首页 >  第一次月考真题答案  > 名校真题|八年级上学期第一次月考英语试卷,含听力(附答案)


A. in a parkB. on the streetC. in a supermarket

5. What will the woman do next ?

A. pay for the dress

B. try on more dresses

C. pick a black dress





6. Where is the man going ?

A. to a hotelB. to a post officeC. to a hospital

7. How long will the man have to walk ?

A. for about 10 minutes.

B. for 20 minutes.

C. for about 25 minutes.

8. Where does the dialogue happen ?

A. in the post office.B. in the hotel.C. in the street.


9. Who will take the lesson ?

A. the woman’s son.B. Eva.C. Mr. Stanley.

10. Why can’t the woman’s sister give any more lesson?

A. she is poor at playing the piano.

B. she will look after her kids.

C. she is going abroad(出国).

11. How much do the lessons cost the woman each week ?

A. $ 15.B. $ 30.C. $ 60.



12. How does the speaker usually wake up ?

A. he is woken up by his parents

B. he is woken up by a clock

C. he wakes up naturally

13. How does the speakers go to school ?

A. on footB. by bikeC. by bus

14. What does the speaker usually do between 10:00 pm and 10:30 pm ?

A. he does homework

B. he listens to music

C. he takes a shower

15. How long does the speaker have classes every day ?

A. 5 hours and 45 minutes

B. 6 hours and 3 quarters

C. 6 hours and one quarter



16. France is _________ European country.

A. aB. anC. theD. /

17. ---- Who cleaned the blackboard yesterday, Dick?

---- John _________.

A. cleanedB. doesC. didD. is

18. My legs were ________ tired ________ I wanted to stop.

A. too; toB. too; thatC. very; thatD. so; that

19. I like English very much, so I _______ listen to the tape in the morning.

A. usuallyB. hardly everC. neverD. like

20. My hair is longer than ___________.

A. sheB. herC. she’sD. hers

21. Taking photos in the mountains ________ very interesting.

A. isB. areC. wereD. look

22. His parents _______ listening tomusic.[来源:学+科+网]

A. all likeB. both likeC. are likeD. be like

23. One of the most popular _______ of ________ in the world is Chinese food.

A. kind; foodB. kinds; foodC. kind; foodsD. kinds; foods

24. I don’t like to do ________ she always ________.

A. the same things; does

B. the different things from; does[来源:学科网ZXXK]

C. the same things as; did

D. the same things as; does

25. ---- Do you like to go to school __________?

---- No. I ____________ go to school every day.

A. by car; by busB. by car; take a bus

C. in car; take a busD. on a bus; by bike





I have an 18-month-old boy. I have a housemaid at home. My father often comes over to my house and helps to take care of my boy. Although the housemaid(女仆) and my father help me take care of my boy, I still plan to send him to a childcare center. Do you know why I plan to send him there?

My husband and I have to go to work on weekdays. We are busy all day. My boy doesn’t have any meaningful activities to do during the daytime. He often plays on his own while my housemaid is busy with the housework and preparing his food. My father loves my boy, but he doesn’t know how to teach or what to teach. He always plays with my boy, brings him down for a walk or lets him watch TV.

At the childcare center, my boy will learn to get on with other children. He will learn to share. He will learn to feed himself he will learn to take care of himself I hope he can make progress with the help of the teachers.

26. The writer is going to send the boy to ___________.

A. a childcare center B. a park

C. an office D. a school

27. After reading the passage, we can know the writer is ____________.

A. the boy’s father B. the boy’s mother

C the boy’s housemaid D. the boy’s teacher

28. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. The writer doesn’t have a housemaid at home.

B. The writer’s mother often helps to take care of the boy.

C. The writer’s father doesn’t know how to teach a child.

D. The writer’s boy won’t learn to care for himself at the childcare center.


Karen, Ben and Laura are giving their opinions about a good friend.

Karen: In my opinion, a good friend should be honest. That’s more important than any other thing and is where a good friendship starts. If a friend isn’t honest, he may lose his friends’ trust.

Ben: I think a good friend has to be generous. Here “generous” doesn’t mean he has to give his friends his lunch money or his clothes. It means he should share his ideas and feelings with his friends. In fact, his friends can know him better in this way.

Laura: I think a good friend should understand his friends. When there’s something wrong between him and his friends, he must put himself in his friends’ place and think more for his friends.

29. What does the underlined sentence mean? _________

A. To be honest is the most important.

B. To be honest is as important as other things.

C. To be honest is not so important.

D. Honest people get more things than others.

30. Ben would like to make friends with people who ________.

A. give him lunch money

B. know him very well

C. tell him their ideas and feelings

D. give him some clothes

31. Which of the following is NOT true? _________

A. These three people are talking about what they think a good friend should be.

B. Karen thinks to be honest is the base (基础) of a good friendship

C. Laura would like to make friends with people who think more for friends.

D. A man is generous. That means he is very clever.

32. What’s the best title for the passage? _________

A. My best friends

B. What is important?

C. Opinions about a good friend

D. How to make friends


An albatross(信天翁) is a very large seabird. The albatross has the biggest wings of all the birds. Its wings can be 11 feet long. The wings of the albatross are also narrow(窄小的). The long and narrow wings can help the albatross fly fast.

