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24考研复试收藏!MBA复试英语口语高频问题答案范例 林晨考研北京

24考研复试 | 收藏!MBA复试英语口语考试高频问题及答案范例(一) 林晨考研北京






①Please tell me something about your hometown.

②Please introduce your hometown.


I come from xxx City, xxx Province.

It’s one of the birthplaces of the Chinese nation.The city is rich in resources, it’s an important grain production base and coal production base in China.The population is on the increase and our life has become much better. At present, the rapid economic development of xxx has attracted the attention of the world.


①Please tell me something about your family.

②Are you married? Do you have children? Please introduce your family briefly.


Thank you for your question .

There are three members in my family , my parents and me.

My father is xxx. He often goes out to work , so most of the housework is done by my mother.

It’s our common hobby to travel on weekends. The fresh air and beautiful scenery can help us get rid of the fatigue, and the relationship between our families becomes more intimate.

In the process of preparing for postgraduate entrance examination, the encouragement and love of my family has always been my strength, Thank you, teacher .


①What are your hobbies?

②What hobbies do your have in your spare time?

③What would you do in your spare time?


Thank you for your question.

In my submission, study is indispensable, but hobbies can relax people and make them more efficient.As far as I am concerned, my first hobby is reading. Every new book I read is like opening a new chapter in my life. As Shakespeare once said , books are the nourishment of all human beings. They can cultivate my sentiment and help me get rid of the disturbance from outside.

My second hobby is mountain climbing ( XXX ). In this process, I can devote myself to what I do and become more focused.


What’s your favorite book? And introduce its content briefly.


Thank you for your question.

My favorite book is the Great Gatsby. The reason why I like this book is that I like its mystery and fuzziness.Unlike the detailed description and depiction in other novels, Gatsby’s image is fuzzy, which attracts me to make different interpretations.

I think the core point of this book is “pure dream”.we should always go back to see our original dreams and beliefs, so that we can truly achieve “never forget our original intention, we must always”.




①What characteristics do you think it takes to be a good manager?

②What qualities do you think it takes to be a leader?

③What’s the most important qualification that an MBA student should have?

④Why do you think you are qualified for MBA program?

⑤What do you think is more important as a manager?


I think a leader should have a good awareness of management abilities, excellent capacity of making decisions, high spirit of team work and outstanding performance of logic thinking.

All of those should be qualified to be an excellent leader.


Please tell me something about your company and introduce your team.


At present, I have a team of ten person.

As the general manager, I am mainly responsible for the overall strategy and operation of the business.In addition, there exists a sales manager and three sales staff in the company, who are responsible for the main sales tasks.

There is a service manager and four maintenance workers, who are responsible for the main after- sale service.


①What's the name of your company? What are you responsible for in your present job?

②Please introduce your company, include your company’s business, company name and your position.

③What’s your company’s business?

④What’s your job now?


Well. At present, I have set up a car trading company.

It’s name is xxx.The main business is selling new energy cars and providing after-sale service.As the general manager of the company, I’m mainly responsible for the overall operation of the company, making up strategic plans for staff, and guiding them to complete their tasks.

That’s all, thank you.


①How many people do you have on your team and how do you lead them?

②How many people are in your team? How do you manage?


At present, there are ten people in my team.

How I motivate the team can be simply summarized as follows.

First of all, making clear company culture in order to guide the staff to set up correct values.

Secondly, as for staff, it is of great importance to set clear and feasible goals for guiding them to complete their tasks on time.

Finally, giving more rewards to the excellent staff is necessary. Not only does it encourage them to work better, but also it can foster corporate spirit.



①Please tell me something about your college experience briefly .

②Tell me your educational background in details.


In 2010, I was admitted by xxx institute of technology. My major is electronic information engineering.

In those four years, I learned a lot of necessary and basic knowledge of electronic information engineering.

I also developed my deep interest in business.Besides, the undergraduate education has cultivated my communication skills, gaven me the wide range vision, and taught me how to think from multiple perspectives, which are really helpful to my future career.


①Do you think it important to learn English? Why?

②Do you think English is quite important in MBA study? Why?

③What is your purpose to learn English?


Yes, there is no doubt that English is quite important in MBA study.

As we can see, globalization impacts our life deeply, especially in the working environment.Globalization means that we have to work with people from different countries, which forces us to learn how to communicate in English.

So I think English is quite important for us.


What is the most important course you have ever taken? Why?


Well, I think the most important course I’ve taken is math.

On the one hand, math is a basic subject. When I can learn it well, I find it easier to learn other subjects.

On the other hand, I think math is a rigorous subject, which requires a serious attitude. This is what I’m interested in.

In addition, math makes me mentally smarter.

Therefore, math is my favorite subject.


Can you introduce what you have achieved in university?


Well, I studied hard in university and won many scholarships.

In those four years, I learned a lot of necessary and basic knowledge of electronic information engineering. I also developed my deep interest in business.

Besides, the undergraduate education has cultivated my communication skills, gaven me a wide range vision, and taught me how to think from multiple perspectives, which are really helpful to my future career.

林晨老师,你相见恨晚的(MBA MEM MPA EMBA MPACC)择校 初试 提前面试 复试 调剂的指导老师,目前已累计陪伴1000名学生考生理想院校的MBA MEM MPA EMBA MPACC。
