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Thank you for your question. I don't think we can escape a difficulty in the face of examinations ,that is, pressure.both from the outside and from ourselves. In the process of preparing for the exam,I also encountered this problem. At first.l felt a little powerless. But when I realized that the postgraduate entrance examination was not only to select people with superior learning ability. but also to choose people with strong psychological endurance,I suddenly felt that he became the drivingforce,because my goal was my depressant .Thankyou,teacher



Thank you for your question. The reason whyi am determined to take the postgraduate entrance examination is that I firmly believe in the idiom of " Knowledge is infinite". Insisting on learning will let us have a broader life and more opportunities. The second is because I think if I don't consolidate and deepen what I learned during my undergraduate course ,I may gradually forget it in the future. Third. l also have a dream ofscientific research especially after reading there search results of all tooch I hope l canachieve something in a certain field .Thank you .teacher.



Thank you for your question. My favorite book is the Great Gatsby. The reason why l like this book is that I like its mystery and fuzziness. Unlike the detailed description and depiction in other novels.Gatsby's imageis fuzzy. which attracts me to make different interpretations. i think the core point of this book is "pure dream" Many times we will tell ourselves not to forget our original intention . but most of us have gradually lost our original intention in our growth. When we strive to move forward,we are likesailing against the current. We keep moving forward.but we are pushed back to the past. At the sametime,we should always go to see our original dreams and beliefs, so that we can truly achieve"never forget our original intention, we must always.




Thank you for your question. in my submission ,study is indispensable but hobbies can relax people and make them more efficient. As far as I am concerned. my first hobby is reading. Every new book I read is like opening a new chapter in my life. As Shakespeare oncesaid. books are the nourishment of all human beings. They can cultivate my sentiment and help me get rid of the disturbance from outside . My second hobby is mountain climbing (XxX) . In this process.I can devte myself what I do and become more focused. Thank you. teacher .



Thank you for your question. I think my weakness is that I have not strong leadership ability in collective activities. I prefer to work with partners to complete learning assignments .This makes me less visible in the crowd and sometimes less able to play my strengths. But I have made up my mind tocorrect this problem, and i will express my ideasin time, Thank you.teacher



Thank you for your question. There are three members in my family,my parents and me. My father is XXX. He often goes out to work ,somost of the housework is done by my mother .lt's my common hobby to travel on weekends . The fresh air and beautiful scenery can help us get rid of the fatigue,and the relationship between our families becomes more intimate .in the process of preparing for postgraduate entrance examination.the encouragement and love of my family has always been my strength. Thank you,teacher.



Thank you for your question. I graduated from the XXX University. which is located in XX City,XX Province. lt is a university with computer major as the key discipline . so no matter what major you are,you need to study the C language course. in addition. l like the library of our university very much. There are more than 50000 books in it. lt is very convenient to search and borrow. Since preparing for the exam.l have been reviewing in the library. i am very grateful that my school provides us with such a learning environment, so that I can prepare for the exam without any distractions. Thank you. teacher



Thank you for your question. Due to the impact of the epidemic, we have to carry out online education at home. Compared with traditional education . online classes are more convenient and can save a lot of time. But at the same time .there are also some problems .such as the inability to ensure the efficiency of listening, the lack of seriousness in the classroom, and the communication is not as convenient as face-to-face communication .Therefore,I prefer traditional education and hope to return to the classroom earlier and meet the teachers and my classmates. Thank you, teacher



Thank you for your question. i think my biggest advantage is more self-discipline.I like a planned life every time I can complete my tasks on time and efficiently. no matter in study or in life. In addition .I prefer to be alone. because being alone gives me more time to think which Ilike very much. The process of doing research may be boring or monotonous. so it is very important to learn to be alone and enjoy loneliness. Thank you,teacher .

