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    一个很好的栗子,来自哈佛医学院系统生物学的副教授Angela DePace在ibiology课程上的介绍。视频部分参见 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1bL41177j1?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0



    My name is Angela DePace, and I'm an associate professor in the department of systems biology at Harvard Medical School.

    My lab works on the mechanism and evolution of gene regulation in animals. And so the reason why we care about this problem is because if you look across different organisms, they often have very similar genes or sort of a similar toolkit, but a lot of what makes them different from one another is how they deploy those genes or how they use them. So that comes down to differences in how genes are turned on and off in different cells. And so we really want to understand how that information is encoded in the genome and how it's read out to produce different gene expression patterns in space and time. And to do that we use computational modeling and really high resolution experiments in fruit fly embryos.




    ① 首先进行介绍研究领域的大方向;

    ② 然后用the reason why we care about this problem is带出研究背景;

    ③ 接着利用 so that comes down to / we really want to understand这些句型对课题方向进行细化;

    ④ 最后利用to do that, we...简单介绍了一下研究材料和方法。






    My name is..., I'm a (identity) at (institution).


    I earned/received/got my bachelor's/master's degree from (institution).

    I earned/received/got my Ph.D. in (major/area/field) from (institution).

    I performed my Master's thesis at (institution) under supervision of (supervisor).


  ① 研究领域(大方向):

    My area of interests is in...

    I study...,which is...

    My project focuses on...

   ② 研究背景

    The reason we care about this problem is because...

   ③ 深入到具体课题方向

    So we really want to understand is that...

    One of these things that I particularly interested in is...

   ④ 介绍研究材料和方法

    To do that, we use...





