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出国留学个人陈述英文版怎么写?WordSunny2018-11-05  15:08:062548分享

获得全奖学金的学霸还是少部分人,那么对于大多数人来说,想写一篇完美的Personal Statement个人陈述(简称PS)还是要费一番功夫的。都觉得自己没有什么出彩的经历,不知从哪里下手。Wordsunny今日给大家分享一些写出国留学个人陈述的技巧。

我们都知道Personal Statement个人陈述的重要性,是在GPA、语言成绩等硬性条件固定下,能够让申请者脱颖而出的材料。虽说语言成绩如雅思托福这些都是可以刷分的,但因时间、个人技巧等局限性,大部分申请者是不占优势的。反过来说,如果PS也是死的,那就等于死两次了……那么PS这份材料只有活才可以。什么是活,就是读起来让招生官对你这个人感兴趣,把你的人生故事像写小说一样呈现。

招生官在申请季每天要看数千份PS,并且随着逐年增加的中国留学生数量,招生官对于千篇一律的PS必然是没有继续读下去的兴趣的。而PS的功能性很强,帮助申请者拿到心仪的offer,那么我们的PS要可以让招生官眼前一亮,文章内容有趣、并不是干巴巴的。那么我们的同学就要想办法把我们的Personal Statement个人陈述当成一种陈述来讲,申请者的成长故事、想法等等。读故事读故事一定会比读描述性的话语要更有趣,需要申请者在PS中注入大量的实例,和申请相关,和申请者的职业规划相关,或者和申请者对这个专业的热情相关的所有的故事,用故事来支撑申请者的PS。


这就要求我们必须要个性化。比如有的同学因为写出了他疯狂喜欢板球而得到青睐;有的同学就写我申请爱丁堡大学就是为了到爱丁堡动物园看看Sunshine和Tian tian两只熊猫而得到招生官的会心一笑;更有一些同学说自己十分爱吃泡面而被招生官青睐的有趣经历。









Personal Statement个人陈述(俗称PS)

Reference Letter推荐信 (2-3封)

Curriculum Vitae 简历

Research Proposal

(或 Study Plan ) 少数研究型专业要求

Portfolio (作品集)部分艺术类专业要求



Women aren’t suited for such hard subjects, my friend Seung-woo told me with a smug smile. Seung-woo didn’t think that mathematics was a field for women. Although he was my age and wasn’t tied down by most traditional beliefs, he believed that only men could be true mathematicians. The majority of people in my country, South Korea, believe the gender stereotype that women are inherently inferior to men in mathematics. I strongly disagree with this outdated notion. Women are just as capable of outstanding mathematical achievement as men, and I am determined to help disprove gender stereotypes through my example.

 Mathematics has always given me a deep sense of satisfaction. Even in elementary school, I was attracted to the precision and logic inherent in mathematical formulas. I devoured as much mathematical information as I could, collecting theorems of mathematicians such as Gauss and Euclid like other students collected stamps. I had the opportunity to test my skills and knowledge in high school, when I competed in several national math competitions, including the Korea Mathematical Olympiad. My strong showing in these venues, along with my top math grades and perfect math score on the Korean SAT, bolstered my confidence in my abilities. I was proud to prove to others that I was capable of performing at the highest levels.   Despite my strong interest and achievement in mathematics, it has been difficult for me to realize my potential due to the Korean educational system, which emphasizes cramming for tests instead of critical understanding. More significantly, Korean social biases against women in the fields of math and science have discouraged me from pursuing my love of mathematics. Thus, I want to study in the United States, where I will be able follow my dream without these constraints. For about a year, I have taken English language courses at a university in Washington, D.C., where I have gained a glimpse of American academic life from the inside. I am very impressed by American students devotion to their studies and the systems ability to support each students goals. I am therefore especially interested in attending Boston College, which, in addition to offering outstanding math and science courses, is renowned for its emphasis on cultivating students full development, or curapersonalis. At Boston College, I will be able to focus on my goal of becoming an excellent mathematician.   

 I am determined to succeed, but I know that I must overcome many challenges. Sometimes, when I feel discouraged by the obstacles I face as a Korean woman in mathematics, I imagine what my life will be like ten years from now. Armed with a Boston College degree, I will visit my old friend Seung-woo. We will have corresponded over the years, so hell already know about the many mathematics articles published in my name, and he will be well aware of the international acclaim they received. I will savor the day when Seung-woo admits that I was correct in believing that I could succeed as a mathematician. I will be proud to know that partly due to my achievements, the door to increased opportunities for women in math and science has swung open a little bit wider.







