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The first year consists mostly of courses;

General courses are courses within the domain of animal sciences. It depends on your former education which courses are obligatory for you.

Specialisation courses are courses that prepare for your major thesis within the specialisation of your choice.

Optional courses are courses that are not required for a specific specialisation, but fit with your interest. You can use optional courses in combination with a research practice to school yourself in a specific professional direction.

During the second year you write a major thesis in combination with a research practice or an internship


Animal Nutrition and Physiology (ANU-30806)

Nutrient Dynamics (ANU-30306)

Feed Technology (ANU-31306)

Health, Welfare and Management (ADP-30306)

Adaptation Physiology (ADP-30806)

Aquaculture Production Systems (AFI-31806)

Nutrition, Welfare and Reproduction in Aquaculture (AFI-32306)

Human and Veterinary Immunology (CBI-30306)

Development and Healthy Aging (HAP-31306)

Development and Healthy Aging (HAP-31306)

Integrated Neuroendocrinology (HAP-30806)

Thesis and Internship

A thesis or internship project for the specialisation Nutrition and Metabolism is conducted at the ANU, ADP, AFI, CBI or HAP chair group and results in a scientific report and a presentation. A thesis project usually links up with ongoing research at one of these research groups or is conducted in cooperation with commercial or (non-)governmental organisations. At the websites of the different chair groups, you can find more information about research topics.
