首页 >  澳洲QUT计算机研究生  > 讲座通知:澳大利亚昆士兰科技大学(QUT)田玉楚教授专题报告



报告题目: 大数据和商业价值

                     Big Data and Its Benefits to Business


报告时间:2017年11月21日星期二  10:00am-11:00am


报告人:Prof. Glen Yu-Chu Tian,School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,Queensland University of Technology, Australia





Now there is a buzzword everywhere: Big Data. How are we going to do something with the huge amount of information pilling up to better serve our business? This talk will review the evalution of business intelligence to the big data era. It will begin with a discussion on what/why/where big data. Then, it will discuss how to start with big data in business. After that, it will highlight the challenges in big data analysis and processing and poltential solutions to the challenges. Three typical case studies will be presented which we have been investigating. Our efforts and expertise in research and development of big data will also also introduced before we conclude the talk.



Professor Yu-Chu Tian, computer scientist and Australia Research Council (ARC) recognized expert of international standing. He is a professor of computer science at the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Queensland University of Technology in Australia. Prof Tian received the PhD degree from Zhejiang University in 1993 and the PhD degree from the University of Sydney in 2009. He worked in a number of universities in the mainland of China, Hong Kong, USA and Australia. Since 2002, he has been with Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia, initially as a Lecturer and Senior Lecturer, later as an Associate Professor and Head of Discipline of Networks and Communications, and currently as a Professor. He has published a monograph and over 200 refereed papers. His current research interests include big data, distributed computing, cloud computing, real-time computing, computer networks, and control theory and engineering. He led establishment QUT’s Netcom Discipline and Big Data Lab for Experimental HPC and Networks. He has also led several large-scale research projects from ARC and CRCs (Cooperative Research Centres). He is the editor-in-chief for Springer’s Handbook of Real-Time Computing, an Associate Editor for Information Sciences (Elsevier) and Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering (Wiley).


田玉楚教授,计算机科学家,澳大利亚研究理事会(ARC)认定的国际专家。澳大利亚昆士兰科技大学(QUT)计算机科学终身教授。田玉楚教授1993年获浙江大学工学博士学位,2009年获悉尼大学哲学博士学位。他曾在中国大陆、香港、美国和澳大利亚的多所大学工作;自2002年起至今任职于昆士兰科技大学计算机科学学院,先后任讲师、高级讲师、副教授、网络与通信系主任,现为计算机科学终身教授。迄今已发表专著1部及科研论文200余篇。研究兴趣包括大数据、分布式计算及云计算、实时计算、计算机网络、以及控制理论与工程。他创建了QUT的网络与通信系,在QUT领导建立了大数据高性能计算及网络实验室。承担主持了多项澳大利亚ARC国家基金及国家研究中心重大科研项目。现在担任Springer 的Handbook of Real-Time Computing丛书主编、Information Sciences以及Asia-Pacific Journal of Chem Eng杂志副主编(Associate Editor).


