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西安电子科技大学网络教育学院 模拟试题(一) 《科技英语》期末考试试题 (考试形式120分钟) 题号 五 总分 题分 得分 ut the following sentences into Chinese: (4 points for each) 1. The current reaches the maxim um value whenw=wo similar to the situation in a series resonant circuit 2. With the switch on pos ition 1, the output im pedance will be maximum. 3. The greater the nuclear mass, the less of the neutrons energy is transferred to the nucleus 4. XVI is used to express the num ber of 16. To express a number a thousand times larger the romans put a line above that num ber. 5. In this case the signal waveform can be transmitted undistorted 6. A capacitor is a device consisting of two conductors separated by a non-conductor 7. Expressed in a formula, the re lationship between voltage current and resistance can be written as∨=IR 8. This account for the observation that the resistivity of a metal increases with cem perature 9. While there has been an enomous amount of literature about atM over the past two years, many networking books have not focused on ATM itself. 10. The advantage of TDMA over SCPC is that more ground stations can share a single satellite trans ponder

西安电子科技大学网络教育学院 模拟试题(一) 《科技英语》期末考试试题 (考试形式 120 分钟) 题号 一 二 三 四 五 总分 题分 得分 I. Put the following sentences into Chinese: (4 points for each) 1. The current reaches the maximum value when w = w 0 , similar to the situation in a series resonant circuit. 2. With the switch on position 1, the output impedance will be maximum. 3. The greater the nuclear mass, the less of the neutron's energy is transferred to the nucleus. 4. XVI is used to express the number of 16. To express a number a thousand times larger, the Romans put a line above that number. 5. In this case the signal waveform can be transmitted undistorted. 6. A capacitor is a device consisting of two conductors separated by a non-conductor. 7. Expressed in a formula, the relationship between voltage, current, and resistance can be written as V = IR. 8. This account for the observation that the resistivity of a metal increases with temperature. 9. While there has been an enormous amount of literature about ATM over the past two years, many networking books have not focused on ATM itself. 10. The advantage of TDMA over SCPC is that more ground stations can share a single satellite transponder

11. In 1895, a German physicist discovered what are known as X rays 12. The material of which this conductor is made is copper. 13. It is when an object is heated that the average speed of molecules is increased 14. Only when we exert on an object an upward force sufficient in magnitude can we lift it 15. In every atom in its nomal state the number of protons equals the number of electrons something that is directly related to the electrical properties of the proton and the electron II. Translate the following into Chinese: (40 points in all) A computer is a machine and, like all machines, must be directed and controlled to perfom a task. Until a program is prepared and stored in the computer's memory the computer knows" absolutely nothing, not even how to accept data. No matter how good a computer may be, it must be "told what to do. The utility of a com puter cannot be fully realized therefore until the capabilities (and the lim itations) of the computer are recognized 1. Repetitive operation: a com puter can perform similar operations thousands of times without becoming bored, tired, or careless. 2. Speed: a computer processes infom ation at extremely rapid rates. For example modern com puters can solve certain classes of problems millions of times faster than a skilled mathematician. 3. Flexibility: general-purpose computers may be programmed to solve many types of problems. 4. Accuracy: com puters may be programmed to calculate answers with a desired level of accuracy as specified by the programmer. 5. Intuition: a computer has no intuition. a man may suddenly find the answers to a problem without working out the details, but a com puter can only proceed as ordered In exam ining any computer system, there are three levels at which it is useful to consider the candidate machine: the architectural level, the organizational level and the implementation level. The architecture of a computer is often defined as the set of resources seen by the programmer. At the organizational level, one views of the computer system beneath the visible architectural level. At the im plementation level, we view the com puter system as a collection of wires, cables, semiconductor chips and discrete components

11. In 1895, a German physicist discovered what are known as X rays. 12. The material of which this conductor is made is copper. 13. It is when an object is heated that the average speed of molecules is increased. 14. Only when we exert on an object an upward force sufficient in magnitude can we lift it. 15. In every atom in its normal state, the number of protons equals the number of electrons, something that is directly related to the electrical properties of the proton and the electron. II. Translate the following into Chinese: (40 points in all) A computer is a machine and, like all machines, must be directed and controlled to perform a task. Until a program is prepared and stored in the computer's memory, the computer "knows" absolutely nothing, not even how to accept data. No matter how good a computer may be, it must be "told" what to do. The utility of a computer cannot be fully realized, therefore, until the capabilities (and the limitations) of the computer are recognized: 1. Repetitive operation: a computer can perform similar operations thousands of times, without becoming bored, tired, or careless. 2. Speed: a computer processes information at extremely rapid rates. For example, modern computers can solve certain classes of problems millions of times faster than a skilled mathematician. 3. Flexibility: general-purpose computers may be programmed to solve many types of problems. 4. Accuracy: computers may be programmed to calculate answers with a desired level of accuracy as specified by the programmer. 5. Intuition: a computer has no intuition. A man may suddenly find the answers to a problem without working out the details, but a computer can only proceed as ordered. In examining any computer system, there are three levels at which it is useful to consider the candidate machine: the architectural level, the organizational level and the implementation level. The architecture of a computer is often defined as the set of resources seen by the programmer. At the organizational level, one views of the computer system beneath the visible architectural level. At the implementation level, we view the computer system as a collection of wires, cables, semiconductor chips and discrete components

