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前言: 本人英语口语处于那种的“哑巴式”,没有准备就根本不知道扯啥。于是整理了一些出现频率最高的英语问题(回答对我而言两三句简单句就撑死了,因没有参考价值大家就还是自己准备回答),以防到时候陷入迷之尴尬。 ̄□ ̄||


Tips:所有问题的回答围绕 “是什么?为什么?” 附加艾宾浩斯记忆表帮助大家最后几天每天读读背背: 艾宾浩斯记忆表格口语小味精: 适用场合:卡顿或者思考时 well,let me see… Let me think about it… you know… 适用场合:没听清问题 I’m sorry, are you asking…? sorry,could you repeat the question? 适用场合:口误 I mean… That is to say… In other words…


目录专业范围内Q1. Can you tell me something about your project?Q2. Can you say something about your major?Q3. What is the most easy or difficult course during your college life?Q4. What have learned from your internship experience?Q5.What was the topic of your graduation thesis?Q6.What specialized courses have you taken and which courses do you like best?Q7.Could you tell me something about your undergraduate study experience?Q8.What is deep learning?Q9.What do you think is the future of computer science?专业范围外Q10. Please introduce your schoolQ11. What’s your favorite book?Q12. Could you talk something about your family?Q13. What is most person recently?Q14. What is your study plan?Q15. What is the biggest honor in the past four years?Q16. Please use 3 words to describe your personal attributes?Q17. What is your sports?Q18. What is your greatest strength?Q19. If you failed this time what will you do ?Q20. What is the best university in your opinion?Q21. Why did you choose our university ?Q22. What are advantages and disadvantage ?Q23. What can you tell me about yourself ?Q24. Do you work well under pressure?Q25. Who is your favorite teacher?Q26. Where is your hometown?Q27. Say a little about teamworkQ28. Describe your best friendQ29. How do you handle criticism?Q30.How do you feel about your progress to date?

专业范围内 Q1. Can you tell me something about your project? Q2. Can you say something about your major? Q3. What is the most easy or difficult course during your college life? Q4. What have learned from your internship experience? Q5.What was the topic of your graduation thesis? Q6.What specialized courses have you taken and which courses do you like best? Q7.Could you tell me something about your undergraduate study experience? Q8.What is deep learning? Q9.What do you think is the future of computer science? 专业范围外 Q10. Please introduce your school Q11. What’s your favorite book? Q12. Could you talk something about your family? Q13. What is most person recently? Q14. What is your study plan? Q15. What is the biggest honor in the past four years? Q16. Please use 3 words to describe your personal attributes? Q17. What is your sports? Q18. What is your greatest strength? Q19. If you failed this time what will you do ? Q20. What is the best university in your opinion? Q21. Why did you choose our university ? Q22. What are advantages and disadvantage ? Q23. What can you tell me about yourself ? Q24. Do you work well under pressure? Q25. Who is your favorite teacher? Q26. Where is your hometown? Q27. Say a little about teamwork Q28. Describe your best friend Q29. How do you handle criticism? Q30.How do you feel about your progress to date?
