請選擇報讀之學位 Please select the degree program from below:
學士學位課程Undergraduate Programs 碩士學位課程Master Degree Programs博士學位課程Doctoral Degree Programs如有任何疑問,請聯絡以下有關部門直接查詢 For enquiry, please contact the following departments concerned:
部門Department 查詢事宜For Enquiring 聯絡電話Contact No. 電郵E-mail 註冊處Registry 學士學位課程 - 入學申請Application for Undergraduate Programs (853) 8897-2228 reg.newstu@must.edu.mo 研究生院School ofGraduate Studies 研究生課程 - 入學申請Application for Postgraduate Programs (853) 8897-2262 sgsad@must.edu.mo 資訊科技發展辦公室ITD Office 系統故障System Malfunction (853) 8897-2080 itsc@must.edu.mo 財務處Finance Office 繳費Payment (853) 8897-2298 fo_news@must.edu.mo