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2024考研英语同源外刊9月:什么是自恋?时间:2023-09-07 21:24:43 编辑:Lcc



Can you think of a narcissist? Some people might picture Donald Trump, perhaps, or Elon Musk, both of whom are often labeled as such on social media. But chances are you've encountered a narcissist, and they looked nothing like Trump or Musk. Up to 6 percent of the U.S. population, mostly men, is estimated to have had narcissistic personality disorder during some period of their lives. And the condition manifests in confoundingly different ways. People with narcissism “may be grandiose or self-loathing, extraverted or socially isolated, captains of industry or unable to maintain steady employment, model citizens or prone to antisocial activities,” according to a review paper on diagnosing the disorder.


Clinicians note several dimensions on which narcissists vary. They may function extremely well, with successful careers and vibrant social lives, or very poorly. They may (or may not) have other disorders, ranging from depression to sociopathy. And although most people are familiar with the “grandiose” version of narcissism—as displayed by an arrogant and pompous person who craves attention—the disorder also comes in a “vulnerable” or “covert” form, where individuals suffer from internal distress and fluctuations in self-esteem. What these seeming opposites have in common is an extreme preoccupation with themselves.


Most psychologists who treat patients say that grandiosity and vulnerability coexist in the same individual, showing up in different situations. Among academic psychologists, however, many contend that these two traits do not always overlap.




narcissism /ˈnɑːrsɪsɪzəm/ n. 自恋,自我陶醉;

confront /kənˈfrʌnt/ vt. 面对,面临;

widely /ˈwaɪdli/ adv. 普遍地,广泛地;

misunderstood /ˌmɪsʌndərˈstʊd/ adj. 被误解的,不为人理解的;

narcissist /ˈnɑːrsɪsɪst/ n. 自我陶醉者,自恋者;

picture /ˈpɪktʃər/ vt. 想象;设想;忆起;

label/ˈleɪb(ə)l/ vt. 贴标签;

encounter /ɪnˈkaʊntər/ vt. 遭遇,遇到(尤指令人不快或困难的事);

nothing like 远非,远不如;

narcissistic personality disorder 自恋人格障碍;

manifest /ˈmænɪfest/ vi. 显示,表明;

confoundingly /kənˈfaʊndɪŋlɪ/ adv. 令人困惑地;

grandiose/ˈɡrændioʊs/ adj. 华而不实的;浮夸的;不切实际的;

self-loathing /ˌself ˈloʊðɪŋ/ adj. 自我厌恶的,自我讨厌的;

extraverted /ˈekstrəvɜːtɪd/ adj. 外向的(等于 extroverted);

socially isolated 社交孤立的;