Thealbatross has some great abilities. It can glide(滑行) for hours over the ocean without flapping its wings. The albatross is able to travel long distances without using a lot of energy. The albatross may go for more than a year without ever touching down on land. The albatross spends much of its life gliding and circling over the Southern Ocean. At times the albatross will float on the sea’s surface.

Do you know what the albatrossdrinks and eats? Well, the albatross drinks salt water. It mainly eats fish, squid, and krill. The albatross catches its food by diving or grabbing it off the surface of the water.

Someone says that the albatross is like a cleaner of the sea. It will follow ships and pick up the garbage from the ships.

33. The wings of the albatross can help it ____________.

A. fly far B. fly fast C. walk far D. walk fast

34. What’s the main idea of the second paragraph?

A. It’s about the albatross’ special wings.

B. It’s about the albatross’ great abilities.

C. It’s about the albatross’ great shape.

D. It’s about the albatross’ energy.

35. After reading the passage, we can know krill is __________.

A. the albatross’ food B. the albatross’ drink

C. a kind of fish D. a kind of squid

36. Someone says that the albatross is like a cleaner of the sea because _______________.

A. it is as hard-working as a cleaner

B. it is as busy as a cleaner[来源:学科网ZXXK]

C. it does the work similar to a cleaner

D. it always make its house clean.


There is good news for coffee-lovers. A new report says coffee helps you live longer. Do you want to know more about it? Just read on.

Researchers did a survey among about 200,000 people who drank five cups of coffee a day. Researcher Dr. Hu said coffee may have health benefits. It may reduce premature(过早) death from several diseases.

Studies showed that coffee might reduce the risk of heart disease and other serious illnesses. Some researchers said that coffee might protect people from suicide(自杀). One of the coffee-lovers said , “Maybe coffee can make us relaxed and happy. Some people may give up their ideas of killing themselves.”

Researchers have already known that coffee might provide many health benefits, but they haven’t found out why. Dr Hu has been doing a lot of researches on coffee. He said, “coffee is a complex drink. It’s very difficult to tell which component of coffee is responsible for which benefit.” Researchers said that while coffee has health benefits, things added to it, such as cream and sugar do not.

37. Researchers did a survey among some people. The people drank up to ___________ a day.

A. one cup of coffee B. two cups of coffee

C. five cups of coffee D. six cups of coffee

38. Coffee might reduce the risk of illnesses and protect people from suicide. One of the reasons is that _____________.

A. Coffee might make people feel relaxed and happy

B. Coffee might make people want to kill themselves

C. Coffee might make people feel sleepy all day

D. Coffee might make people feel bored and sad

39. After reading the passage, which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Researchers haven’t known drinking coffee has some health benefits.

B. Researchers haven’t found out why coffee has some health benefits.

C. It is very easy to tell which component of coffee is responsible for which benefit.

D. Things added to coffee, such as cream and sugar have health benefits, too.

40. We can read the passage in a magazine which is probably named “___________”.

A. Food & Drink B. Men & Nature

C. Fashion Show D. World Geography



41. Tony is a sports fan. He likes studying, too. This summer, he would like to visit a place where he can enjoy sports.

42. Judy lives in high mountains. So she would most like to see the sea and enjoy water sports. And she hopes to go to a country where she can eat different kinds of fresh fruits.

43. Sam likes places where the people are friendly. He loves to make friends with people who are from different countries. And he hopes to live comfortably there and have a good rest.

44. Lisa loves animals a lot. She is always trying to do something to protect animals. So she hopes to go somewhere she can have fun staying with the animals she has hardly seen before.

45. Ron is interested in collecting different things. He would like to go somewhere he can find some new collections. At the same time, he loves to eat something sweet.

A. Brazil is the land of soccer. The people are really friendly. Most of them are good at sports. And the 31st Olympic Games will be held there in 2016.

B. Canada is one of the best places to live in the world with fresh air. Canadians are gentle and friendly. You can always see lots of foreigners there.

C. Australia is the land of rare animals such as koalas and kangaroos. And the best wool is produced there. It’s a good idea to enjoy operas in Sydney.

D. Britain is well-known around the world. However, do you know it’s famous for lots of churches and museums? People can learn a lot there.

E. Switzerland is the land of watches. Of course, the people there are serious about being on time. Besides these, the country is famous for its sweet food, like chocolates.

F. Thailand lies to the south of China. It grows all kinds of tropical(热带的) fruits. It has many lovely beaches and it’s famous for elephants.




