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B2U3 text one Topic sensitivity

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Reading Text Two>Text Two

Traditional Chinese Medicine Today: Still Evolving after 5,000 Years

Wu Chengliang, Morag Hobbs, Liu Ning, Liang Jun

Culture Notes

1 The dawn of traditional Chinese medicine is still somewhat shrouded in mystery, with many people claiming it began anywhere from 3,000 to over 5,000 years ago. What is certain, however, is that traditional Chinese medicine, or TCM, was being tried and tested long before the inception of Western medicine, and is still evolving today.



2 Practitioners of TCM train for years, learning the intricacies of herbal medicines and physical practices to treat and prevent health problems. Huang Shu, Director of Beijing Huangshu Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, says TCM is a preferred form of treatment for many as it is natural and doesn’t produce drug resistance, noting “traditional Chinese medicine is going global because, to put it bluntly, people need to stay healthy.”



3 TCM for a First Timer

As someone who had never before stepped into the world of TCM, I visited the Beijing-based hospital to discover more, and hopefully, find a solution for a neck problem I’ve had for a year or so. The hospital spans three floors of consultation and treatment rooms, and has an English speaking doctor to help foreign patients who want to try traditional Chinese medicine.




4 After a quick checkup, my doctor prescribed Chinese massage, acupuncture and cupping to relax and relieve the muscles in my neck and shoulder. When asked why she chose this career, she explained, “Chinese medicine is a good way to help people, not only in their bodies, but also in their mind and in their soul.”



5 I was whisked away to a quiet room with a massage bed and handed some pajamas and a cup of hot tea to relax — a world away from my usual experience in a UK doctor’s surgery. After a short massage to locate the problem area, the acupuncture began. The doctor used two needle lengths, short ones for my neck and hand and longer ones for my shoulder muscles, which felt similar to a small scratch.



6 While she placed the needles, the doctor explained why she was focusing on specific areas of my body, as I questioned why I required a needle in my hand, when the pain was in my neck. She explained that traditional Chinese medicine views a person as “one skin,” where the whole body is connected, and a change in one area of the body can affect another.



7 After the needles were removed, it was time for cupping, where suction is created using heat (in this case fire), which is believed to increase blood flow and promote healing. The sensation was bizarre, like someone pulling on slightly sunburnt skin. Although not painful, it’s an unusual sensation to somebody who has never experienced it before.



8 While I was still in somewhat of a trance, the doctor gently moved me into a number of positions and applied pressure — amounting to an almighty crack from the problem neck area. I was starting to see why TCM had remained so popular, as I quickly realized that the dull ache in my neck had disappeared.



9 TCM Moves Overseas

TCM is no longer only popular in China, and has been slowly moving overseas for a number of years. According to Huang, although TCM had made appearances in other countries before, it really entered the Western limelight in 1972 when then US President Richard Nixon visited China. “When Nixon visited China, we performed acupuncture anesthesia. This incident was published by The New York Times alongside the Apollo 17 Lunar landing, which set off an acupuncture fever in the United States.”




10 Since the 70s, China’s relationship with the world has changed dramatically. China’s reform and opening up policies, along with extensive foreign trade in services thanks to Belt and Road links, have promoted the development of TCM culture to the world, not to mention the move of many Chinese citizens abroad for both study and work. They brought with them Chinese medicine, which in turn has become an alternative medicine in many Western countries. Moreover, details regarding traditional Chinese medicine will be included for the first time in the 11th version of the World Health Assembly’s global compendium, which will be published next year, according to Thepaper.cn in September, meaning that more people will become aware of the benefits of TCM as it is further publicized by global health organizations.

