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①翻译标准是严复的“信达雅”(faithfulness, expressiveness, elegance)最早由支谦(佛经翻译家)在《法句经序》中提出。 后来刘重德提出“信达切(文体相近)closeness”


③傅雷:神似similarity in spirit;钱钟书:化境(sublimation, 出神入化)


最流行:等值equivalent value、等效equivalent effect、功能对等functional equivalence



Translation means distortion, but the mission of a interpreter is to make these lost as little as possible.


 ①语法意识(sense of grammar)


  He found(that) there were many unreliable points in the geography records kept by his predecessors.


  Jingui Lake lies in the area of Nanchuan Reservoir, Xian’an District, Xianning, which is reputed as the Back Garden to the south of Wuhan.

 ②惯用法意识(sense of idiomaticness)

 ③连贯意识(sense of coherence)


  Taigan(a kind of dry stemmed vegetable) is a famous special local product of Woyang, Anhui Province. It is well-known all over the world. It can be regarded as “jellyfish on land”. It’s green, tender, crisp and pleasant to taste. It was once an article of tribute in Qing Dynasty.

 ④搭配意识(sense of collocation)




Zijuan, assenting, hurried out to fetch a clean spittoon, placing the used one on the table in the outer room. Having closed the door behind her, she let down the flowered portiere before going to wake Xueyan.


It was a keen disappointment when I had to postpone the visit which I had intended to pay to America in February.


The doorbell rang; a visitor came. Huang never refused to receive any visitor. He thought he should receive this visitor politely. Hurriedly he put on his socks,smoothed his hair. He hurried to the door...

3.2 词语英译与语言环境

“每个词在一个新的语境中就是一个新词。”(Each word when used in a new context is a new word.)没有语境,词就没有意义。语境是凌驾一切的因素,而且优先任何的规则、理论或是基本意义。


By now the loose dust had all been blown away, leaving the roadway clean, and the rickshaw man quickened his pace.


There lived in a hamlet over the other side of the gully a maiden who in protest against her parents’ dictatorially arranged marriage escaped in broad daylight across the gully, slipped into this hut — and hanged herself! There was no ceiling, only crooked, bare rafters overhead, conveniently accessible for a rope to hang from. A most suitable place, indeed, for such a purpose.

词语的搭配(He[one who writes or speaks in a foreign language] will be “caught” out every time, not by his grammar...not by his vocabulary...but by his unacceptable or improbable collocations.)


Judging from what she wrote in her memoir, she always had mixed feelings for that director.


The tainted-baby-milk scandal caused the death of at least six infants.

3.3 词语英译与文化语境

增译(amplification): 补充说明前诉概念身份特征,以弥补文化背景信息。

1.布衣蔬食:wear coarse clothes and eat simple food

2.等吃完饭一定让你骑个够:I’ll let you ride on me to your heart’s content after dinner.


After exchanging a few polite remarks when we met, he observed that I looked “fat”, and having made that complimentary remark he started a violent attack on the revolutionaries.(原译未增译胖与中国文化相关的内涵,容易引起西方读者误解。)


Don’t snap and snarl at me when I’m trying to do my best for you.


Filial piety is an inherent virtue of Chinese people.


Lady’s blouses should not be too low-cut or too sheer.


The life of a tenant farmer’s family was of course hard, but we somehow managed to scrape along because mother was a clever and able woman.


Before I fell ill, I had got everything my own way owing to my doting parents.

3.4 “假朋友”的识别

干货 dried food (dry goods 纺织品)         

海狗 fur seal (sea dog 海豹)

纸钱 joss paper (paper money 纸币)       

二百五 a horse’s ass

绿豆 mung bean (green bean 四季豆)     

酸奶 yogurt (sour milk 变质发酸的牛奶)

二手货市场 boot fair                                

制造贩卖非法商品 bootleg

售卖酒类的店 wine shop                          

库门的引道 driveway

可供车行且路边有树的林荫大道 parkway    

休息室 lounge (rest room 厕所)

运动服 sportswear (sport coat 休闲西服)     

油性皮肤 oily skin (oilskin 防水油布)

食言 go back on one’s words (eat one’s words 承认自己说错话)   

愚弄某人 pull sb.’s leg

high school 美国中学

破产 have/wear a green bonnet                 

电话簿 yellow book (pornography 黄色书籍)

不遗余力/千方百计 to move heaven and earth   

无家可归的流浪者 street people

好好先生 yes-man (goody-goody 假正经的人)   

