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How to write a summary?

英语强调学习过程,所以summary writing也不例外。

我们可以将summary writing分为两个环节:

before you write a summary


when you write a summary.


Before you write a summary

1. Read the entire text and ask yourselfwhat the author’s purpose is.

2. Re-read the introductory paragraph(s)and find the thesis statement.

3. Re-read the rest of the text.

Ineach paragraph, highlight, underline, or circle the main idea and key points. Youcan also annotate(注释) the important information.

When you write a summary

1. Begin by stating the title ofthe text, the author’s full name (if it’s given), and his or her purpose for writing.

2. Use the text you highlighted orannotated to explain the author’s thesis and main ideas.

3. Remember to:

keep the summary short (about one-thirdto one-fourth as long as the original).

Include only the original text’smain ideas.

Do not include details, examples,information that is not in the original, or your own opinion.

Write the summary mostly in yourown words but do not change the author’s ideas.





Lee Brandon和KellyBrandon (2014)认为,summary应该是原文的1/3到1/4之间。

Debra Daise(2016)等人认为,Reduce the length of the originalby about two-thirds, although the exact reduction will vary, depending on the contentof the original.



Have a try


Summarize the following passage.

Preparing for Your First Job Interview

By Jim Sweeny

You’ve just graduated from school. Now comes the scary part: interviewing for your first job. For many recent graduates, this is an anxiety-provoking time. However, there are some simple ways to prepare for this challenging experience.

First, you should make a list of the questions you might be asked. In many job interviews, you have to answer questions about your academic experience and how it has prepared you for the job. For example, you might be asked to discuss how your participation in student government or sports has given you experience working on a team. You will, of course, also be asked how your experience and talents fit with the company’s goals.

Once you’ve got your question, you should then think about possible answers and practice responding to them. Employers will expect you to talk in detail about your experience and use examples. Make sure that your answers describe particular situations you faced, the actions you took and the results you achieved. Once you’ve got your responses, try practicing on your friends or family members. This will make you feel comfortable speaking in front of a person.

Finally, don’t get discouraged if you aren’t hired the first, second, or third time you interview. Think of every interview as practice for the most important one: the interview that will get you a job. (222 words)


1. What is the author’s purpose for writing the text?

A. He’s describing his first job interview experience.

B. He’s comparing and contrasting two interviewing styles.

C. He’s explaining how to get ready for a job interview.

2. What is the thesis statement?

3. What are the two main ideas that support the thesis statement?

4. In the last paragraph, how does the author conclude the article?

A. He re-states the article’s main points.

B. He makes a final suggestion.

C. He makes a prediction about the future.

如果你回答了以上问题,你已经对原文的main idea和 key information有了大致了解,动手写概要吧,八九不离十了。

写概要的时候,下面的 checklist 或许还可以帮你反思并规范内容。

Your summary…

1. presents the original text’s title.

2. presents the author’s full name.

3. presents the author’s purpose for writing.

4. identifies the thesis statement.

5. identifies all of the text’s main ideas.

6. selects the key information in the text.

7. does not include details or other information not included in the text.

8. is mostly written in your own words.

9. is clear and easy to follow.


In the essay “Preparing for Your First Job Interview,” author Jim Sweeny gives advice to recent graduates who are interviewing for their first job. Specifically, he says that there are things they can do to prepare for the interview. First, Sweeny tells students that they should make a list of questions they might be asked. These questions are usually about how a person’s school experience relates to the job he or she is applying for. Then Sweeny says that students should prepare answers to the questions and practice responding to them, and he explains a way to do this. In conclusion, he tells students not to get discouraged by the interviewing process. 返回搜狐,查看