西安电子科技大学网络教育学院 模拟试题(二) 《科技英语》期末考试试题 考试形式120分钟 题号 五 总分 题分 得分 I. Put the following sentences into Chinese: (4 points for each The varieties of nonferrous(有色金属) metal are nearly four times what they were Faraday was unable to calculate the velocity of propagation of electrom agnetic waves, a task which required the mathematical precision of Maxwell, which Faraday entirely lacked 3. The wave theory can give no reason why there should be a threshold frequency below which no photoe lectrons are observed no matter how strong the light beam, something that follows naturally form the quantum theory 4. The first step in a nuclear reaction between two colliding nuclear particles is their joining together to form a com pound nucleus 5. A further com plication is the tendency of the pilot's blood to leave his he ad because of inertia, leaving him im paired vision and perhaps unconscious 6. Discussion of this material is deferred until the final chapter because only then is the feedback, circuit, and application background necessary to fully appreciate the subtleties of com pensating modem operational am plifiers available 7 Of wider application is the fact that matter usually expands when its tem perature is increased and contracts when its temperature is decreased 8. The greater the nuclear mass, the less of the neutrons energy is transferred to the nucleus 9. The turning of the earth on its own axis is what makes the change from day to night 10. It is the existence of and the ability to control precisely these two independent charge-transport mechanisms that make possible all junction semiconductor devices

西安电子科技大学网络教育学院 模拟试题(二) 《科技英语》期末考试试题 (考试形式 120 分钟) 题号 一 二 三 四 五 总分 题分 得分 I. Put the following sentences into Chinese: (4 points for each) • The varieties of nonferrous( 有色金属 ) metal are nearly four times what they were. 2. Faraday was unable to calculate the velocity of propagation of electromagnetic waves, a task which required the mathematical precision of Maxwell, which Faraday entirely lacked. 3. The wave theory can give no reason why there should be a threshold frequency below which no photoelectrons are observed, no matter how strong the light beam , something that follows naturally form the quantum theory. 4. The first step in a nuclear reaction between two colliding nuclear particles is their joining together to form a compound nucleus. 5. A further complication is the tendency of the pilot's blood to leave his head because of inertia, leaving him impaired vision and perhaps unconscious. 6. Discussion of this material is deferred until the final chapter because only then is the feedback, circuit, and application background necessary to fully appreciate the subtleties of compensating modem operational amplifiers available. 7. Of wider application is the fact that matter usually expands when its temperature is increased and contracts when its temperature is decreased. 8. The greater the nuclear mass, the less of the neutron's energy is transferred to the nucleus. 9. The turning of the earth on its own axis is what makes the change from day to night. 10. It is the existence of and the ability to control precisely these two independent charge-transport mechanisms that make possible all junction semiconductor devices

11. A new technology introduced in the 1960s, laser can pierce the hardest substance such as diamond 12. This is so sensitive an ammeter that it can measure the slight change in current. Light durable, sim ple and inexpensive such devices are warm ly rece ived by users. The question now arises whether this series converges Feed back plays an important role in amost all electronic circi ts study is introduced here to provide a view of the amplifier as a gain element. II. Translate the following into Chinese: (40 points in all) Modern civilization would be im possible without the use of large quantities of energy. In the last forty years, energy usage in the United States has increased more than 400% while the accompanying population increase has been only 72%o. Thus the per capita use of energy in the United states has increased at a very fast rate Until recently the world's energy demands were met alm ost entirely through the use of fossil fuels: wood, coal, petroleum, and natural gas. Since these are lim ited in quantity however, other sources must be found Nuclear and solar energy are two alternate sources, and neither of them i lim ited. It has been calculated for instance that the energy demands of the whole world could be met by utilizing the solar energy falling on a 125-mile square plot of ground near the equator. At the present time, however, nuclear and solar energy make up only a small fraction of the total energy used. as our knowledge and means of converting these ample energy supplies into usable foms increase, we shall be better able to keep pace with rising energy needs. However, it will take more than just the efforts'of science to solve the energy problem. Fuel conservation by all segments of the population must accompany new scientific advances. Briefly stated science is the search for relationships that explain and predict the be havior of the universe. Technology is the application of these re lationships to our needs and goals Finding new energy sources falls into the realm of science. Develo ping and utilizing these discoveries are matters of technology. The complementary work of scientists and technologists is also referred to, respectively research and develo pment. Both government and private industry allocate large sums of money to support the research and development activities of scientists and engineers Without such support, there would be little im provement in the processes, products, and services that are derived from these activities

