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2017医学考博英语听力真题及答案2017-03-11 12:38:57来源:网络 【近期关注】考博成绩查询考博复试技巧考博复试分数线考博拟录取名单【考博英语备考】考博英语词汇10000例精解PDF下载考博英语作文模板汇总【医学考博英语备考】医学考博英语词汇表医学博士考试大纲医学考博英语题型



Section A Short Conversations

1、A. To have a coffee.

2、B. They rarely listen to him.

3、D. His patience with patients.

4、A. 2:30 pm today.

5、D. He should take one pill 30 minutes before sleep for 30 days.

6、C. Have a drink or bite in a bar.

7、D. Monday, the 20th.

8、C. Marc De Weck.

9、D. That's an impossible question to answer.

10、D. The woman's sister-in-law.

11、A. It's an benign tumor.

12、A. He is a hematologist.

13、D. Because he is applying for emigration to Australia.

14、B. She wants to take her luggage to the car by herself.

15、C. Annoyed.

Section B

Long Conversation

16. B. Atrivial illness.

17. C. Stuffed nose.

18. A. A cold.

19. C. Whether the doctor should prescribe an antibiotic.

20. A. Nice and patient.

Passage One

21. B. Just from the number of texts they sent.

22. D. 2,300 psychology students.

23. B. Image and wealth.

24. C. 12% of the survey-takers texted at least 300 times a day.

25. A. Too much texting can make you shallow.

Passage Two

26. C. Improved health.

27. C. A 12-week aerobic exercise program.

28. B. Exercise should be encouraged, weight loss less emphasized.

29. D. To enjoy the marvelous feeling of exercise.

30. A. Exercise: Value beyong Weight Loss.


