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纯干货:个人陈述(PS)与研究计划(research proposal)的写作要点!

Here are a few tips to make your research, work and activities talk about you:


(1) Modify the motivation to your work, research and activities. Answer some of these: why did you choose to do what you did? what was your goal for yourself in this activity?


(2) Include the connection between your motivation and your methods. For example, how did you do a better job than expected?


(3)Do not talk about truths that your admissions readers will already know, such as the importance of hard work, or the impending global warming catastrophe. Talk about things only you know: your motivations and your very specific insights.


(4)Modify the “why they should care” section. If you have realized something, take it one step further: talk about your outlook on the future. For example, I have once written that living in Russia and US has made me both optimistic and focused on the spiritual.


(5) The reader can draw many conclusions about you from your experiences. Tell them the right ones, don’t make them think too hard.


(6) In the “what you did” and “insights” sections, keep only noteworthy or surprising things. You can distinguish them by asking yourself: how many people besides me could write this? That number should be small.


关于研究计划(reserach proposal)


(1, 2, 3)Describe the motivation for your research. What is the hole in the world that you were trying to fix? What is the best work done on this problem? What is the gap in this field that you are working in? Here is an example from my Masters thesis: “Solar cells employing pentacene could reach 44% efficiency, but fall short in reality due to limited energy transport.”


(4, 5) What was your particular idea to improve the current situation? What did you do? Do this on a high level. Here is mine: “We measured the transport of energy with spectroscopy in thin films and crystals of pentacene” In this, only the crystals part was a novel improvement, but the films were necessary for benchmarking.


(6) What did you see? This must be unambiguous and clear. Here is mine: “The length scales were NN and NNN nanometers”


(7, 8) What does all this mean? Why should the audience care? Here, you are returning to the big global picture. Here is mine: “Thin films will never make efficient solar cells, but crystals might.”


Additionally, highlight exciting and meaningful results from your work, or particular tricks you employed to get the result. Here is mine: “we observed an unexpected annihilation process. It should not happen based on current theory, so current theory is wrong.”


Write briefly, precisely, and without ambiguity. Next post, we will modify this formula for the personal statement and statement of purpose.

不管是写PS还是Research Proposal,文字内容需精简、准确、毫无歧义,Less is more。