11. A new technology introduced in the 1960s, laser can pierce the hardest substance such as diamond. 12. This is so sensitive an ammeter that it can measure the slight change in current. • Light, durable, simple and inexpensive , such devices are warmly received by users. • The question now arises whether this series converges. • Feedback plays an important role in almost all electronic circuits. Its study is introduced here to provide a view of the amplifier as a gain element. II. Translate the following into Chinese: (40 points in all) Modern civilization would be impossible without the use of large quantities of energy. In the last forty years, energy usage in the United States has increased more than 400% while the accompanying population increase has been only 72%. Thus the per capita use of energy in the United States has increased at a very fast rate. Until recently, the world's energy demands were met almost entirely through the use of fossil fuels: wood, coal, petroleum, and natural gas. Since these are limited in quantity, however, other sources must be found. Nuclear and solar energy are two alternate sources, and neither of them is limited. It has been calculated, for instance, that the energy demands of the whole world could be met by utilizing the solar energy falling on a 12 5-mile square plot of ground near the equator. At the present time, however, nuclear and solar energy make up only a small fraction of the total energy used. As our knowledge and means of converting these ample energy supplies into usable form s increase, we shall be better able to keep pace with rising energy needs. However, it will take more than just the efforts' of science to solve the energy problem. Fuel conservation by all segments of the population must accompany new scientific advances. Briefly stated, science is the search for relationships that explain and predict the behavior of the universe. Technology is the application of these relationships to our needs and goals. Finding new energy sources falls into the realm of science. Developing and utilizing these discoveries are matters of technology. The complementary work of scientists and technologists is also referred to, respectively, as research and development. Both government and private industry allocate large sums of money to support the research and development activities of scientists and engineers. Without such support, there would be little improvement in the processes, products, and services that are derived from these activities

西安电子科技大学网络教育学院 模拟试题(三) 《科技英语》期末考试试题 考试形式120分钟 题号 五 总分 题分 得分 I. Put the following sentences into Chinese: (4 points for each) 1. It is im portant for the reader to learn and understand the basic concepts and operatio ns presented here or the development and the applications of later to pics will be difficult to com prehend 2. The capacitance of a capacitor depends on the size of the plates and their distance apart 3. Large or small all circuits will contain the same kinds of components 4. a base ball that lands in an open soon comes to rest because of its interaction with the groun 5. The effect of tem perature on the resistance of a sem iconductor must be taken into account 6. These layers are not stretched" as a rubber sheet would be. 7. Full use must be made of the computers available 8. Gravity is the tendency of all objects to attract, and be attracted by, each other 9. Having studied this chapter the reader will understand the principles of a radio receiver 10. Each planet revolves around the sun in an elliptical orbit, with the sun at one focus of the 11. The line of action is a line of infinite length, of which the force vector is a segment 12. As pointed out in the last chapter, the emf of a battery is generated by the chemical reaction with in it

西安电子科技大学网络教育学院 模拟试题(三) 《科技英语》期末考试试题 (考试形式 120 分钟) 题号 一 二 三 四 五 总分 题分 得分 I . Put the following sentences into Chinese: (4 points for each) 1. It is important for the reader to learn and understand the basic concepts and operations presented here, or the development and the applications of later topics will be difficult to comprehend. 2. The capacitance of a capacitor depends on the size of the plates and their distance apart. 3. Large or small , all circuits will contain the same kinds of components. 4. A baseball that lands in an open soon comes to rest because of its interaction with the ground. 5. The effect of temperature on the resistance of a semiconductor must be taken into account. 6. These layers are not “stretched” as a rubber sheet would be. 7. Full use must be made of the computers available. 8. Gravity is the tendency of all objects to attract, and be attracted by, each other. 9. Having studied this chapter, the reader will understand the principles of a radio receiver. 10. Each planet revolves around the sun in an elliptical orbit, with the sun at one focus of the ellipse . 11. The line of action is a line of infinite length, of which the force vector is a segment. 12. As pointed out in the last chapter, the emf of a battery is generated by the chemical reaction within it
