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(北京师范大学 教育学部,北京 100875)

【摘 要】课程教学问题是学校教育的基本问题。课程论主要研究课程问题,即学校教育内容的选择、组织和加工问题;教学论主要研究教学问题,教学是学校教育的基本活动形式,教学问题主要关涉学校教育的基本过程方法。课程与教学论研究的基本问题包括课程教学的价值问题、本体问题和策略问题三大类型。当前,在社会变革和教育变革的双重驱动下,课程与教学论研究出现了若干热点问题,如课程教学信息化、课程教学优质化、课程育人、教学育人等,亟须结合实践变革进行深入的学理探讨。


The Basic Problems and Current Hot Topics of Curriculum and Pedagogy Theoretical Research

WANG Benlu

(Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875,China)

Abstract:Curriculum and pedagogy both are core issues in school education. Research on curriculum mainly includes the selection,organization and processing of education content. Teaching is the basic form of school education, while research on teaching mainly related to the process and methods of school education. Values, essence and strategies are the three basic issues of curriculum andpedagogy. Under the dual drive of social change and educational reform at present, several hot issues have emerged in curriculum and pedagogy research, such as the informatization and the optimization of curriculum and pedagogy, and the exploitation of education function of curriculum and teaching, etc, which worth investigating and discussing.

Keywords:teaching theory; curriculum theory; value problem; essential problem; strategy problem

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