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China, as an ancient country, is characterized by its time-honored history and profound civilization. Nonetheless, a host of young Chinese are not fond of learning traditional culture. Instead, they are addicted to various video games. This phenomenon is particularly worth attention for the reason that this ignorant and short-sighted behavior has constituted an obstacle that hinders their growth and progress. Thus, as a college student, I deem that it is advisable for young people to seek wisdom and intelligence from ancestors. A case in point is me. I am keen on the poetry of the Tang Dynasty, which can bring me a sense of beauty, inspire my passion for historical knowledge, and help me broaden my horizons.

Accordingly, society as a whole should foster a positive atmosphere to learn traditional culture. We are supposed to bear in mind that history and traditions can be likened to a bridge, which links the past to the present.





Directions: Write an essay of 160---200 words based on the following drawings. In your essay, you should

1)describe the drawings briefly,

2)explain the intended meaning, and

3)give your comments.

Your should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.(20 points)


Apparently, these two drawings can be linked to two distinct life attitudes. In the left picture, there is a youngster, lying on a sofa and saying, "The challenge is beyond my ability. All my efforts will be in vain." On the contrary, in the right one, a young girl is working hard, with a thought in her mind: only with full preparation can I take on challenges and seize opportunities. Finally, several Chinese characters can be noticed below the pictures, which say "opportunities and challenges".

High achievers are featured with their various excellent qualities, such as confidence, diligence and courage to face challenges. However, in reality, a host of young people tend to give up when they see no hope. This phenomenon is particularly worth attention for the reason that it is their ignorant and short-sighted behavior that causes them to lose all their chances. As a matter of fact, this negative mindset has constituted an obstacle that hinders their progress and growth. Thus, I deem that it is advisable for us to do our utmost to make full preparation, which can bring us confidence, inspire our passion, and help us turn challenges into opportunities.

As a senior who is preparing for the national entrance examination for postgraduate studies, I bear in mind that every challenge is an opportunity. I am convinced that it is my efforts that will enable me to conquer fear and grasp opportunities.





Directions: Write an essay of 160---200 words based on the following drawings. In your essay, you should

1)describe the drawings briefly,

2)explain the intended meaning, and

3)give your comments.

Your should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.(20 points)

These two drawings, apparently, can be associated with two distinct attitudes. In the left picture, there is a youngster, lying idlyon a sofa, with a question in his mind: how can I make innovation? On the contrary, in the right one, a scientist is experimenting, with an idea in his mind: only if I try will I figure out how to innovate.

From my perspective, innovation can be likened to a journey, leading to a promising future for humanity. Hence, if we intend to stay innovative, it is advisable for us to put ideas into practice instead of just thinking with no action. Why? Practice can bring us rich experience, inspire our passion for innovation, and help us find more possibilities. A case in point is me. As a senior who is preparing for the national entrance examination for postgraduate studies, I have tried many ways to enhance my efficiency in learning. Finally, it is my trying and practice that enabled me to innovate my learning methods.

Accordingly, everyone is supposed to bear in mind that innovation does not originate from thinking with no action. Instead, it is gained through trial and error. Therefore, society as a whole should foster a positive atmosphere to encourage people to put ideas into practice for the purpose of innovation.


