首页 >  硕士研究生英语口语题目  > 2020考研复试英语口语必练题:研究生的社会责任是什么?




题目——What social responsibilities should a postgraduate take?


Thanks for the question!

Being a qualified post graduate in my eyes,first of all, we should concentrate on what we are studying and try our best to make some achievements in the field.Students ought to play the primary role in studying ,which is also the most important social responsibility for us. So, we are supposed to make reasonable arrangements and spend most of the time taking classes,reading books,attending lectures and academic conferences.

If time permitting,I am also considering how to help those people who are in desperate need of knowledge,like volunteering to teach children in remotely mountainous areas. This is a more practical way of realizing the value of knowledge in my view.

At last, I , from an ordinary working-class family, hope to reduce my parents’ burdens in return for their support of my study.I may participate in some spare-time job on campus when available.


1. Thanks for the question!


2. Being a qualified post graduate in my eyes,first of all, we should concentrate on what we are studying and try our best to make some achievements in the field.Students ought to play the primary role in studying ,which is also the most important social responsibility for us. So, we are supposed to make reasonable arrangements and spend most of the time taking classes,reading books,attending lectures and academic conferences.


1. qualified:合格的

2. concentrateon:专注于...

3. oughtto :应该,应当,更强调义务

4. makereasonable arrangements:做出合理安排

5. attendlectures:参加讲座

6. academicconference:学术会议

3. If time permitting,I am also considering how to helpthose people who are in desperate need of knowledge,like volunteering toteach children in remotely mountainous areas. This is a more practicalway of realizing the value of knowledge in my view.


7. iftime permitting:如果时间允许...

8. indesperate need of :极度渴求...

9. inremotely mountainous areas:偏远山区

10. Realizethe value of knowledge:实现知识的价值

4. At last, I , from an ordinaryworking-class family, hope to reduce my parents’ burdens in return fortheir support of my study.I may participate in some spare-time job on campuswhen available.


11. inreturn for:回报

12. oncampus:在校园内

13. available:有空的