持续思考某一件事 to have a one-track mind

3.5 词义空缺与英译策略

Lexical gap → cultural-loaded=culture-specific words

文化特色词翻译方法:①音译 ②意译+简短释义 ③直译+简短解释 ④简短直译法 ⑤替代





3.6 成语与四字格的英译





例:如鱼得水(feel just like fish in water)、临阵磨枪(sharpen one’s spear only before going into battle)、狐假虎威(the fox borrows the tiger’s terror)、对牛弹琴(play the harp to a bull)


例:手忙脚乱(in a frantic rush)、立竿见影(get instant results)、噤若寒蝉(keep quiet)、明火执仗(do evil things openly)、牵肠挂肚(be full of anxiety and worry)



例:肉中刺(a thorn in the flesh)、浑水摸鱼(fish in troubled water)、趁热打铁(strike while the iron is hot)、眼见为实(seeing is believing)、隔墙有耳(walls have ears)


例:笑掉大牙(laugh off one’s head/laugh from ear to ear笑的合不拢嘴)、乱七八糟(at sixes and sevens)、东张西望(look right and left)、抛砖引玉(throw a sprat to catch a herring)


例:以眼还眼(an eye for an eye)、君子协定(a gentleman’s agreement)、武装到牙齿(be armed to the teeth)


例:东施效颦(Dongshi imitating Xishi (Xishi was a famous beauty in the ancient kingdom of Yue. Dongshi was an ugly girl who tried to imitate her way.));班门弄斧(with an axe before Lu Ban the master of carpenter.); 望梅止渴/画饼充饥(fantasy or illusion)【同义词重复若非出于强调(修辞)的目的,就应舍去其一,以免造成译文冗长】


Commissioner Chou sat in the hall and watched the candidates crowding in. There were young and old, handsome and homely, smart and shabby men among them.


How easy it is to add to someone’s joy, I often think, and how hard to lend a helping hand in times of distress - the ratio would probably come to nine to one, too. But those who do not help you when you need it most are not true friends, much less those who hit you when you’re down.




We have a good assortment of goods to choose from. (assorted candies 什锦糖)


This song has been sung all over China for 50 years. The melody still lingers in the air.

③囊中羞涩 financially embarrassed


4.1 主语的确定:①以原文主语做译文主语 ②重新确定主语 ③增补主语


China can be counted on. Among other things, first, we upholds principles and second, we honors our words.


As a horse may tumble, so a man may make mistakes. (Homer sometimes nods.人非圣贤孰能无过)


Lu Hsun was a man of unyielding integrity, free from all sycophancy or obsequiousness; this quality is invaluable among colonial and semi-colonial peoples.


Silence, silence! Unless we burst out, we shall perish in this silence!


Time went by and before I was aware of it winter was waning.



China will stride forward in building socialism, like a ship braving the wind and the waves, towards the glorious destination of modernization.


Our relations have so grown that they bind us not only as close friends but also as brother.


His outspokenness and readiness to make friends with anyone soon won their trust.


A strong, prosperous and developed China will pose no threat to any countries.


Light industry and textile products are now available in better designs and quality and richer variety.


China has made great achievements in its economic reform and opening up to the outside world.


China’s first atomic blast in October, 1964 was a great shock to the rest of the world.


In comparison with Westerners, the Chinese people, easier to satisfied, are mostly unbiased, peaceful, unworldly and guileless.


We are now standing at a new historical juncture in the development of both the mainland and Hong Kong and are facing rare opportunities for development and severe challenges.


Over the past six years, we have made great progress and delivered impressive results in China’s Western Development Drive, which is due to the correct leadership of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, and to the diligence and pioneering innovation of all ethnic groups in Western China.


A sudden breeze made the child sneeze.


In winter the grass turns yellow and the flowers fade, but new flowers come down from heaven, spreading a cover of glittering snow over the hills.


The faint fragrance of foliage in the air awoke me to a full sense of life.


When I got up in the morning, I found several beams of sunlight penetrating through the window into my house. The sun has its feet, moving slowly and quietly and I followed its steps.


白费口舌 a futile waste of words

痴人说梦 a tale told by an idiot

血流如注 to bleed like a pig

挥金如土 to spend money like water

杀鸡取卵 to kill the goose that lays the golden egg

绞尽脑汁 to rack one’s brain

轻如鸿毛 as light as a feather

稳如泰山 as steady as a mountain

随波逐流 to go with the flow

破釜沉舟 to burn one’s boat

画蛇添足 to paint the lily

打草惊蛇 to wake a sleeping dog

大海捞针 to look for a needle in the haystack

空中楼阁 a castle in the air 

一贫如洗 as poor as a church house

弱不禁风 as weak as water

了如指掌 to know something like the back of one’s hand

以牙还牙 a tooth for a tooth

骨瘦如柴 as thin as a rail

一箭双雕 to kill two birds with one stone

如履薄冰 to be on thin ice

晴天霹雳 a bolt from the blue
