首页 >  考研图表作文数据描述  > 写作指南① :如何写好英语图表作文?(附句型+优质范文)

写作指南① :如何写好英语图表作文?(附句型+优质范文)

To begin with, … (原因一)

In addition, …(原因二)

Last but not least,……(原因三)


As for me, …(给出观点)


为帮助大家练习图表作文写作技能,我们为大家精选了不同类型的图标作文,涵盖 学习习惯、亲子关系、中华文化、课外阅读等高频考点话题,建议同学们阅读题目后先自行写作,再与范文对比找到自己的不足。



良好的学习习惯可以成就成功的生活。对于英语学习同学们一定养成了 一些好的学习习惯,某中学对200名学生英语学习习惯进行了一项调查。请根据调查内容写一篇短文,简要介绍调查结果,并结合自身经历谈谈你的英语学习习惯,以及对你学习的促进。





In order to know about the habits of learning English, a school did a survey among 200 students. Here is the result. 78% of the students usually take notes. 81% of them like reading a lot including English newspapers and magazines. 21% sometimes watch English movies, while 15% like keeping diaries.

Once I always had difficulties in remembering so many English words. As a result, I couldn't do well in English. Because of the lack of words, I couldn't even understand the articles that I read. Later, according to my best friend, Lucy's advice, I kept reading English magazines and newspapers half an hour every day. Little by little, I remembered more and more words. I didn't think it was hard to learn English any more. I am interested in learning English now. In a word, good habits will give us a successful life. For it, we must keep our good habits.


在青少年成长的过程中,与父母之间的关系非常重要。在相处的过程中,彼此之间难免会有拿执的时候,如何处理好这些争执是 我们不得不面对的问题。对此,某校对200名中学生做了一项调查,下图是相关的统计结果,其中包括保持安静、坚持观点和交流的人数。请你写一篇短文,用百分比简要说明图表内容,并从图表中选出一项你喜欢的交流方式,表达你的看法和建议。



2. 文中不得出现真实的人名、校名。


A survey about the solution after argument with parents for teenagershas been done and here are the results.According to the chart, seventy percent of the students intend to communicate with their parents after arguments, which can improve their relationship. Twenty-five percent students prefer to insist on their opinions, and only five percent students choose to keep silent.

Personally, communicating after arguments is the best choice. Obviously, efficient communication can not only make us understand each other better, but also relax tense relation, as well as make us get on well with each other like friends.Therefore, I suggest teenagers should catch every possible chance to communicate with their parents when meeting disagreements or having arguments. Only though communication can all of us feel much happier.



请根据以上内容,结合图片信息,写一篇英语短交。内容包括: 1.从以上提示中选择某个方面,谈谈你对这个选择的观点;2.围绕以上观点,描述你曾经历过的一件事;3.这件事带给你的思考。





There is no denying that it is important for us to make a reasonable choice in life. I am a volleyball fan so I choose to join the school volleyball club, which is beneficial to my growth.

In my childhood, I fell in love with volleyball. Then when I was in Grade 8, I was eager to be a member of the school volleyball club.

However, my parents wanted me to focus time and energy on schoolwork. I had a long talk with them calmly. After that, I trained hard with persistence in the club and learned what the true meaning of the teamwork was.

Meanwhile, I reviewed my schoolwork as soon as I finished training. To my joy, I got satisfying results in the test. All this showed that my choice was right.

Needless to say, no matter what the choice is, if it is reasonable, just make it to follow your heart. Only in this way can it bring out the best in you.


中国汉字 (Chinese characters)的历史源远流长,它不仅具有实用价值,而且还具备艺术价值。有人说人们用它来传递文化和表达 情感;有人说它供人们学习和欣赏:还有人说字如其人,见字如见人。随着电脑在生活中的普及,人们
