述 [2022] As is clearly portrayed in the bar chart , the national number of express in the global areas and rural ones increased at different rates during this period from 2018 to 2020.


The line chart shows the ascending/descending tendency of 主题 主体A and 主体B in 地点/方面 from 时间 to 时间

[2022] The line chart shows the ascending tendency of the national number of express in the total areas and rural ones from 2018 to 2020.

第二三句:细节描写(强调主体之间的变化对比) (1)模板1(长趋势:时间跨度大):

To be more specific, the number of 主体A + 趋势 + 程度 from 具体数字 in 时间 to 具体数字 in 时间. On the contrary, the figure of 主体B + 趋势 + 程度 from 具体数字 in 时间 to 具体数字 in 时间. 在这里插入图片描述 [2014] To be more specific, the number of the rural population descended obviously from 800 in 1990 to 680 in 2010.On the contrary, the figure of urban ones ascended sharply from 300 in 1990 to 680 in 2010. (一般来讲,趋势都写成ed形式)ps:程度 轻微

程度word轻微slightly、slowly显著obviously、considerably、 remarkably急速sharply、dramatically (1)模板1(短趋势:时间跨度小):

(推荐) To put it more precise, the number of 主体A in 时间终点 was 数字 compared to数字 in 时间起点 , showing an increase/decrease of 数字差额. on the contrary, the figure of 主体B dropped/rose by数字差额, from 数字 to 数字. 在这里插入图片描述

[2011] To put it more precise, the market shares of Japanese cars brands in 2009 was 25% compared to 35% in 2008, showing a decrease of 10%.On the contrary, the percentage of Chinese cars rose by 8%, from 25% to 33%. 3. 扇形图、类似扇形图的直方图(静态图:反映数据占比) 第一句:总体概括表格

模板:The pie chart above clearly shows /indicates the different/various 主题 of 主体 in 地点 in 时间. 【2016】: The pie chart above clearly shows the different traveling purposes of student in a college. 【2020】: The pie chart above clearly indicates the various reading purposes of student using mobile phones in a college. 【2021】: The bar chart above clearly shows the different ways of residents taking exercises in a certain city.

第二句: 介绍扇形图中所有部分的比例

模板1: 一项一项介绍(相对来说比较高级,且字多) Among all the items included in the graph,最大项 dwarfs others with 占比,第二项 comes as the runner-up , which occupies 占比, followed by 第三项 and 第四项 , which account for 占比 and占比 respectively , and 最后项 ranks the last, making up only 占比. 在这里插入图片描述

[2016] Among all the items included in the graph, appreciating the scenery dwarfs others with 37%, reducing the pressure comes as the runner-up, which occupies 33%, followed by any other intentional activities and making friends, which account for 15% and 9% respectively, and developing the ability of dependence ranks the last, making only 6%. 模板2: 一起介绍(学习成本低) To put it more precise , the percentage of 第一项,第二项,第三项,第四项 and 第五项 is 占比一,占比二,占比三,占比四 and 占比五respectively. 在这里插入图片描述【2018】 To put it more precise, the percentage of peculiarity, services, environment, prices and other factors is 36%,26%,23%,8%, and 4% respectively. 第三句:突出占比最大的几个部分.

模板1(突出两项以上) :Obviously, the most important two 主题 are 第一项 and 第二项 在这里插入图片描述 -[2016] Obviously, the most important two traveling purposes are appreciating the scenery and reducing the pressure. 模板2(突出最大项): When taking a closer look, we can find that 最大项 is the largest proportion of all categories. 在这里插入图片描述 [2020] when taking a closer look, we can find that learning knowledge is the largest proportion of all the categories.

第二段=交代现象+ 引出原因+具体原因+引出后果+具体后果 第一句:交代现象(直接用)

模板1:Actually, this seemingly simple chart subtly discloses a prevailing phenomenon that has attracted our attention. 这个看似简单的图表微妙地揭示了当下吸引我们注意的一个流行现象 在这里插入图片描述

[2017] 这个看似简单的图表微妙地揭示了当下吸引我们注意的一个流行现象:越来越多的人喜欢花时间在艺术上。 Actually, the seemingly simple chart subtly discloses a prevailing phenomenon that an increasing number of modern people would like to spend time on arts. 在这里插入图片描述 [2020] 事实上,这个看似简单的图表微妙地揭示了一个流行现象:越来越多的大学生在日常生活中频繁使用手机。 Actually, the seemingly simple chart subtly discloses a prevailing phenomenon that an increasing number of college students usually use mobile phones. 模板2:In fact, this chart is a miniature of a prevalent phenomenon .实际上,这个图表只是一个流行现象的缩影。

在这里插入图片描述 [2018] 事实上,这个图表是一个普遍现象的缩影,越来越多的消费者选择一家餐馆是因为它的特色、服务和环境,而不是价格。 Actually, this chart is a miniature of a prevalent phenomenon that an increasing number of consumers choose a restaurant because of its character, services and environment instead of its price. 模板3:显然,这个抽象的图表微妙地揭示了…和… Apparently, the abstract chart has subtly revealed the relationship between…and… 在这里插入图片描述 [2017]显然,这个抽象的图表微妙地揭示了博物馆的增长趋势和游客的激增之间的关系。 Apparently, the abstract chart has subtly revealed the relationship between upward tendency of museums and booming trend of visitors.


模板1:除了以下几点,我找不到更好的理由了。第一,… 。 第二, … 。 I can think of no better reasons than the following ones. Firstly, ... , Secondly, ...

