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Game Design 1 – the fundamentals of creating meaningful choice, with an emphasis on designing non-digital tabletop and physical games

Game Studio 1 – individually and in groups, students create digital games and learn best practices for a successful creative process

Game Studies 1 – introduction to the scholarship of games and critical theoretical approaches to game design

Games 101 – a history class that spans ancient to contemporary games, with an emphasis on actually playing as many of the games as possible

Code Lab Zero – for students less experienced with programming, this optional mini-class serves as a programming support workshop for Game Studio 1 projects


Game Studio 2 – students work in groups and spend an entire semester creating a single digital game, allowing you to work on a more ambitious videogame project

Electives – the rest of your schedule is determined entirely by your interests and passions, usually three classes in addition to Game Studio 2


Thesis – this class provides a structured place for you to work on your thesis project, including research and collaboration, as well as faculty support and critique

Survival Skills – this 2-credit class gives your glimpses of what life is like after graduation. You will hear from speakers in indie development, triple A, and other career paths you may not have considered. At the end of this class, you will have a completed career plan and updated resume and portfolio.

Electives – in the fall and in the spring, you will take additional classes from the NYU Game Center or from across NYU, based on your interests