Dear David,

Thank you for your letter. I am __46__ to know that everything is going well with you. __47__ also for the photos. Linda looks healthier and __48__ than before.

It is very hot here now, but it sometimes __49__. We love the rains very much. We are __50__ our stay here. I am now studying in a __51__ school. There are more __52__ and students in this school than in my school in England. My teachers and classmates are all very __53__ to me.

Time goes so quickly. I am having new experience all the time. It is difficult to __54__ Chinese. But I am making progress __55__ the help of my teachers and classmates.

The summer holiday is __56__. Here in Jinan the summer holiday usually __57__ about two months. So I'II be free for over sixty days. I hope you and Linda could __58__ to Jinan for a __59__. Then I can show you __60__ the famous “Spring City” in China.

Love to you and Linda.



46. A. glad B. angry C. surprisedD. sad

47. A. Thanks B. Ask C. Hope D. Wish

48. A. slower B. taller C. shorter D. smaller

49. A. floods B. winds C. snows D. rains

50. A. fond B. disliking C. enjoying D. hating

51. A. shorter B. taller C. smaller D. bigger

52. A. libraries B. teachers C. buildings D. classrooms

53. A. rough B. friendly C. unfriendly D. rude

54. A. know B. find C. learn D. see

55. A. as B. under C. by D. with

56. A. finished B. coming C. going D. over

57. A. takes B. spends C. lasts D. costs

58. A. run B. walk C. go D. come

59. A. sight B. visit C. job D. work

60. A. around B. to C. for D. visit





Are leaders(领导者) born or made ? some believe that __61__ (leader) are born. They say you can find leadership traits at a young age buy watching __62__ (they) getting along with other children. These children __63__ (be) often very popular or have lots of friends. Although this is true, I believe leadership can be made later. I believe this __64__ I don’t think anyone is perfect. Some people are smart __65__ school and they can get good grades, while others seems to be __66__ (clever) outside of school and they like taking part in creative activities.

We all have the ability to change who we are. Of course, it’s not about __67__ (change) the whole of you. It is more about being able to know your flaw (缺陷) in order to start __68__ (work) on becoming a better __69__ (people).

Take __70__ good look at yourself but most importantly be honest. please see and correct your flaws. Only then can you get success and become a leader in your own special way at last.




71. The medicine should be taken t______ a day after lunch and dinner.

72. Children enjoy eating in KFC. They love the food and friendly s________ there.

73. He is a great singer. He sings the most b________.

74. The Greens went to the b________ last year because they like the sea very much.

75. Speak louder, please. I can h________ hear you.

76. Sara won the first prize in the dancing c________ in the end.

77. Liz settled back in her seat, c________ relaxed, enjoying the music with eyes closed.

78. This is a s________ decision. I’m not joking.

79. I can't really tell all the d________ between the two pictures.

80. It is good to relax by watching TV, but we think the best way to relax is t________ exercise.



81. How do you like the TV play?

________ ________ you ________ ________ the TV play?

82. What do you want to do this afternoon?

What ________ you ________ ________ ________ this afternoon?

83. Jim gets up at 6:00. But John gets up at 6:30.

John ________ get up ________ ________ ________ Jim.

84. Hearing what the class thought about action movies was interesting.

________ ________ interesting ________ ________ what the class thought about action movies.

85. I finally lost the match. So did my best friend.

My best friend and I ________ ________ ________ ________.

86. Tom and Jack don’t look the same.

Tom ________ ________ ________ Jack.

87. My favorite subject is English.

I like English ________ than ________ ________ subject.

88. Sam often asks me, “Do you need help with your school work?”

Sam often asks me ________ ________ need help with ________ school work.

89. Did you buy any special things when you were in Paris?

Did you buy ________ ________ when you were in Paris?

90. This dictionary is useful while that one isn’t.

This dictionary is ________ ________ ________ of the two.



1~5. BACCB6~10. BCCAC11~15.BBCBB


16~20. ACDAD21~25. ABBDB


26~30. ABCAC31~35. DCBBA36~40. CCABA41~45. AFBCE



46~50. AABDC51~55. DBBCD56~60. BCDBA


61. leaders62. them63. are64. because65. at

66. cleverer67. changing68. working69. person70. a



71. twice72. service73. beautiful74. beach75. hardly

76. competition77. comfortably78. serious79. differences80. through


81. Whatdoyou thinkof / aboutthe TV play?

82. What wouldyou liketodothis afternoon?

83. John doesn’t get up as / soearlyasJim.

84. Itisinteresting tohearwhat the class thought about action movies.

85. My best friend and I bothlostthematch.

86. Tom looksdifferentfromJack.

87. I like English betterthan anyothersubject.

88. Sam often asks me ifIneed help with myschool work.

89. Did you buy anythingspecialwhen you were in Paris?

90. This dictionary is themoreusefulof the two.