模板2:到底是什么导致了这一现象?这是个发人深思的问题。 What exactly contributes to this phenomenon? It is a thought-provoking question. 在这里插入图片描述 [2019] 到底什么导致了职业规划的多样化呢?这是个发人深思的问题。 what exactly contributes to this phenomenon that the diversity of career planning, it is a thought-provoking question. 在这里插入图片描述 [2014] what exactly contributes to this phenomenon that the development of cities, it is a thought-provoking question.

模板3:考虑到这个问题的重要性,有必要指出其背后的原因。 Considering the significance of the present situation, we ought to point out the causes behind it.

模板4:为了解释这一趋势,人们想到了各种原因。 To account for this trend, people have come up with a wide variety of reasons. 在这里插入图片描述 [2010] 为了解释不同的增长趋势,人们想到了各种原因。 To account for this different upward trend, people have come up with a wide variety of reasons.

第三、四句: 说明原因1、2 原因1

模板1:① 首先,…可能对它产生了重要的影响。 To begin with, ... might exert great influence on it. 模板2:② 首先,…可能导致了这个问题。 Firstly, ... might cause the problem. 模板3:③ 一方面,这种情况可能是…的结果。 For one thing, this situation might be the result of ...


模板1:① 第二点原因是… The second reason is that ... 模板2:② 此外,… What’s more, / Furthermore, / Moreover,


模板:① 也许,主要原因是… Perhaps, the primary reason is that ...

第五句:引出结果 通用结果 模板1:因此,As a result, 模板2:似乎不止一个直接或者间接的影响与 主题 相关,这些我们都无法忽视。 There seem to be more than one direct or indirect effects involved in ... , which none of us can fail to notice. Firstly, ...Secondly, ...(万能句) 在这里插入图片描述 [2020] There seem to be more than one direct or indirect effects involved in the popularity of smartphones, which none of us can fail to notice.

模板2:(坏的结果)如果我们视而不见的话,上述问题将会产生严重后果。 The problem mentioned above is bound to generate severe consequences, if we keep turning a blind eye to it.


方法一:重复问题或加重问题 方法二:举例子润色结果 ① For example, ... ②As a result, an increasing number of people have come to realize the fact mentioned above. ③ The problem/situation/case mentioned above has come into being, which might become worse/better in the future.


第二段=1.交代现象+2.引出原因+3. 具体原因+4. 引出结果+5. 具体结果 ① 事实上,这个图表是流行想象的缩影。 ② 到底什么导致了这个问题呢?这发人深思。 ③ 首先,A 导致了这个问题。其次,还有一点原因可能是 B。 ④ 如果上述问题视而不见,将会导致一系列后果。 ⑤ 这个问题成为既成事实,未来可能会更坏。 ① In fact, this chart is a miniature of a prevalent phenomenon. ② What exactly contributes to this problem?It is a thought-provoking question. ③ To begin with, A might cause this severe problem. In addition ,the secon d reason might be that B. ④ The problem mentioned above is bound to generate severe consequences, which none of us can fail to notice. ⑤ The situation has come into being, which might become worse in the future.

第三段=预测趋势+建议措施+憧憬未来 1.预测趋势(引言+结论) 引言

① 总而言之 all in all, to sum up ② 考虑到上述问题的方方面面,我像大多数人一样,可以得出结论:… Considering every aspect of this issue, I, as most of others will do, safely draw a conclusion that ... ③ 不管怎样,不管它的作用是积极的还是消极的,可以肯定的是… Anyhow, whether it is positive or negative, one thing is certain that ... ④ 考虑到所有这些因素,我们可以预测… Taking all these factors into account/considerations, we may predict that ...


① 假设: 如果这个好/坏的事情继续发生的话,这个趋势可能朝着更好/更坏的 方向发展。 If the exciting/disturbing thing continues, it will be going on for the better /worse. ② 结论:现在,人们…的趋势正在增加/减少,而且我认为短时间内这种趋势不 会改变。 Nowadays, there is a growing / decreasing tendency for sb. to do sth., which I believe will not change in a short time. ③ 措施:要想扭转这一趋势并非易事,这需要充分意识到… To reverse the trend is not a piece of cake, which requires a good awareness of … ④ 随着…的步伐加快和压力不断加大,…的数量在未来十年将继续增长/减少。 With the quickening pace and ever-increasing pressure of ..., the number of ... will keep growing/decreasing in the forthcoming decade.

2.建议措施 统一做法:扬长避短 【适用】正面话题、中立话题 (1)因此,我们应该取其精华,去其糟粕。 Therefore, we should take advantage of the fruits and avoid the opposite facet. (2)因此,正如常言道,我们应该吸取精华,忽略缺点。 We should, therefore, as the common saying goes, “absorb the essence and neglect the drawbacks”.不同主体不同做法: 固定主体 + to do something 【适用】正面话题、中立话题、负面话题 直接背,更换主体即可。 我们应该采取实际行动做某事。We ourselves ought to take practical actions to do sth… … 的培养有赖于社会每个成员的积极参与。The cultivation of … depends on the active participation of every citizen of our society. 制定法律:It is essential that laws and regulations should be worked out and enforced to do sth… 教育公民:The government has the responsibility to educate/encourage every citizen to do sth. 3.憧憬未来 如果所有措施付诸实现,前途一片光明。 If all the solutions are turned into reality, the prospect will become more desirable.通过等待和希望,我们一定可以实现最终目标。 Through/ By waiting and hoping, we will be able to achieve our ultimate goal.倒装句 (推荐): Only in this way can we expect a more harmonious society. Only in this way can we own/possess a promising future. Only in this way can we make dreams that … come true. Only in this way can we make life more meaningful.
